Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The pained life of Emily Lee

Cheaters never prosper

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

You know that old saying, cheaters never prosper? Ha! It's true.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-19 - Updated: 2011-03-19 - 1993 words

The fights continued and I always won, obviously. But it tried to be a bit compassionate when I killed the others. A snapped neck or a quickly broken spine. But the ones that fought in my hands, they got the worst. When they struggled, I had to end it slowly, to stop their fighting before I could actually kill them cleanly.

If I were being honest, I really didn't mind when they fought. But I had to keep that part of my mind back. Talking to Frank helped a little, but at night, especially the nights after I had a fight, it would crawl out of it's little corner and wreak it's havoc in my head.

And when Frank and I would work on the plan, it would always be front and center in my thoughts. It was like it was hanging behind my left shoulder, whispering doubts and outcomes about everything Frank said. I ignored it as best I could, but once I started to listen, it trapped me in it's husky voice, not letting me focus.

I would always say something depressing and look away, or turn my back to him. He would say something nice and make me feel all the worse.

On the weekends, we would go out. Father trusted me and let me go with Frank when there was a job to be done. He had no idea that we were working against him. Neither did anyone else there.

One night, Frank and I went to a teens' club in New York. I knew some people, but nobody there recognized me. We went in, slamming the bouncer against the wall when he tried to stop us.

I spotted one of my friend's friend at the bar. Her name slipped my mind and I let it go. We weren't close enough for her to realize that it was me anyway.

It was her date that caught my attention. He sat next to her, laughing and running his hand across her knee. It was my friend's boyfriend. He knew me. I tapped Frank's shoulder and pointed at the two of them.

“What?” he asked quietly. I gestured to them and he looked at them and back to me. He shook his head in confusion. I took his ear and pulled him closer. “Can you go see what their talking about? I know them and that is not his girlfriend. And I know they didn't break up.” I hissed in his ear.

“Oh!” he huffed and nodded. He strode over to them and sat at the bar, his back to the cheat. The bar keep asked him what he wanted, nodded walked away. He came back with a glass of clear liquid and sat it in front of Frank, who ignored him and stared at the TV above the bar.

His head tilted to the side and listened to their conversation. After a few minutes of that, his back stiffened and he stood, leaving the drink at the bar, wetness dripping from the cold glass to the wood.

He made his way to me and looked at me with sad eyes. “Chandra? Is she his girlfriend?” he asked softly. I nodded and he sighed.

“Well, he's certainly cheating on her then. The girl he's with said 'What if Chandra finds out' and he said 'Who's gonna tell her'.” My fists clenched at my sides.

I knew it!! I knew there was a reason I didn't like him when Chandra had him meet her friends!!! Dammit!! And here he is, cheating on her!!!!!!

“Ugh!!!” I grunted. Frank looked at me and I glared at the table.

That prick! Chandra was too good for him and we all knew it. If anyone deserved to die, it was him. My eyes shot to Frank.

I caught his eyes and they flashed, reading my idea easily. “Ems, I don't think thats a good-” I laughed and stood up, walking to the bar.

Trying to be gentle when I tapped the girl on the shoulder, she turned around quickly. I jerked my hand over my shoulder. “Get lost.” I said harshly.

Chandra's boyfriend, who's name I didn't care about, just gaped at me. The girl shook her head and I grabbed her by the shoulder, easily lifting her slight frame from the chair. Holding her by the shirt in the air, she tried to scream, but I cut her short.

“I said get lost.” I hissed between my teeth. She whimpered and nodded. So I set her on her feet and gestured at the door.

She nearly ran to it. I looked at the cheat and set down. He was still gaping at me. “Hello,” I hissed at him.

“I-Emily! Chandra's been going crazy about you being lost! Where have you been?” he said in a rush. I laughed, letting it ring with power.

“Now that I can't tell you in here. How about we head out back?” I purred. He looked shocked and a bit flustered.

Letting all my training about luring rush back to me, I tilted my head to the side and raised my eyebrows. “Unless, you want me to tell Chandra about your little friend of yours...” I let my words drift in the air, let them sink in.

He frowned and nodded. I stood up and led the way past Frank, who gave me a pained look, and right out the door. We went around the building to the back, standing behind the dumpster and in the corner.

I pushed him to the wall and stepped back. He crossed his arms over his chest and I looked down the alley. It was completely empty, like I'd hoped for.

He grunted and I smiled sweetly. I looked at him, meeting his eyes. Daggers flew at me threw them and I laughed again.

