Categories > Anime/Manga > Gravitation > Fleeting Inspiration

Brotherly Love

by AnnaSartin 0 reviews

Category: Gravitation - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-23 - Updated: 2011-03-23 - 1430 words

Fleeting Inspiration
by Anna Sartin

. . .

Chapter Three: Brotherly Love


"There's no way in hell."

"Oh come on, Aniki!" Eiri's younger brother Tatsuha pleaded.

"You are not staying here!"

"I need to stay here while I take my college entrance exams!"

Eiri scoffed. "Like you'll ever get into Tokyo University."

"My grades are fine!"

"Because you cheat. You only passed math last year because you were sleeping with the teacher. There's no way in hell you'll pass the entrance exam to Tokyo University."

"Oh yeah? I passed the practice exam last month!"

"You probably cheated then, too. You are not staying here!" Eiri repeated, imagining the damage his brother would do to the place while he was gone. "And since when the hell do you want to go to Tokyo University anyway?"

"Ryuichi-sama lives here, and the only way Dad will let me move to Tokyo is if I go to the university here!"

Eiri wondered what their father thought of his seventeen year-old son dating a man in his thirties. He probably didn't know. Either way it was not his problem. There was no way in hell his brother was staying here...

"Shindo-san!" Tatsuha wailed, clinging to the singer's arm as he entered the apartment. He processed to tell Shuichi his woes and naturally, with the run of luck Eiri had been having lately, his lover was instantly sympathetic to his brother's cause.

"Of COURSE you can stay here, Tatsuha! Yuki and I are going on vacation anyway, so you'll have the whole place to yourself to study while we're gone!"

Eiri dropped his cigarette and seriously contemplated stuffing both Shuichi and his brother into "The Daily Box" and shipping it out of the country. "I am NOT going on vacation and leaving him here to-"

"We are GOING ON VACATION," Shuichi interrupted him, glaring at him warningly. "You NEED it. I don't want you getting into anymore fights with old men!"

"Old men?" Tatsuha asked.

"What business is it of yours what I do?" Eiri yelled at his lover.

"It's my business because I was the one who had to bail you out of jail!" Shuichi yelled right back.

Tatsuha stared at his brother. "Jail?"

"Well, it's about time you did something around here besides make messes and eat me out of house and home!" Eiri shouted.

"That's not fair!"

"Geeze Aniki, you really DO need a vacation," Tatsuha remarked, causing his brother to stop glaring at Shuichi and turn on him instead. The younger sibling decided it might be wise to shut up while he was still ahead. "Uh... I'll just go get my bags..."

. . .

"Vacation! Vacation! I get to go on vacation with Yuuukiiiii!" Shuichi sang loudly as he flitted around the apartment, running from room to room grabbing random things to pack. Open suitcases were everywhere, ready to receive whatever Shuichi was on hand to stuff in. His beloved Yuki had retreated to his study, having no desire to "share the packing experience" with him.

"Why is there a box on the floor?" Tatsuha asked.

"It's Yuki's!" Shuichi called from the bedroom.

Tatsuha picked it up and examined it, before setting it down in the corner where it would be out of the way. He noticed a book lying open on the floor where the box had been, and picked that up as well. Aniki usually keeps his place cleaner than this, he thought, tossing the book in an open suitcase.

The doorbell rang, and Shuichi ran into the room to answer it. "Sakuma-san! Come in!"

Tatsuha flew to the door to find the object of his adoration, his honey, his God waving Kumagoro at him.

"Hi, Tatsu-kun! Shuichi called and told me that you were here!"

Tatsuha stared at Shuichi worshipfully in silent thanks before turning back to Ryuichi and smiling slyly. "Did Kumagoro-chan miss me?" he asked, putting his arms around his boyfriend.

"Kumagoro missed you veeery much!" the singer replied, squeezing the stuffed rabbit in his hands. He blushed and whispered "Did you miss Kumagoro?"

Shuichi retreated to the kitchen to give them some privacy.

"Mmmm... VERY much," Tatsuha replied.

"Kumagoro wants to know what you're doing in town. Did you come to see Ryuichi?"

Tatsuha decided to keep his plans for the singer under wraps until his brother and Shuichi left. Eiri probably wouldn't like his plans to use his apartment as a love nest for seducing Ryuichi; he might even cancel his vacation. "I have entrance exams this week."


"To get into Tokyo University."

Ryuichi blinked. "But Tatsuha is a monk," he said, as if Tatsuha didn't already know. "Why does he need to go to a university?"

"Just because I'm going to run my father's temple one day doesn't mean I want to pass up going to college." That was a card he delighted in playing and holding over his father's head. After all the years the old man had lectured him on the importance of a good education there was no way he could refuse his youngest son's request to attend college. Looks like he'd have to wait a few more years before dumping the temple and its responsibilities into Tatsuha's lap. "Besides, going to school here means I would get to live here and be with you and Kumagoro-chan every day!"

Ryuichi's eyes lit up and he tackled the young monk excitedly, knocking them both to the floor.

It was at this time that Eiri had finally decided to come out of his study and was greeted by the sight of his brother laying flat on his back with the older, hyperactive singer straddling him and squeezing the life out of him. The writer turned tail and headed back to his study. There were some things he just did NOT need to see.

. . .

A few hours later Eiri was double-checking his favorite suitcase in the bedroom to make sure all the essentials had been packed before he and Shuichi headed out tomorrow. Medication, check. Cigarettes, check. Underwear, check... He had to admit that getting away for a few days was not such a bad idea. He needed to get as far away from That Book as possible. If he eliminated the source of his tension he might be able to get rid of his writer's block. Sitting in the sun while Shuichi's cute little ass served him hard lemonade wearing nothing but his swim trucks might in fact be very very good for his inspiration. He just had to forget about "Four Gay Elves", the literary not-so genius Mamoru Eto, and the fact that Tatsuha (and most likely Ryuichi) would be occupying his apartment while he was gone. Not easy obstacles to overcome, but he was going to do it! He refused to be beaten down by other people's stupidity!


Speaking of stupidity... "What do you want?" he asked his brother, hearing Shuichi and Ryuichi laughing maniacally from the living room. They were probably doing something moronic, as usual.

"You could be nicer to your little brother, you know..."

"You got the damn apartment, what more do you want?"

Tatsuha smiled mischievously.

Eiri glared. "Well whatever it is, you're NOT getting it!"

"But I know something, Aniki..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"...Something I bet you don't want people to know. Like Dad... or Mika..."

Eiri just stared at him.

"What WOULD they say if I told them my Aniki had to be bailed out of jail for brawling with a senior citizen?"

"You little..." Eiri knew exactly what would happen if word got out about the "incident" yesterday. In addition to receiving several lectures from his family members he would end up seeing a lot more of his sister and brother-in-law, who would constantly feel the need to pry into his life and "check up on him". He'd been enjoying the fact that lately the frequency of their visits had decreased drastically. Rather they had finally figured out he could take care of himself or simply put their trust in Shuichi to look after him, it didn't matter. Either way they were leaving him alone, which was a good thing.

"Your choice, Aniki."

He was stuck, and he knew it. "How much is this going to cost me?"

"Your Visa card."

"Hell no!"

"Just until you and Shindo-san get back from vacation."

Eiri considered it for moment before pulling his wallet out of his pocket and taking out his preferred credit card. He threw it at his brother. "Fine. Just stay the fuck out of my room while I'm gone."


End chapter three
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