Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by Whisper_of_the_Heart 0 reviews

*One shot* Harry ponders what chocolate means to students while doing homework with Ron and Hermione.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Ron - Published: 2011-03-09 - Updated: 2011-03-09 - 374 words - Complete


The Gryffindor common room was empty apart three 5th Year students huddled as close to the fire as humanely possible, surrounded by textbooks and parchment, a Wizarding Wireless playing softly in the background. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were using a rare moment of quiet to finish various homework assignments, Hermione had her nose in a very thick Arithmacy textbook, muttering to herself as she tried to work out a particularly complicated calculation and Harry was writing a long boring essay on an obscure potion that Snape had them researching, he had been feeling even more nasty than usual that day. Even Ron was working, well; it was more like glaring at the half scribbled on piece of parchment in front of him as Hermione had point blank refused to go near any homework that involved the word ‘Divination’.

Harry sat back and sighed in frustration at the long winded essay Snape had assigned them, he would have run a hand through his hair but he had his quill in the right and a large bar of Honeyduke’s Finest in the left.
Glancing at his two best friends, they were still engrossed in their work, Harry took a bite of the chocolate bar and a sudden, rather random thought struck him.
‘Chocolate is like catnip for students.’ he mused, taking another bite and chewing it thoughtfully.
Hermione looked up from her calculation, a small frown creasing her forehead as she tried to remember both the number she had reached and what she thought she had just heard.
‘What did you say Harry?’ Hermione asked tentatively, she had definitely heard ‘catnip’ and ‘students’, the rest she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Ron poked his head around his own parchment and shot Harry a concerned sideways glance.
Harry gave his friends a serene smile and repeated his sentence slowly ‘Chocolate is like catnip for students.’

There was silence as Ron and Hermione stared at Harry who had resumed eating the chocolate bar, tapping his quill on his knee in time to the Weird Sister’s new song on the Wireless as he pondered his essay.


Just a little random one shot inspired by true events, hope you like! :)
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