Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Falling is Like This


by WolfPilot06 2 reviews

In the aftermath of Naruto's death, Sasuke struggles to keep his memory alive. SasuNaru.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Hinata, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-04-27 - Updated: 2006-04-27 - 571 words

Title: Falling is Like This (Prologue)
Author: WolfPilot06
Category: Death, angst, timeskip and slightly AU. Deviates wildly from Kishimoto's timeline sometime after the Valley of the End. Language, shonen ai/yaoi.
Pairing(s): SasuNaru, maybe hints of others.
Notes: I'm going to attempt my hand at a multiparter. I've a horrible track history of finishing them, but this one is near and dear to my heart.

He was falling.

"Sakura-chan, don't worry!" He gave his teammate a blinding smile and a thumbs-up, trying to dispel the uneasy expression on her pretty face. "It's just a B-class mission. Sasuke and I could deliver this scroll to the Wave Country in our /sleep/. Just relax. We'll be back before you know it!"

He was falling.

"Shit! Naruto-!" A burning pain lanced through his side as he stumbled, Sasuke's startled warning ringing in his ears even as he struggled to turn around. Blood-slicked fingers fumbled in his weapons pouch, trying desperately to draw out a kunai for defense, his eyes locked upon those of the smirking Mist shinobi stalking around him. Behind him, he could hear metal clashing on metal as Sasuke faced off against two other enemy ninja, the sharp, clean scent of chakra searing his nose as jutsu after jutsu were cast. Ignoring the warm, metallic liquid dripping from his side, he grinned mirthlessly at his enemy.

"Bring it on, asshole."

He was falling.

Naruto swore as he landed hard on his twisted ankle, feeling rather than hearing the bone snap under the sudden pressure. A kunai thudded solidly into his chest. His eyes widened, his mouth falling open as he coughed, brilliant crimson blood spattering the ground before him as he plucked helplessly at the hilt of the knife with weakening fingers. Agonizingly, he wrenched the knife out, another gush of lifeblood spewing from his lips, his vision blurring even as he staggered to his feet once more.

He was falling.

With a sudden surge of rage, he hurled the kunai at the Mist ninja, swearing as the man disappeared. Crimson-tinged blue eyes searched the clearing for signs of the disappeared man, noting in passing that Sasuke had already killed one of his shinobi and was currently wearing down the other, red Sharingan eyes spinning as the dark, slender Leaf-nin gracefully dodged his opponent's attacks.

Naruto froze as he felt a presence at his back. He had found his missing enemy. Warm breath brushed against the back of his neck, a sharp contrast to the cold metal pressed against his throat. He gulped, feeling the edge bite into his skin as his fingers falteringly moved into the all-too-familiar signs for Kawarimi no Jutsu. Something was screaming in his mind, urging him to /move/, but his hands were stumbling through the hand seals, and somehow, he knew, that this one momentary hesitation, this one instance of weakness would be his last.

He was falling.

Fire sliced across his throat. There was blood in his mouth, bubbling in his suddenly choking breaths. He distantly felt his knees hit the ground, was vaguely aware of two fingers being touched to the back of his neck. He heard Kyuubi roaring in rage, red, scorching chakra somehow trapped behind golden bars, listened as his heartbeat thudded in his ears, faltering, slowing, stopping. The last thing he heard was Sasuke screaming his name.

Uzumaki Naruto fell and knew no more.


To be continued...


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