Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > F.T.W.W.W

Chapter Two

by MonsterCuppycakes 4 reviews

Juliet and Harassment are like Coffee and Cream. But Juliet, she isn't appreciating it. 25/02/'11: I just realized I typed 666 words, that was a coincidence. But I guess it fits this chapter! XD

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-23 - Updated: 2011-02-26 - 666 words - Complete

Between Period Three and Period Four...
It's crowded in this hallway, too crowded. I can't stand it. It feels like people are practicly breathing down my neck. It's too close for comfort. I pull my History books and Sketchbook from my locker, and slam the locker door shut. It was a little loud, but I doubt anyone would care. I look up from the ground, after seeing a pair of black sneakers, and one person wearing uggs.
"Where do you think you're going?" Speaks the girl with the black sneakers.
Oh sh*t! I exclaim in my head, seeing the tiny Volleyball players in my path. "Off to History, I can't be late!" I fake a smile, and skip like a deer.
The bell rings, and the hallway of teenagers turn into the hallway of danger. All throughout the hall, I'm blocked by several girls. ALL on the Volleyball team. Why do they hold such a grudge against me? Well, they ARE the team captain's groupie. I scope the area, predicting the capacity of 13 girls here, including me. No teachers entered the halls, so I had no protection. Where's Gee and Ray when you need them?
"Hey, Julie." Speaks the leader of the crew, the captain. Did I ever mention her name was Stella? "You owe us something."
"No I don't--" I'm cut off by a shove forward by a girl behind me. They all take an average sized step forward. It's like this came right out of a movie.
"Yeah, you do." The echoes of "Yeah" enter the corridor, and I then have a slight head ache.
"What have you ever done for me?" I ask. I probably shouldn't. It would have saved me the trouble of speech. She would have told me anyways.
"We told the wrestlers to shower first before giving you a damp towel." Says another girl, one behind me. I think her name's Candice or Candi. I can never keep up with their names.
"Like I should believe that."
The girls take another step forward, now definantly too close. I can't turn somewhere without seeing a blockage. They all have their arms crossed and the look of fire in their eyelined eyes. I step to my locker, behind surrounded y the possie of preps and she-devils. My books fly in the air as they attack me.
I fall to the ground to see twenty-four legs circle me, capturing me under. They kicked me, in the stomache, and in the cheek. It was the worst beating they've given me. Their nails dug into my skin, opening scars and placing scratches on clean and fresh skin. Blood hit my skin, and their hands as if this was a murder scene. My screams of pain can't be heard over the giggles and laughter of the twelve teens beating me to exhaustion.
I can taste blood coming up my throat slowly, and to defend, I begin to kick. I grab the pen that flew out of my pen and which was in arm's reach. I poke the feet of my attackers, one my one. But all they would do was kick my stomache harder. One kick took the blood in my throat to my mouth, and I spit it in their faces, and on their clothing. They shout, "EWW!" Before running away after a teacher opened his door and saw me on the floor, on the floor covered in my own blood.
Ray must have been in that classroom, because soon after, he appeared from behind the teacher as I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling. The patterns began to blur, and I close my eyes slightly just after Ray and the teacher reached the 180 degrees radius of my sights.
I'm feeling colder, but I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die at school. I'm not going to die today, or any other day for that fact. I close my eyes completely, falling into a temporary slumber.

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