Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Hurts


by vinillafreak 1 review

sorry guys, i have been busy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-03-29 - Updated: 2011-03-29 - 192 words

Frank’s POV

I said bye to my mom and told her I would see her tomorrow, I am actually pretty excited about staying at Gerard’s.

I got to Gerard’s home and knocked on the door hopping he remembered I was coming over

‘The door opened’

“Hi” I said in a loud voice

“Hey!” Gerard said

“has you’re parents left yet?” man that was the most stupid thing I ever said

“yep they are just away” Gerard said

Gerard’s POV

Oh my god he actually came over. Okay I should tell him now…


Before I could say any words frank was kissing me, his tongue was inside my mouth.
“shhh” frank whispered

Frank started to lick my neck, wow he was amazing..

Franks POV

Gerard took me to his room, god this was amazing I felt so freaking good. Gerard lay on his bed staring at me, I walked over and said
“I love you”

I ripped his pants off, he had a HUGE erection… man I was gob smacked, lay on top of Gerard kissing his slimy lips they tasted so good.

“Frank stop” Gerard moaned
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