Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade

The Black Parade

by chloeandeddi 2 reviews

a collaboration by ChloesGreenDay and xx_eddi_xx Based in the world of The Black Parade.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-28 - Updated: 2011-03-28 - 3870 words

hello it's E. Here is the first chapter, written by Chloe. I shall be posting a second chapter soon.


Life was so good right now.
We’d just released The Black Parade, our third album, and it was doing even better than the other two. It was currently at number one in the album charts, and it felt like My Chem were finally getting the recognition we deserved. Our faces were all over everywhere, alternative mags and normal ones alike. That felt really good, knowing that even people who brought into pop culture still liked a little rock n’ roll in their lives.
Since I’d quit the pills and the alcohol, life was so amazing. I remembered every second of the past couple of years, something I was immensely proud of. It had been a real struggle, but with the help of my friends and my amazing wife I’d gotten back on track. I experienced every single emotion of every single day, and it felt amazing not to be lost in a sea of despair and misery like the old days.
I had an incredible wife, LynZ from a band called Mindless Self Indulgence. She was the most beautiful, funny, caring and sweet person I’d ever met, and I was so lucky to be graced by her presence in my life. It was nothing short of a miracle that a girl like her would go for a guy like me, and everyday I thanked my lucky stars that she was a part of my life. She was so talented as well; we both shared a love for art and music. It’s like we were born for each other, or something corny like that.
The warm sunlight shined down on me, illuminating everything in my sight. That was something else I’d started to embrace. The sun. I laughed as I remembered how I used to hide in my room all day long, just drawing and smoking. No wonder I was so god damned pale. I’d started going out more now, realising that being social was another key to happiness.
I smiled as I took sip of the rich black coffee, savouring the bitter taste. Everyone was coming to my house for diner later, and it would be a really nice chance to take a break from our crazy schedule and just be ourselves. I was so looking forward to just relaxing.
I raised the cigarette in my other hand to my mouth, closing my eyes and feeling the warmth of the summers day bore into my skin. Okay, so maybe I was still smoking. But it’s not like it was a crime against humanity or something. I removed the cigarette , exhaling some of the smoke, watching it curl in the warm air until it vanished.
I felt my mobile vibrate in my pocket, shattering the temporary peace that I’d been enjoying. No rest for the wicked, I suppose. I sighed, flipping it open (I was too cheap to get a decent phone) and looking at the screen. It said I had a text from Frankie.
B over thr in 30. XOXO
At the sight of his words, my face broke into a grin, my heart jumping slightly in my chest.
I hastily keyed in a reply.
KK. I love u Mr Iero. Xxxx
I would get to see him again. The man that I loved.
I knew it was wrong. I knew I should feel guilty, and ashamed of cheating on my incredible wife for Frankie Iero. I wasn’t.
There were moments where I’d feel a little guilty. Then I’d remember him. I’d remember the way his smile was enough to cheer me up on the worst of days, How just watching him on stage, so engrossed in the music, sent excited tremors through my body. I’d remember how it felt as his lips battled with mine, all of our passion and fury and love colliding in moments of pure bliss.
Don’t get me wrong, I completely loved my wife. She was my everything, and I couldn’t live a day without her. But so was Frankie.
Realising that I’d just been sat at the small café dreaming about Frank for the past few minutes, I hastily threw the rest of the rich coffee down my throat and got to my feet, throwing a waitress the money and heading to my car.
I sped home, remembering that my house was quite messy. I fumbled with the house keys, dropping them about four times.
When I did get in, I looked at the living room and pursed my lips. There was spilt coffee on the floor, plates over every surface I could see, and a heap of drawings stacked up on the sofa. Typical of myself to leave things in a heap.
My mobile rang and I flipped it open, not even bothering to look and see who it was.
“Hey Gee. It’s Frank.”
I smiled, nerves filling my stomach. God, what was this man doing to me?
“Hey Frankie. What’s up?”
“Not much. I’ve got a little bad news though. The traffic is awful, There’s no way we’re going to be at your house for at least an hour and a half.”
I sighed in relief. “That’s great!” I exclaimed.
I could just imagine him frowning, his eyebrows knitting together in thought.
I blushed slightly at my outburst, realising that it sounded like I didn’t want him there.
“Oh, my house is a complete tip. It defiantly needs a tidy up. Plus, the colour of my hair is fading a little and I don’t want to look bad for you so I’ll probably re-dye it,” I blurted.
