Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Shockwave Current

A Trade

by Unicorns-are-real 3 reviews

Just rated for language xoxo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-11 - Updated: 2011-03-11 - 1479 words - Complete

Shockwave's POV.

I watched through the dirty window of the car. Party was vastly outnumbered, if he tried to fight it would be suicide for sure. My dad...I mean...Korse was standing in front of him saying if Party didn't hand me over than he would kill him and the rest of the gang. I cringed, how could I possibly call him my real father?
Party spat at Korse's feet, I wound down the window slightly. Korse clicked his fingers, a snide smile on his lips.

I watched in horror as Party was kicked to the ground by dracs. He just lay there and took each blow as it came, why wasn't he fighting back?! A drac lifted him up slightly, then slammed him back down forcefully, his head cracking of a small rock. He cried out, blood pooling onto the floor, staining the dust red. I pulled at the door handle and rammed the door open.

Korse was kneeled over Party, a blade in his hands. Jet, Kobra, Fun and I watched in shock as Korse pressed the tip of the knife to Party's stomach. I heard him talk,
"Didn't you learn from the last time I cut you? You almost died. I remember the way you screamed, Party...I wonder if I can make you scream like that again?"

Party screamed, a terrible, heart wrenching sound erupting from his lips as the blade sliced into his flesh. I couldn't say anything, I stood there gawping like the total dick I am. I couldn't move, I was so terrified I was rooted to the spot.
Kobra was crying silently as he watched his brother get tortured.

Korse took his time as he raked Party's flesh over and over, cutting deeper and deeper. Party still screamed as the cut skin on his chest and stomach began to split, widening the gashes. I found my voice,
"DAD, STOP!" I wailed, the men gasped upon hearing me call Korse, this monster, my father. I ran over and shoved him aside with all my strength. He was forced backward as I fumbled with my shirt, I had a vest on underneath so I'd still be covered myself. Party had silenced his yelling and was now moaning softly, tear and sobs jerking his bloody mess of a body. I ripped my shirt into strips.
Two dracs went to stop me but Korse called them off, watching in delight as I tried to help. I looked down and Party's chest and almost gagged at what I found.
"SHOCKWAVE." My name was carved into him with mutilated, blooded letters. Everytime he sobbed, more blood flowed out. I took the strips of fabric, binding them to the wound, muttering frantically,
"It's gonna be okay...I promise..."

I turned back to my father, holding onto Party's hand, which he had gripped painfully tight. "Leave. Him. Alone..." I growled. Korse frowned,
"Shut up, Sara." I flinched at the use of my real name.
"Fuck you." I spat back.
"I am your father! You will do as I say!"
"NO!" I bellowed back at him."You aren't family. The killjoys are my family and Party is my dad, and he's doing a much better job than you ever did."
Korse lashed out, striking me across the face. My head snapped to the side.
"He is NOT your father! He is a trouble maker! He is scum! And he is a liar! Hrdly the appropriate fatherly figure! He didn't even realise I'd got his daughter until she was dying!" He aimed the knife at Party again, ready to fling it,
"Any famous last words, bastard?"
Party moaned, his blood staining the sad excuse for a bandage, each strip was sodden and he was pale, he was losing a lot of blood.
"I always s-saw you as one o-of u-us, e-evr since the d-day I c-came to h-help-p yo-ou."

Kobra burst out crying and I fought to keep the tears that threatened to flow down.
Korse sneered,
"How sentimental." He raised the blade. I had to stop him, I had to do something, even if it meant...
"Take me." I whispered, Party didn't hear; he had passed out. Korse looked at me,
"You mean it? You would come home?"
I nodded.
"But only if you promise to leave these guys alone. You let me ring Doctor Deathdefying right now so I can tell him where Party is. He is not, I repeat NOT, going to die. Not ever. Understand?"
Korse nodded, joyous at the thought of getting his beloved daughter back. He handed me a radio as he instructed the dracs to let the gang go. Kobra ran straight to his brother,
"Please, please say he isn't dead. Oh fuck, not my brother. Not now!"
Fun Ghoul whimpered as he was released, sliding off the car bonnet, semi concious. Jet picked him up and carried his small friend into the car, then he ran over to Kobra, comforting him. He looked at me,
"We'll come back for you, Shockwave. We promise." I smiled weakly, there was no hope for me; I'd be mind wiped and on the drugs within hours of my arrival to Battery City. I told Deathdefying what had happened, all he said was, "Fuck. Not again Party?" I told him the guys location. He said he would be there in minutes.

Two dracs came over with a set of cuffs. I outstreatched my scarred wrists and let them handcuff me. There was no point fighting a battle you had already surrenered to. Korse put me in his car and dumped a bag in front of the Killjoys, grimacing.
"This is the best medical equipment in the whole of Battery City. Use it wisely."

He stalked off and slid in the drivers seat and floored it. Dust was kicked up and the tyres screeched in a wheelspin. I watched through the rear window, tears streaming down my face as I watched Kobra clinging to his brother and Jet bidding me a sorrowful farewell.

"Until we meet again." I whispered, tears snaking down my neck, "That's if I ever remember you."

My father smiled to me through the rearveiw mirror, Battery City was on the horizon.
"I think you're going to like it here. You and me. It will be one happy family again."

I sobbed. A happy family, yeah, if that's what you like to call
"Don't worry. All that Killjoy nonsense will be gone soon. It will be like this terrible ordeal never happened."
I sniffled. Pictures of Kobra, Jet, the time it looked like me and Fun Ghoul were making a move on each other...and then there was Party. The time he had saved her from her father, the way he always protected her. Now he was lying in the middle of the desert, slowly bleeding to death. He didn't even know I had gone. I hope he pulled through. I managed to grab the radio system awkwardly with my cuffed hands and I tuned into Deathdefying's channel. Korse raised his eyebrows,
"I'm just listening to the recently dead reports. I need to know if he made it."
Korse went to say something but he saw my tear marked face and red puffy eyes. He let it drop and nodded. I listened intently,
"Sorry the reports are late today my Tumbleweeds, medical business to attend to. Seems Party P..." My heart rate quickened and I gripped the radio tighter, "Got caught in an attack. The Kobra Kid, Jet Star and Fun Ghoul are all unharmed. wish I could say the same for Party my little Rock'N'Rollers but Korse got him with a knife. He's okay at the minute...but only time can tell.
"Anyhow, seems like Shockwave Current is missing, leaving nothing but tyre tracks and he name engraved in Party's chest. Literally. If anyone sees her tell her, the guys want her to come home. Shockwave, if you aren't back within a week, the Fabulous Killjoys themselves are coming to find you.
"So it's time to hit the red line and upthrust the volume out there! Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close and die with your mask on if you've got to... Here, is the traffic..."

I turned the radio off, sighing in relief. Party wasn't dead at least. That was one good thing to come out of today.
My father pulled up in a car park next to a building. It was pure white, completely spotless; no graffiti, no chewing gum...nothing. We walked up to the doors, my dad dragging me by the handcuffs. I looked at the doors to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W apartments. I swallowed. This was it, my final moments of being a killjoy. I hung my head as I was pulled inside.

This was it.

My new home.
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