Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Bob says something to Chloe and Hollie.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-03-15 - Updated: 2011-03-15 - 1862 words - Complete

Hollies POV…
I didn’t bother knocking on Mikey’s front door, even though I knew it was rude to just enter people’s houses… Even if they are my boyfriend.
I heard shouting from the living room. I hurried down the corridor and pushed open the door. Frank was on top of Ray, who was bleeding an awful lot. Frank looked possessed and Ray was trying to push him off him with little effort. Gerard was trying to pull them apart, but also failing. Chloe was yelling and getting so worked up that I couldn’t figure out what she was saying. Mikey was just standing there watching but Bob was shouting aswell.
“Stop the press!” I yelled, making everyone stop scarily well. They all looked at me like I’d gone insane “Frank, get off Ray. I don’t know what’s gone on and honestly, I don’t care. Violence doesn’t solve anything.”
“But he-“ Frank began, but I held my finger in the air signalling that I didn’t want to hear it.
I pointed towards the door “Why don’t you and Chloe go and calm down outside?”
Frank was about to protest but Chloe grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. Gerard sighed heavily “I can’t believe that worked, but thank you.”
Ray scowled “Jeez, Frank didn’t have to freak out like that!”
“What did you do?” I asked him “Chloe seemed a bit pissed off too.”
He just blushed and looked at the floor. I was even more confused than I was before because no-one bothered to answer my question. I shrugged it off and decided to ask Chloe later when we were back home.
Ray pulled himself up and sat down on the sofa. Bob sat down next to him “I hate to say it mate, but you kinda deserved it…”
Ray just glared at him before, dabbing at his nose gently with his fingers. Gerard went off to find a tissue for him. I turned to Mikey who was still just standing there staring at the floor where the fight had been.
I walked over to him and took his hand in mine. He looked up at me and finally smiled “You hurried over!”
I smiled too “You and Chloe both seemed worried. Had no choice, did I?”

Lucy’s POV…
“Hollie!” I yelled “Hollie! Where are you? I’m sorry for being mean!”
I ran up to her bedroom. She wasn’t there. I noticed her shoes and jacket were gone. I sighed and sat down on her bed. She probably didn’t want to be around me. Understandable since I had been so rude to her before when she was only trying to make me feel better…
I could hear something. It sounded like really tiny singing. I suddenly realised that my phone was ringing in my bedroom and the singing I could hear was JLS singing Beat Again. Pushing aside my thoughts on Hollie for a moment, I went to check my phone. It was Gerard. How did he get my number? I don’t remember giving it to him… Wait! When did I get his number?
I answered the phone “Gerard?”
“Hey Lucy,” He greeted “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I sniffed, wondering why he was phoning me and how he was phoning me “How are you?”
“Could be better.” He confessed “Frank nearly killed Ray.”
“Seriously?” I asked. However rude this sounds, I didn’t really care. I suddenly remembered something I should ask “Gerard? Is Hollie at your house? She was here earlier, and then she just suddenly disappeared…”
“Yeah, she’s here. Chloe and Mikey text her to come over as soon as she could.”
“Oh.” I thought about it “Did she say anything about me?”
“No Lucy, she didn’t. But would you please come over again? I’m sorry I kissed you when I’ve already got a girlfriend but I’m going to break up with her anyway.”
I was silent for a few minutes before sighing and saying “Gerard, you don’t have to break up with your girlfriend just because of me. Besides I’ve been so mean… You don’t think it’d be a bit odd if we suddenly started loving each other?”
“I’ve loved you all along.” He confessed “You were the one who hated me for no reason.”
“Yeah, yeah…” I sighed “Well I don’t know Gerard. You’ve only been going out with this girl for about a day… Maybe you need to give her a chance?” I don’t know why I was saying all this rubbish. I wanted nothing more than to be his girlfriend but, as usual, I was throwing away the chance.
He considered things for a minute “Well Lucy, if you’re sure…”
I wanted to yell that no, I didn’t want him going out with this girl. I wanted to be with him. I wanted things to be different than they are right now. I didn’t want things to be so awkward, I wanted to be able to tell Gerard how I feel all the time but instead I just swallowed my wants and said “Of course I’m sure. And if things don’t work out well, I don’t think I’ll be getting a boyfriend anytime soon…”
He was silent then said “Just when I thought I had you Lucy.” Then he hung up on me.
I put my phone down, threw my face into my pillow and cried my eyes out.