Oh my god. Did I really just say that? I was such a major loser.
“Gee, don’t be stupid. You are possibly the most beautiful person I have ever met. Dyed hair or not, you’re still stunning.”
I laughed nervously, picking up a few cups and carrying them to the kitchen while holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder.
“Thank you Frankie. Have I ever told you I love you?”
He laughed. “Only like a million times. And the same to you.”
I heard voices on the other end of the line.
“What are you telling him?”
“You called him beautiful.”
I laughed. Typical of Ray and Bob to be so nosy. I heard Frankie spill something out quickly, trying to cover for his words.
“Not as beautiful as you are Bryar! I’d tap that!”
Luckily, the distraction must have worked, because I heard loads of what sounded like wrestling and swearing, and the phone got disconnected.
I chuckled at the “maturity” of my friends, slipping the old and slightly battered mobile phone back into my pocket. I took the plates into the kitchen and washed them up, noting that I was running out of washing up liquid. Stupid Mikey, if he didn’t always use it to blow bubbles with, then I’d be fine! But every god damned time the man came over, he’d start blowing bubbles like a little kid.
Armed with a sponge and a bottle of carpet cleaner, I attacked the coffee stain on the carpet with the detergent, scrubbing furiously. God, I’d turned into such a househusband. This was defiantly going to stain the new carpet. I sighed, because I knew that I couldn’t be arsed with moving all of the furniture out of the room to put in another carpet AGAIN. Oh well. The big ass stain would just have to stay there.
Giving up, I collected my drawings and went up to my bedroom, placing them all neatly on my art table. I smiled as i noticed the plans for the new Umbrella Academy graphic novel Gabriel Ba and I were creating, my fingers brushing across the proposal I’d sent to Dark Horse all those weeks ago. I’d been so damn happy when they’d said yes.
I was seriously the luckiest guy alive. I mean, who else got to be in an amazingly awesome band AND fulfil their dreams of being a comic book writer? Not may people, I’d bet a lot.
I sat down, figuring I’d finish up some of the dialogue for Chapter 2. It was always awkward to write anything without having the illustrations for reference, so I usually did some quick sketches that no one but me saw. Sadly, I just didn’t have the time to full out draw every chapter, and that’s where the amazing Gabriel Ba came in. I loved his style, it was kind of rough around the edges which was kind of new to me. I’d always done my drawings in perfectly straight black lines, to make them bolder. It was weird, we both had different personalities and styles, but we really did work well together and I admired him greatly. Having Scott Alie as an editor, Dave Stewart throwing in all those amazing colours on his Mac, The  cool font skills of Nate Piekos and the fucking amazing James Jean as a cover drawer made it heaps of fun as well. Not only were the whole team great at what they did, but they were also just genuinely nice people, which is why it was such a great thing to be a part of.
I yawned, pencil in hand. I’d probably transfer it to my laptop later.
Suddenly, I tensed.
You know when you’re walking down the street and you swear to god you can hear someone behind you, but there’s no one there? It was exactly like that. I felt a trickle of unease fill me. I tingled with sudden nerves, too scared to even look back.
God, what was I, six?
But still, I didn’t turn around. It’s like I was frozen in this position, unable to move although I knew I must.
“Stop being such and idiot.” I whispered to myself. My voice felt too loud, too obvious in the deadly silence that filled my bedroom.
I should have just turned around run straight out of there. I could have saved myself so much trauma and heartbreak. But I didn’t. I’m an idiot. I fully blame myself for what happened after that.
A shadow fell over me. Before I even had a chance to scream, or run, or do anything at all, I felt a sharp jab go into my side. I gasped, and slumped forwards, my head hitting the table. Urgh a needle. I fucking hated needles.
A cold, numb sensation filled my whole body. I suddenly couldn’t move a muscle. It was easily the most terrifying thing that had happened to me in my whole life. I tried to thrash, scream, just do something. But I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried.
I was pulled up, and roughly my chair was spun around, so I was facing my attacker.
Hazel eyes looked at me from behind a black ski mask, glaring hatefully. Whoever they were held a notepad to my face.
Dear Gerard,
You’ve completely ruined the only happiness I had in this life. You took away the one good thing I had, the one good thing I chose to love, and for that you are going to pay.
