Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Torn

Enough is Enough

by Lucky_charm77 0 reviews

More of Kit's life...last chapter about it though. Promise

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-26 - Updated: 2011-02-26 - 874 words

Kit woke with a start when she heard the front door slam shut. She stayed huddled down, completely under the covers, so as not to bring unnecessary attention to herself. But to no avail. She heard angry footsteps heading right for the door to her bedroom. She flattened herself out so that it might look like the bed was empty. The door opened then, and the covers were ripped off of her.

"GET UP!" Jim yelled, and she whimpered, and then she kicked herself for showing any kind of vulnerability. When she hesitated, he grabbed her arm and pretty much tore it right out of its socket as he yanked her out of the bed. A sharp pain ripped through the entire length of Kit's arm, but she pressed her lips and remained silent, determined not to show her pain.

"What's wrong?" she asked smoothly while her insides tightened painfully with dread.

"WHAT DID YOU TELL HER?!" he screamed at her, his empty, emotionless, murderous eyes aimed right into her own.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," Kit replied, honestly confused. He shook her hard.

"WHAT...DID...YOU...TELL...HER," he asked, applying one word to each shake.

"Who?!" she demanded.

"ELLEN!" he shouted. Ellen was Kit's aunt, Alysia's mother. She barely knew anything. "I know you talked to her...she called me today and asked how things were going. WHAT DID YOU TELL HER?!"

"Nothing!" Kit said. "She was probably just calling to see how you were doing. She doesn't know anything!"

"You're lying."


He smacked her so hard she fell back into the bed, slamming her head into the headboard. "You tell me right now what you told her, or so help me..."

"I didn't say anything," she whispered, slowly rising to her hands and knees, and then backing off the bed.

"Then why did she ask me what was going on?" he asked, taking a step toward her.

"It was just a question," Kit said quietly, taking a step back. It appeared that this wasn't the answer he was looking for, and he snarled as he took a few more steps toward her, and she ran. She'd never run from her step-father before in her life, no matter how brutal he became, and she couldn't explain the reason why she'd decided to now, but she couldn't take it. Her head was throbbing like a bitch from where she'd slammed it into the damn bed, and she was not going to sit there and take another blow. She turned her head slightly as she ran and almost yelped when she saw that Jim was indeed chasing after her.

"Get back here you little twat!" he shouted at her. She darted into the dining room, grabbing a chair as she passed it and throwing it behind her to slow him down. She heard a crash and figured he'd tripped over it. She ran around the front hall and was about to run up the stairs, but he grabbed her before she could take the first step. She screamed as loud as she could as he whirled her around and swung at her, hitting her in the eye with his closed fist. The impact shoved her backwards, and he lost his grip on her arm, and she went down. Her back hit the stairs, and she saw him reach for her again when she looked up, but somehow her mind lost contact with the rest of her body, and she kicked him hard in the shin. He yelped in pain and bent to grab it, and Kit scrambled up and ran. She raced up the stairs and into her bedroom and slammed the door, and as quickly as she could, she moved every piece of furniture she could get her hands in front of it, hoping that it would keep him out. Then she ran to the phone, intending to call her cousin Alicia and finally tell her how bad it all was. Alicia knew Kit's step-dad was abusive, but Kit had told her that it was very mild, and that she would talk to somebody about it eventually. There was only so much Alicia could do for her when she lived five states away. But now, Kit knew. She had to get out of here. If she didn't, Jim was going to kill her. Either he would eventually beat her to death, or he would drive her to do the honors herself.

She heard Jim's angry footsteps outside in the hall, and she decided the phone was too risky. He might here her talking and pick up another extension to listen in, and that would just make things worse. She threw the phone on her bed and sat at her computer, and wrote Alicia a frantic email. She told her everything, about Jim's abuse getting progressively worse, how nobody in her neighborhood cared at all, how much she hated her life, and how much she knew she had to get out of there. She begged Alicia for help, and then she sent the email off. Then, when it had been a half an hour and Jim hadn't tried to break down the door, she sank to the floor and cried.
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