Categories > TV > Criss Angel Mindfreak > if i shoudl fall from the sky would you twice or just pass me by...

vampires excite me and it was lovly

by deannagoodenough 0 reviews

so yup still doing chapters its spring break got to love it and yup

Category: Criss Angel Mindfreak - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance,Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-03-23 - Updated: 2011-03-24 - 949 words

So I settled with Queen Of The Damned watching it with complete and total aw as I watched it bouncing by the end of the movie from the 3 cans of monster that I had drunken by the middle of the movie causing me to jump up and run to the bathroom to tinkle I finished not that long after but I was as muched relived then before I tinkled

I walked out of the hotel room and into the hot dewy mourning air letting my feet fall into a rhythm with the cement putting I'm my jelly red ear buds and blasting THE USED while starting up a faster pace into a jog as I ran around the streets mostly blinded by the rising sun breathing in the almost choking air as it got later into the mourning and my pace began to slow as the air rose in tempiture and I started to gulp to try and breath not gaining any success I sat on a bench with my head in-between my knees choking down more air as my hot mouth dried slowly not allowing my to swallow but one thing my dumb ass knows is when I'm about to get dehydrated so I started to run more making it to a near by grocery store buying a bottle of water downing it fast sighing it in relief as I threw it away walking back out into new Orleans looking at the sky as I saw it turn from orange to a dark red to finally a dark blue to black as the stars popped there heads threw the night sky giving me a awesome view as I began to walk back to the hotel

I made It there shortly after opening up the door and plopping down onto the bed sighing as my muscles relaxed and my eyes closed letting me drift into a night mare of bunny's chasing me with sticks and razor blades tempting me to kill all of the bunny's around me so I woke up screaming as I checked all around me for any dead bunny's , sticks and razor blades sighing when there was none as I sat back down on the bed turning on the light coming face to face to criss causing me to scream jumping onto the floor

"still love attacking the floor baby?"

"you have no idea on how much I love to"

"so what's this about the fucking Santa with polar bears stripping?"

"oh yeah random memories...."


"makes you wonder criss doesn't it?" I said climbing onto the bed and sitting on him

"so why were you screaming?"

"ehh just thought I wanted to scream about bunny's wanting me to murder them"

"vampire bunny's?"

"you know me so well"

"well why do you love vampires so much if they give you night mares?"

"cause it's a secret thing I like"


"not telling" I said with a smirk on my face while sitting up straight but yelping in shock as I was turned over onto my back with criss on top of me looking me straight in the eyes but I kept my ground

"im not telling criss"

"so I have to figure it out?"


I said not even giving it another thought before it escaped my mouth because not shortly after he smashed his soft warm lips to mine in a rush making my head slightly go hay wire as he squeezed my left wrist making me moan as he took that time to slip his tung into my mouth exploring every inch witch I didn't mind as he pulled away kissing from my lips down my jaw line all the way down to the hallow of my neck biting it hard causing me to yelp in pleasure as every part of my body was suddenly brought to life making me more aware then I ever was before as I closed my eyes do to pleasure as criss bit harder I bit my lip to the point of drawing blood just to hold back a very load moan causing criss to return to my lips letting my head swim in the pleasure of it all but two soon we both hd to pull away to breath as he still sat on top of me barely putting any of his weight on my fragile frame looking at me slightly panting as I opened up my eyes shaking slightly as I looked at him

"still not telling criss"

"you don't have to baby I already know why you like them"

"and how is that?"

"blood biting the sensation"


"when I squeezed your left wrist just above your vein you moaned and shivered into me and when I bit in the hallow of your neck above your jugular vein a rippling sensation ran threw you plus not most people love to be bit hard there to the point that your skin would break"

"I guess you did dad" I said instantly jumping when I felt a hard ting against my inner thigh "dude get to the bathroom and wankie for fucks sake I don't want to feel that on me!" I nearly screamed out trying to wiggle out of his grasp

"oh fine but it would be lonely in there for me..."

"don't even think I would help you on that now go!"

"aw fine"

"and im going to bed so out!" I said pushing him into the bathroom after he got up hearing the door close and lock behind me after I started back to the bed getting in it then curling up in the blankets and falling fast asleep to a dreamless almost dead sleep
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