Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena

Desperate confessions

by adrenaline_bomb 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-03-06 - Updated: 2011-03-06 - 1494 words

Gerard was in no mood to cooperate with me and when I took off his shirt he was giggling like a maniac, before collapsing onto the bed, the drinking having caught up with him. I pulled his jeans off and then tucked him in under the covers, I was about to join him when I got a text off Mikey.
Come to mine and Ray's room.
We need to talk
It's about Gerard
I took one last glance at Gerard who was sleeping like a baby and snoring lightly, before yanking open the door and walking then 2 feet to room 665 and knocked on the door.
Ray answered it. "Come in." He told me, Bob and Mikey were sitting on the bed, Ray joined them and I did too.
"Hey." I murmured, getting a few grunted replies in return.
"We think we know why Gerard'd been acting...odd, lately." Mikey had a grim expression.
"Okay, shoot." I said- if they had a theory I needed to know it.
"Gerard is madly and incurably in love with you and it's driving him insane." Bob stated- matter of factly. I laughed nervously and licked my lips.
"Well, that's a theory all right." My voice was shaky. Was it true? How did they know?
"Give it up Frank, we know you love him back just as much." Mikey said and Ray looked away.
"Uhh..." Was all I could manage.
"I'm sorry Frank! I had to tell them, if we're right then your what Gerard needs right now, they needed to know, I'm sorry." Ray blurted, playing anxiously with his fingers.
"He doesn't love me though." I whispered, looking down at my lap and trying to stop the tears.
"He does." Mikey said, "Believe us, he does."
"You can't know that." My voice was quiet and hoarse and tears were escaping.
"He told me he did, ages ago. Just like you told me you loved him." Ray admitted, looking guilty.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked, lifting my head up to look at him.
"You both swore me to secrecy, Frank, there was nothing I could do. But after Gerard started drinking again tonight I knew it was time to say something- I'm pretty sure that's what's wrong." I let the tears fall now, not caring at all, I lifted my knees up to my chest and hugged them tight, crying hard.
"Why are you crying Frank?" Bob asked, he sounded genuinely concerned and rubbed my arm gently.
"H-he drank again, b-because of m-me." I cried and Ray enveloped me in a warm hug.
"It's not your fault Frank." Mikey reassured me, "He's been with people before but he's never been in love- drinking was the only way he could feel numb, it took away the pain and confusion, he stopped for YOU Frank, because he could see how much he was hurting his best friend by doing that. But tonight, all his feelings got to much and he wanted to feel numb, I have no idea how he got drunk, we should have stopped him, one always leads to another." Mikey stroked my hair gently as my tears subsided and he let go.
"Do you really think that's what it is?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure." Ray said, and Bob and Mikey nodded in agreement.
"Okay. Why was Gerard wearing long sleeves? It's not like him off tour, especially in a place so warm!?" I asked.
"I have no idea, but you look knackered, you should go sleep." Bob suggested, I nodded and we exchanged our goodnights as I left the room and made my way back to 666. I opened the door and Gerard was curled up in a ball on the right side of the bed, his arms stretched out in front of him. Even though it was dark I could see something written on his arm- it couldn't be a tatoo, he was scared of needles. I sat down gently next to him and examined his arm closer, it said 'BROKEN' on the other arm he had cut 'BEATEN' and on his stomach was calved 'DAMNED'. I couldn't believe he'd done this, how had I not noticed. I knew how, he was good at hiding it. When we were in the bathroom, he had his knees against his stomach and his arms wrapped around them so I couldn't see his knees, he wore a hoodie at tea time and when I was undressing him, he was awkward enough for me to just not notice.
"Damn you Gerard Way." I muttered, before crawling under the covers fully dressed and falling straight to sleep. I'd deal with Gee in the morning, when I wasn't so tired and he wasn't so drunk.
~~~~~~~~~10 AM the next Morning and still Frank's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" I woke up to Gerard fully dressed in skinnies and a hoodie and sitting across the room from me, on the sofa, drawing.
"Gerard, we need to talk." Was the first thing that slipped out of my mouth as I got up and crossed the room towards him, he snapped the sketchbook shut and put it on the floor.
"No we don't. Last night was a one off, I let Mikey down, I let you, Bob and Ray down, I let myself down and I let the fans down." His voice was calm and he looked me in the eye.
"What about the self harm? Was that a one off too?" I kept my voice soft. He slumped in his chair.
"Why did you do it? Because of me?" I asked, taking one of his hands and clasping it in my own.
"I did it because I had to- it had nothing to do with you." He muttered, though he didn't take his hand out of mine.
"Look Gerard, I know. I know you love me, Ray told me last night." I admitted.
"WHAT?!" Gerard shreiked.
"Calm down!" I said, squeezing his hand and taking his other one.
"I can't! I can't believe he told you! I'm sorry, please don't hate me!" He begged, I looked him straight in the eyes.
"Gerard Arthur Way, I could never be mad at you. Ray told me because he had to and I love you too." I told him, he shook his head in disbeleif.
"No, you love me like a friend, nothing more." Gerard mumbled, tears slipping from under his eyelids as he looked down towards the floor.
"No. I love you more, your the most important thing in the world to me, more important than Pansy." I told him, conviction burned in my voice, all my words were true. Gerard looked up and shock was plastered on his face.
"Seriously?! I never thought you could love ANYTHING as much as you love Pansy!" His voice was clearer now and his tears had stopped falling.
"No Gerard, I couldn't love anything or anyone as much as I love YOU." I told him, before leaning in and kissing him gently, he gasped and responded as he scooted closer towards me, my arms wrapping around his neck and his around my waist. We pulled away after a minute- in need of air.
"The only hope for me is you Frankie." He told me as we leaned our foreheads together.
"I will always be here. But never do anything like that again. No drinking, no drugs and no self harm." I practically pleaded, holding him tight against me.
"I will never touch and of that again." He promised as we hugged tighter.
"I take it we're together then." I murmured, lost in sheer happiness of achieving something I had wanted for so long.
"Yup, sure are." Gerard laughed as we leaned out of our tight embrace.
"You better had touch a razor again though!" I told him and he frowned. "I don't want you to have a fluffy face!" We laughed at the joke, it wasn't that good, but it certainly lightened the mood.
"OOOOOOHHHHHHH! Gerard, I'm vibrating!" He burst out laughing, "My phone, idiot!" I muttered as I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it. It was Bob.
"Dude, meet us at the pool for breakfast, we're not starting without you." He told me.
"Be down in a minute." I replied.
"Good. You and Gerard talked yet?" He asked.
"Yup!" I grinned happily.
"You sound pleased with yourself! See you in a bit Frankie boy!" Bob sounded very happy as the line went dead, he usually only called me Frankie boy when he was incredibly happy, he also called Gerard GeeBear, Mikey MikeyMouse and Ray was know on these occasions as Fluffy. N one of us argued, he was too big to argue with.
"C'mon, Gee. Breakfast." I said, getting up and walking to the door.
"Okay, I'm holding your hand though." He smirked and took my hand as we headed off to breakfast, this holiday sure was going to be good!
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