Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire's will never hurt you........

Fighting and Frank's first healing session.

by Unicorns-are-real 2 reviews

Blood. His blood. A sight I had never wanted to see...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-02 - Updated: 2011-03-02 - 1207 words

Gerard's POV.

Shit that girl's fast! She swung her leg low, snatching my feet from under me. I crashed onto the floor, "Constant vigilance is vital!" Jodie shouted. I moaned weakly as I went to get up but she kicked me back down, "Your enemy will not give you time to get up Gerard Way!" She hollored at me. "He will not show you mercy."

The guys stood on the other side of the barrier, wooping and teasing me. I felt my cheeks redden in anger and embarrasment; Jodie was destroying my reputation, publically humiliating me. Ray, Mikey and Bob were cheering Jodie on. Mikey called out, "Come on, Gee! I bet ten bucks that you wouldn't let the girl kick your ass, and so far I'm loosing!"
Jodie kicked me again and I slid backwards, my back slamming harshly into the metal lockers that provided a wall. The air was smacked out of my lungs and I coughed, gasping for breath.

I saw Frank flinch, his telepathy enabling him to share my pain. I had voulenteered to be his partner whilst he trained, to make syre he didn't strain himself too hard. Jodie said this was as gentle as she was gonna get and it hurt...a lot. I dreaded to think what she was like in a real fight. James and Alexia joined the crowed, shouting loudly and smiling. Jodie turned slightly to smile back at them.

I leapt to my feet and took her of guard, colliding my fist with her stomach. She stumbled back, winded. I growled at her, "What was that about 'Constant Vigilance?"
She smiled her little grin, "So we are learning something then?" She flung a fist at me and I ducked. Soon, we were throwing punches, fists going left, right and centre. She suddenly spun, her arm extended and she caught my face, a wickedly sharp set of nails dlicing the skin over my eye; I just managed to shut my eyelid in time. I felt the skin tear and hot, sticky blood spurt forth from the wound. It was deep and it stung like hell, I cried out, my hands covering my face as I fell sideways. Jodie stopped, Mikey and the guys stopped; an awkward silence of held breaths fell across the scene.
Jodie kneeled next to me and pulled away my hands, looking at the wound worridly, her voice begging for forgiveness, "Oh God...I'm so sorry Gee. I-I didn't mean to! It' just you were doing so well and I thought you'd be ready...Shit. I'm so sorry!"

I smiled up at her weakly, one eye still closed. "Hey, no hard feelings, kay? We all make mistakes...even teachers." She laughed. "Thanks, Gee." She whispered as she hugged me, putting all her apologies into that one embrace. I got to my feet as she rounded on everyone. "Lesson's are over for today, Same time tomorrow, sharp. Don't be late." Everyone left except Frank.

Frank's POV.

Jodie called me over and I tried not to look a Gerard's face but I had to sneek a quick glance. Oh my fucking God! Blood. His blood. A sight I had always wished to never see. Jodie's nails had raked deeply into his flesh but not deliberately, I could tell that she had never intended this to happen. She looked away as my eyes widened at the incisions she had left, her gaze turning to the floor in shame. I felt sorry for her. It wasn't her fault after all. I took her face into my hands and stared deep into her greeny blue eyes, "Hey. Don't be sad. Accidents happen, even to the best of us." She smiled and hugged her thanks. She turned her attention back to Gerard's injured face. "Frank, this could be a good oppertunity to have your first healing lesson, that is if your mind-partner is okay with it?" Gerard nodded, only one eyes completely open, the other side of his face spattered with blood. I knew I had chosen the right mind-partner for me. Maybe I should explain? Well, a mind-partner is a close friend for telepathic and telekinetic people like me. They are used for guidence and support and healings. When a mind-partner receives an injury, only then can I step in for a healing session. A mind-partner is never deliberately hurt or inflicted with pain. That is cruel and heartless. When I came to Jodie she had told me that I needed a partner, preferrably someone that I had already linked minds with, so I chose Gerard. Gerard was the perfect person to pick, however, he was not my first choice. I first chose Billie, but since he was a werewolf, the compatability and link would not turn out right and could leave Billie permenantly brain damaged. But Gerard was a great mind-partner; we thought alike, were best friends and enjoyed being in eachothers company. He would be my guidence and shoulder to lean on until I dismissed him or he wished to leave, but I couldn't see either happening any time soon to be honest.

Jodie had Gerard laid down on his bed after we guided him to his and Mikey's shared room. Jodie had bunched up an old shirt and had tied it like an eyepatch around his left eye. She beckoned me over and I came and stood by the left hand side of his body, he watched me with a caramel and green eye and smiled.

Jodie took of the sad excuse for a bandage and I nearly retched at the blood and torn skin. I took off my fingerless gloves and pressed my fingertips gently onto the cuts like Jodie said to. "Right. I want you to think of every good, happy memory you ever spent with Gerard and pick the strongest one; The one that means the most to you." I scanned through my mind and chapters of my life, picking out the day me and Gee met. "Now." she said, "Just think heal. But with feeling, do not be distracted by any reaction your friend's body may give." I gulped. Pressure much?!

"S'okay, Frank." Gerard slurred, going faint. "I know you won't hurt me..."
I focused on the energy, watching in surprise as little red and blue sparks jumped around on my fingers, waiting for the command. Heal, I thought, heal.

The red and blue lights sprung off my fingers and onto Gerard. I heard him gasp in pain and his body tense. I nearly broke the connection but remembered Jodie's instruction. I watched Gerard as his eyes screwed tightly shut and he bucked and juddered violently but I gripped his face, making sure his head wouldn't pull away from me. I saw the skin and muscle knit back toghether, the blood flow stemming.

The sparks started to die down as Gerard's body began to relax, slumping back into the pillow and dusty covers, the matress groaning as the springs were suddenly compressed. I fell back exhausted, as I admired my work; Three long scars were stretched across his eye and his cheek was bloodstained but the healing had gone well. Jodie clapped appreciatively and I smiled before passing out in a dead faint.
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