Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Hurts
Love Hurts
(#) Kid_Vicous 2011-03-29
My. Eyes. Bleed.
The story itself is okay. A little cliche and predictable but as Frerard fanfics go it's really not too bad. However, there's this thing called "Spelling and Grammar Check" on your computer. USE IT. IT'S THERE FOR A REASON.
Also please PLEASE put in some description or some narrative or just SOMETHING so that the reader is reading more than just dialogue. It makes your work so much less boring, trust me.
I'm not trying to be mean. Well, I am. It's my job. It really does have some potential, you just need to work on it a little bit. Add some flowery stuff, maybe a few commas here an there and I'm sure it'll be fabulous.
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