Chloe’s POV…
“Frank, please calm down!” I begged as he kicked the brick wall with his foot. It must’ve hurt but he pretended it didn’t.
He laughed “Calm down? No! He’s supposed to be my friend! He should be acting like a friend! Is kissing my girlfriend being a good friend? It’s not being a friend at all! It’s stupid!”
“I know!” I burst out “Fine! He’s been a prick! But getting angry and kicking brick walls doesn’t solve a thing! And like Hollie said, violence doesn’t solve anything either!”
He shook his head “I’m going home.”
I stood there for a moment “Want me to come with?”
He shook his head “No thanks. I need some time to myself. I’ll text you tonight, okay?” I just nodded and watched him walk away.
This was all Ray’s fault. I stormed back inside. Gerard was sitting cross-legged on the floor with Hollie and Mikey. Mikey had his arm round Hollie and she was biting her lip, which she always did when she was worried about something. Ray and Bob were sitting on the sofa together. Ray had a piece of tissue pressed to his nose and Bob was just sitting next to him, sulking.
Hollie looked up at me “Is everything okay?”
I shook my head “Frank’s gone home. He said he needs some time alone.” I sat by myself on the other sofa “Ray, why did you kiss me? It was a dumb idea.”
Hollie gasped “You kissed her?”
“Yes!” Mikey joked, nudging her “Keep up!”
Bob looked at the wall “So much fuss now-a-days.”
“What do you mean?” Gerard asked him.
He shrugged “I don’t want to sound mean, but before Hollie, Chloe and Lucy showed up things were normal. We were all friends and no girls could get in the way of that. Now every day, there’s a new drama!”
“And you blame all three of us for that?” I asked, glaring at him.
Bob just shrugged again “I don’t know. All I know is that before you three showed up we were all happier!”
I glanced at Hollie, who was staring at him silently. I knew tears were welling up in her eyes. She’s such a cry-baby.
I suddenly burst at him “You surely can’t blame all of us for what’s going on! I don’t wanna sound mean to my own sister but most of this is Lucy’s fault! Did I ask for Ray to kiss me? I don’t think so! And anyway, what did Hollie do? She’s trying to prevent any drama! I know I didn’t do much to help any of our situations but fuck it Bob, you never do anything!”
He burst out too “Maybe because I don’t wanna get involved in all this stupid mess! And do you know what, all of you triplets have done something! Chloe, in all fairness, you were the one who flirted with Ray on your first day so what do you expect? And you dumped Frank when he was telling you the truth? Shows how much you can trust him! And Hollies done nothing? I hardly ever see Mikey now-a-days because he’s always hanging around with the girl that he hasn’t even kissed yet! I’m not even going to START on Lucy because it’s so obvious what she’s doing! She made you feel like shit, she made Hollie feel like shit and she still is making Gerard feel like shit!”
I got ready to slap him but Hollie stood up and took my hand “Come on Chloe, let’s just go.”
I shook my head “Why should we leave just because-“
But she just started pulling me to the door “Sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused you,” She told Bob “We’ll be sure to control ourselves next time.”
I glared at Bob as we walked out of Gerard and Mikey’s house together. Hollie started crying so I put my arm round her as we walked “Why didn’t you let me slap him?” I asked her.
She shrugged “Because what he said was mostly true.”
“Lucy didn’t make me feel like shit.” She grinned “She got Sephie and Nikki to make me feel like shit.”
I laughed too and then asked “Hollie? Do you think I’m a slag?”
“No. Definitely not. Chloe… Do you think I’ve been spending too much time with Mikey?”
Sighing, I came to a verdict “In all fairness, you’re always trying to hang around with me and Lucy but we keep blowing you off. I blew you off for Frank and Lucy blew you off because she was depressed. You were always left on your own so you went over to Mikey’s house and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I promise.”
We were both silent until Hollie asked “What happens now?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… Are you still gonna go out with Frank? Am I still gonna go out with Mikey? Is Lucy still going to be all dramatic over Gerard?”
“Lucy will stay the same.” I told her “She doesn’t know what Bob said.”
“What about us?”
I was silent “I don’t know Hollie, but stop worrying so much.”
We reached the house together and heard Lucy sobbing up the stairs. We both glanced at each other. Today had not been a good day.
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