Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dicussions with BRO

Dicussions with BRO

by mychem_romance 0 reviews

Gerard and his brother, Mikey dicuss the difficulty of living with the fact that people fantisize about their sexual lives.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-03-07 - Updated: 2011-03-08 - 330 words

"Yes, I told you Mikey, I'm fine."
Mikey was being extra careful of what he did around Gerard. His brother seemed sort of out of it lately. He didn't understand what he could've done wrong. He stayed out of his way when he was mad. He talked to him when Gerard wanted him to. Something was wrong. Mikey needed to find out. He decided he would go talk to his brother.
"Hey Man, What's up with you lately?"
"What do you mean, I'm fucking fabulous."
"Seriously dude, I'm kinda creeped out by you."
"Then Fuck off, I'm fine."
"No Man, I want to help."
"Alright, then you wanna know what's up? I fucking fed up with reading fanfiction about me and members of our band having sexual relationships. Lyn-z is extremely okay with it, but I'm not. She understands, but i fucking don't. I'm married, have a fucking daughter. Why are these still around?"
"Dude, They arn't going to stop. We all know your not like that.."
"But Mikey, how do you like it knowing people write about us doing each that what people think about? It's sick, I can't even believe people do that."
"Well, to be honest, I am creeped out by the whole idea but I know you're my big bro and wouldn't do that to me."
"Yeah, but I can't go away from this. It isn't right, it makes me think of things I shouldn't."
Okay, I knew my brother meant things having to do with him and I. Again, I knew he wouldn't try anything, espcially since we were both married, and he wouldn't do anything to danger his relationships with Lyn-z and I, or Mine and Alicia's. He's not that kind of guy, but I hate knowing he feels this way. He has to go his whole life dealing with this. I had to do something, but I didn't know what I could actually do.
"Look Man, We'll figure something out..okay?"
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