“You think you can scare me? You want to know where I've been all this time? Oh I'll tell you, but you won't believe me.” I said sweetly, taking a small step forward. He kept on glaring and opened his mouth. “I want to know where you've been for Chandra. She thought you were dead and-”

“And she's been bugging you about it. That's why you're cheating on her. You can't take the stress she pushes on you and so you just gave up. And you saw the cute girl at the end of the table giving the eye at lunch and thought she'd do just fine. Nobody ever noticed her anyway.” I cut him off. He snapped his mouth shut and I continued.

“If you really cared about her, you'd break up with her instead of cheating on her. And I know she's been worried about me. But, when in Hell, you have to play the devil's game to stay alive.” I said simply. He wasn't the brightest, but he didn't miss that.

“Hell?” he asked, his glare faltering and slipping out of his eyes. I laughed again and stepped closer. “Yes. Hell. I've learned many new things. Things that would drive you insane if you even heard them. And I've done things. Terrible things that you could never imagine yourself doing. But thats the beauty of Hell. You can do anything and nobody cares.”

His arms tightened over his chest and he scowled. “You haven't been to Hell and back! Your just a liar.” he said stiffly, more to his self than to me.

“Actual Hell, like in the Bible? No I haven't been there yet. But in the Hell I'm talking about, is much worse. The devil there takes away everything you have, even your soul. And I hurts.” I took another step toward him as I spoke.

He pressed his back to the wall and his arms fell. I spoke again. “But, once you lose your soul, you get taught things. Like this,” I gestured at us and gave him a little grin.

“What?” he asked, looking down. Once he was distracted, my hand flashed out, wrapping around his neck easily. He gasped as I pushed his head back against the wall, pressing my body against his.

I wasn't going to kill him just yet. “What are you doing?” he grunted, trying to free his hands from between our bodies. I pressed tighter and he moaned.

The bulge in his pants was hard against my knee. I pressed the knee tighter against his crotch and he cried out. My hand tightened around his throat and he turned red.

Thats right. Your going to die tonight. I thought. What I said was “This is what I'm talking about.” I hissed in his ear. He collapsed against me.

I caught him in my arms and turned to see Frank staring at me. “What?” I asked, embarrassed. He shook his head and spoke.

“I came out here when I heard him moan. He could have been raping you for all I knew.” I laughed and his face went red. “I could have handled him if he tried.”

Frank looked at the cheater in my arms. “What are you going to do with him?” he asked warily. I looked at him now, passed out against me.

I shrugged and we started for our car, blocks away, parked in a shadowy alley way. Throwing the cheat in back and bagging his head, I sat up front with Frank.

He turned on the radio and turned it to my favorite station. The guy in back woke up and struggled against the quick robes I'd put around his wrists.

“What the FUCK!!!!!!” he yelled loudly. I turned in my seat and punched him in the back of his head. He passed out again and we pulled into the little clearing our home was located in.

We parked and I got him from the back seat. His weight was nothing to me now. I took him to the room Frank had taken me.

Frank had been silent the whole time, until I kicked the wall, making the chair pop out. “Emily! Slow down girlie!” he clutched at the hand that was lifting the chains.

I looked at him, my eyes full of hatred. “Maybe Father wants to keep him.” he said, trying to delay this kids' death.

With a sigh, I shook off his hand and placed the chain over the guys arm. I took the bag off his head and slapped him across the face to wake him up.

He opened his eyes and glared at me. “Bitch!!” he yelled, making me want to hit him again. Frank stepped in between us, putting his hands on my shoulders.

“Go get Father.” he said, his voice slipping into his monotone. I smiled darkly and left the room. Walking to Father's office, I knocked once and pushed the metal door open.

“Yes? Emily what is it?” he looked at me, his eyes dancing. “We brought someone back, Sir.” I said, bowing slightly to him. He stepped around the large desk and put his hands on my shoulders. “Ah! My perfect children! You never let me down.” he kissed my cheek and opened the door for me.

I led him back to the room where Frank and the cheat had stayed. He went to the cheat, taking his chin in his hand and turning his face to the side. Stupidly, he spat in Father's face. I gasped and slapped him, only to be held back by Father's arm.

“I want him. He has a strong build and he looks like an athlete.” he said thoughtfully. He looked at my and I wiped the spit off his face with my sleeve.

“Emily, my dear daughter, why don't you break him?” I nodded and gave him a cool smile. Frank's eyes were sad as Father left the room.

I turned to the cheat, who was looking at me in shock. “Time see Hell.” I said and went to get the cart.

Ohhhhh!!!!!!!!! Cliff hanger!!!!!!!!! Lawlz R+R PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
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