Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cherry Blossom

I Love You

by Moribund 4 reviews

Does death end this; the feelings we share with each other, the hate and violence that they bring upon us?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-06 - Updated: 2011-03-06 - 1505 words - Complete

All through his morning lessons, Frank had been distant, almost completely absent from his mind. Teachers and classmates would have to ask him a question several times and occasionally shake his shoulder a little in order to break him from his thoughts and gain enough of his attention to again, repeat their question and receive the vague, mumbled answer. Eventually they all stopped trying, and when Frank felt that he needed to talk, he knew there was only one person who would understand and cared enough to listen.

Mikey was found in the library, hiding behind a fort of books, deftly studying. Anxious about the impending conversation, Frank’s nervous jitters caused him to practically bounce over to where his best friend sat. He stood by the table, fidgeting and biting his lip, waiting for acknowledgment from Mikey.

“Hey.” The bespectacled young man softly murmured.

“We need to talk.” Squeaked Frank, rather loudly, as the librarian turned to scowl and ‘shush’ him.

Mikey blinked.

“You’re breaking up with me?” he joked with mild amusement.

“Mikey! This is serious!” barked Frank. The librarian turned on her super scowl and stalked towards Frank, her half moon glasses sliding down her pointed nose.

“Iero! If I hear one more peep out of you then I will have no choice but to give you a detention. I will not have anyone disturbing the peace and serenity of my library.”

“Yes miss.” grumbled Frank as she turned to walk away. “No, seriously Mikey, I need to tell you something.”

Mikey sighed and put down his pen. “Tell me then.”

“Well, I can’t really tell you exactly...” Frank faltered, not wanting to inform his best friend that he was going to kill himself as a sacrifice. “But I found out that Julietta, my tutor for this mediator-ing stuff, is actually using me and wants to kill me and steal my powers. And so I might be involved in some epic life or death battles within the next week or so, and I just wanted you to know that you’re my best friend in the whole wide world and I love you, in case I die or something.”

There was about a minute silence as Mikey contemplated what he had just been told.

“But if you die you’ll become a ghost, so I’ll still be able to contact you. Plus you’ll be able to spend more time with Gee, so not the end of the world for you, either.” Mikey raised his eyebrows suggestively during the last part, causing Frank to gasp slightly.

“How do you know about me and Gerard?!” he squeaked.

Mikey laughed. “Well I am your best friend, Frank, I can notice these things. But Gerard told me anyway.”

Pouting, Frank realised he had to tell Mikey the worst part.

“Uhm, Mikes? Not, not everyone becomes a ghost, wh-when they die.” He gulped. “Most people actually don’t.”

“You- what?” Mikey whispered. “You’re abandoning me?” his voice rose in volume slightly at the end of his sentence as tears sprung into his eyes.

“I’m sorry Mikey!” Squealed Frank in despair, causing the librarian to snap a book shut and level up to mega scowl.

“Frank Iero! You will be in detention with Mr Grahams at three o’clock sharp, I am notifying him immediately so don’t think he won’t be expecting you.”

“Fucking great.” Frank muttered under his breath.


After an hour and a half in detention, Frank was finally on his way home from school. He was irritable and tired, and most of all he was scared. At seventeen, he was facing death, literally staring it in the face, and not only had he not had the chance to go out into the world and have a life, but he was also deserting his family, his best friend, and the man that he loved more than he had thought he could ever possibly love someone. Frank sniffled slightly, and wiped a stray tear from his cheek.

He managed to walk about ten minutes down the road before a certain someone appeared before him, blocking the way home.

“Hello Frank.” She said with a small smile pulled across her face like a mask.
Frank froze in fear, stuttering out an unintelligible greeting. Julietta’s smile dropped like a piano.

“You know, don’t you?” her voice was like ice, a stone cold rumble from the back of her throat.

Not giving her time to think, Frank turned on his heel and dashed back the way he came, towards the school. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears as he neared the cherry blossom tree on the other side of the road to the school. Frank’s breath had gotten wheezy and a sharp pain had started to rip through his abdomen when a tall thin man in a hooded cloak appeared in front of him. Skidding to a halt in front of Julietta’s minion, the young mediator looked all around for an escape route.

What caught his eye caused his stomach to lurch. Out of the school gates strolled a sleepy looking Mikey.

“What are you doing here?” screeched Frank.

“I have an exam coming up; I wanted to study for it.” he whined.

“You gotta get out of here now!” Frank screamed in return.

As he was speaking, a deafening crack shook the ground and Gerard appeared behind Julietta, a few metres down the road, to Frank’s left. Upon seeing the sly and malicious woman, Gerard shot a tendril of energy at Julietta, coiling it round her.

“Bitch!” he screamed, “How dare you try to hurt my Frankie! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you a thousand times over!”

Simultaneously Endesha appeared beside a lost looking Mikey, blasting away Julietta’s minion with ease. The demon turned towards Frank and tilted his head to the side and a sad glisten was in his eyes.

“I can’t do anything until you start dying Frank.” He whispered.

“What?! What does he mean Frankie?” cried Gerard from a distance, still holding a screaming Julietta in the tendril that emanated from his being.
The roar of an engine bubbled up from down the road, towards Frank’s right. Round the corner sped a car, going far too fast and obviously being driven by a drunk driver. Frank caught Mikey’s eyes as tears welled up in his own, and he mouthed an apology to his only friend. Just before the speeding car reached them, Frank broke from the pavement, dashing towards Mikey, straight into the path of the oncoming vehicle.

A sickening thud and the sound of cracking bones caused Mikey to recoil in horror. The two brothers watched as the body of their friend cart wheeled through the air, landing with nauseating smack on the tarmac several metres from the car.

Gerard let out a blood curdling scream, matched only by Julietta’s as she was ripped to shreds by the tentacle that held her. The car had come to a stop, the driver passed out at the wheel. All rushed to Frank’s side, Mikey and Gerard in floods of tears. The first to get there was Endesha, he had travelled like lightening and was already weaving his magic around Frank’s bloodied body. Arriving at the same time, the Way brothers fell to their knees; Mikey clasping frank’s hand and Gerard delicately stroking his boyfriend’s cheek.

Tears were pouring down his face as Frank coughed up blood.

“I love you, both of you, so much.” He rasped, and as Endesha stepped away from him, the sparkle slowly faded from his eye, and his grasp on Mikey’s and went limp.

Bursting into uncontrollable sobs, Gerard hunched over Frank, clutching his dead lover to him. Mikey simply dissolved into tears, too shocked to do anything else. Endesha simply vanished, his job done, the world saved. Regaining some of his composure, Gerard slipped an arm around his baby brother, longing to be able to give or receive any kind of comfort. His brother stiffened immediately from the contact, and tentatively peered over his shoulder.

“G-Gee? Gerard?” Mikey uttered, astounded.

“Holy shit I’m dreaming.” Gasped Gerard as he realised his precious brother could see him.

“B-but how?” Mikey queried.

Both boys looked down at Franks blood and tearstained, yet peaceful face.

“He planned this.” Gerard sobbed uncontrollably. “The selfless little motherfucker planned this; didn’t want us to be alone.”

“I don’t know whether to laugh or cry; it feels like my heart is being ripped to pieces and sewn back together all at the same time.” Mikey whispered as his big brother drew him in close.

The two boys look at each other, and, collapsing into an embrace, they both wept over their departed friend, and rejoiced in the return of their brother.


A/N Don't panic, there is an epiligue coming. Please rate and review, too! Thankyou ^-^
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