I have just injected you with a very special substance. So special it doesn’t even have a name yet. It doesn’t last very long, like 20 minutes. But that’s all that I need. It’ll keep you paralyzed, and the best part? In a drugs test, it won’t even show up.
Oh how tragically upset the fans will be when the find out that their hero killed himself. How devastated the band will be to find out that their best friend abandoned them.
I hope you rot in hell for what you’ve done to me.
I just stared (it was all I could do) wondering what the hell I had supposedly done to this complete stranger. I didn’t want to die! I couldn’t, it wasn’t my time! If I could have cried, I would have done. The crazy person pulled out something else, and waved it in front of my face.
No Way. No fucking way.
Somehow, this person had managed to obtain the suicide letter I’d wrote when I was depressed all those years ago. The was no hiding the fact that it was my handwriting, none at all. I was doomed. They would never found out that it wasn’t me.
Turns out that I could use my eyes after all, because tears started rolling out of them. Whoever it was rolled their eyes.
“Oh stop being such a drama queen.”
That voice…. Hadn’t I heard it somewhere before? The person pulled out something shiny from a bag, and I felt my heart jump.
A curved, wicked blade glinted at me seductively.
I tried so fucking hard to move. I really did. But the only thing that happened was my finger twitched slightly.
Unable to scream, unable to run, the tears flowed more heavily as this monster cut into my arm, blood spurting all over me. I knew this was it.
He, or she, was going to kill me.
Mikey’s POV
LynZ let us all into Gee’s house, after knocking on his door like ten times. We all laughed about it, figuring he was too caught up in his own little world to hear us.
I rolled my eyes as I stepped through the doorway, noticing a giant wet patch on the carpet. He’d probably spilt coffee on it again, which was SO typical of him. “Gerard? Where are you?” I called out. No reply.
“He probably went to his room to work on the Umbrella Academy and lost track of time,” Frank mused. I sighed. “You’re probably right. You guys stay here, I’ll go drag him out of his cave and downstairs. If I’m not back in ten minutes, assume that poisonous gases have leaked through the house and both me and Gerard and lying on the floor upstairs, unconscious or dead.”
LynZ laughed. “I certainly hope not. Go on then.”
Suddenly, Frank butted in. “I’ll come with you.” I looked at him questioningly, and he rolled his eyes. “To boot his sweaty ass into gear.”
I walked up the staircase and Frank followed, my hand trailing along the dusty railing. Did he ever clean? I could smell disinfectants, but that was probably from trying to clear up the coffee. If no one ever came around, he’d probably live like a tramp.
I was glad that Gee had LynZ, they really were perfect for each other. Plus, she was super nice to us all and that was something I admired greatly. All of Gerard’s old girlfriends had undermined me, called me a baby, and said I was pathetic compared to the glorious Gerard Way. Being compared to my brother was something that happened a lot, but I really didn’t mind. He was a massive inspiration, and I admired his passion and drive for life so much. He was nothing short of incredible, and I was so lucky to have him in my life.
“Gerard?” Frank called. Nothing.
“Gerard? Are you in your bedroom?” I called out, louder thank Frank had.
A low moan came from his room, and I felt my heart spike. What the hell? This wasn’t some sort of joke, was it?
I walked forwards, pushing his door open.
As Frank had suspected, he was slumped over his art table. I sniggered. He’d probably fallen to sleep or something. “Come on man, wake up.”
He moaned again, something too quiet to hear. I frowned.
Frank walked around the other side of him.
He gasped and cried out, tears immediately filling his eyes. “Frank what’s wrong?!” I asked. Frank pulled Gerard out of the chair and fell to the ground, cradling the man in his arms. I looked at Gerard and gasped.
His arms were covered in fresh wounds, blood completely covering him. His face was chalky white and his eyes were wide open. He’d tried to kill himself. Why? For fucks sake, why?! Just the other day, he’d told me how happy he was. Was that all just a lie? Didn’t I mean anything to him, if he was so ready to just leave me?
I was frozen. My mind just couldn’t comprehend Gerard doing something like that. No. Not him. Anyone but him. I couldn’t lose Gerard, of all people. Frank looked up at me, tears in his eyes.
There was no need. As soon as they heard his frenzied scream, everyone had rushed up the stairs and into Gee’s bedroom. There were several cries and gasps as they saw what Gerard had done to himself. I felt tears of my own pour down my face, leaving hot trails. This wasn’t right! He was meant to be my brother, my partner in crime. How could he leave me like this?
“Gerard please speak to me! Please!” Frank begged. Gee twitched slightly. He coughed, his breath rasped and un-understandable. “F-Frannk,” He stuttered. “I’m right here for you baby I promise. You’ll be okay, you’ve just got to hang on a little longer. Just stay for me. You’ve got to stay with me.” Numbly, I heard a hysterical LynZ talking to some medics. It was like this was just a hideous nightmare, except no matter how hard I pinched myself, I was ensnared inside of it.
Gerard tried to talk. “Wasn’t…… It Wasn’t…..”
Peacefully, almost like he was falling to sleep after a late night, Gerard’s eyes closed. His head lolled back, and his bloody arm hit the floor.
He was gone.
“NOOOOOOOOO! YOU FUCKING WAKE UP WAY, NOW!” Frank frantically screamed, shaking his cold dead body. “GERARD!” He sobbed, hugging the lifeless shell close to him. Everyone in the room was crying hysterically, hugging one another just to be close to someone. There was no thought here, just complete misery at the loss of Gee’s life.
My brother, my best friend, my hero…………Gone. I held my hands to my face, my whole body shaking. All’s I could do was cry. I knew for a fact, there and then, that I’d never be happy again. I needed him, already I missed his presence. Life wouldn’t be worth living without him.
Gerard’s POV
I was glad I would be able to die in the arms of the man I loved. I looked up at his beautiful, tearstained face and felt a pang of regret for all the time we’d wasted in our lives, building up the courage to ask each other out. If only we’d done it sooner, we’d of had so much more time together. I frowned, realising I was making him feel sad. I didn’t want to make him sad.
“Gerard please speak to me! Please!” He begged. I fought desperately against the numbness in my body, answering him. “F-frannk,” I chocked out.
He cried even more, cradling me in his arms. Oh god, there was so much I wanted to tell him…… So much that I would never get the chance to say. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, and that I was sorry for everything I’d done to him. I wanted to be able to kiss him, hold him tight, tell him everything was okay. But I couldn’t. Whatever that freak had injected into me, was only now beginning to wear off a little. I could still barely move. So I was forced to remain perfectly still as my lover wept. I couldn’t even look up at my friends, family. All’s I could see was the utter misery on Frank’s face.
“I’m right here for you baby I promise. You’ll be okay, you’ve just got to hang on a little longer. Just stay for me. You’ve got to stay with me.”
It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was me. I felt my consciousness lagging, and fear filled me. What was on the other side? Was there anything on the other side? I didn’t want to go, not like this. Not this soon.
I had to tell Frank it wasn’t me, make him know I’d never do something like this.
“Wasn’t…… It Wasn’t…..”
My breath failed me, and my head spun in a sudden attack of dizziness. No!!!! I tried to kick out, to scream for life, but I just couldn’t. Slowly, my eyes closed and I stiffened. Was this the end?
It’s like there was a silent explosion. A pulse of energy filled the room, ruffling through my hair. Weakly, I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight before me. Everyone in the room had……changed. They were all coated in black eyeliner, and had very strange clothes on. What the…..
I found I was able to actually move now, and I rose to my feet and out of Frank’s arms. The whole room had suddenly turned grey and black, devoid of any colour. I just stood there, unsure of what to do. My whole family, my friends were just sort of standing in the position’s they had been before. But they weren’t crying. They were just staring into space, like they weren’t even aware of my presence.
Then, just like that, the whole room fell to the ground, like sheets.
“What the fuck?” I exclaimed, fear filling me. I looked around, realising everyone except me had vanished, and I was alone.
But that wasn’t the most astonishing thing. Not by far.
I looked around, my heart in my throat as my eyes took in the scenery.
It was… A city. A bombed city, by the looks of it. Rubble and debris covered the ground, making it hard to simply stand still without tripping over something. Sky scrapers of colossal proportions filled the sky. But everything was grey, and black. Like it had all been drained of colour.
I felt something land on my head. Curious, I felt my black tangled hair. The white dye was too itchy, so I’d given up on it. I took the soft thing in my hand, rubbing it between my fingers. It scattered to the floor.
It was ash. I looked around me, and realised ash was falling from the sky. I also realised that this place looked REALLY familiar.
No. It couldn’t be.
But if it wasn’t, then where the hell was i?
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