Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Full Of Holes.

Oh My God,My Liquid Foundation Just Spilled And Is Now All Over My Jeans.

by unitedsuck007 9 reviews

Ignore the title.Believe it or not,this is actually about MCR.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-02 - Updated: 2011-04-02 - 464 words

Hey guys!
Today,the 2nd of April 2011,is a very important date.It’s the fifth anniversary of me loving MCR!!!!
does cringey party dance,then stops awkwardly when no-one joins me
Okay.Maybe only mentally challenged people like me find that good.
Five years ago,my cousin was living with us.She was a bit weird,and I actually kinda hate her,but anyway,she really liked MCR,and had seen them live before-she’s Australian,btw-and so she showed me “I’m Not Okay”.(Which,if you ask me,is a bit dodge showing your twelve-year-old cousin,who,at the time,liked ponies and custard.Yup,now that’s me.What went wrong?)Anyway,I ADORED it and found out about their other stuff,and forced my dad to buy both Bullets and Revenge for me.I quote from my diary at the time:
“Today Talia showed me dis (I was a very stupid child) band and they were verey (see?) goode.(oh my god)Theres a bit at de(christ i won't even comment) at de end where they say “I’m not ofuckingkay” and its funny.”
Yes.I didn’t know how to spell “this” or “the” but when it comes to swearing I’m The Man.
Anyway,a few months later,The Black Parade was released and I went APESHIT.Despite all the shit it got,I loved,and still love that album a lot.
But,these my are questions to YOU GUYS:
1.How did you come across MCR?
2.When did you come across MCR?
3.What’s your favourite album?
4.Who is your favourite member?
5.Do you like Danger Days?
6.Have you seen them live?

7.Who’s hair is the most rad?

My answers:
How did you come across ‘em?
My cousin.
When did you come across ‘em?
Five years ago.
Favourite album?
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.Blood stained suits FTW!!
Favourite member:
Well,I do love them all to pieces.....but I suppose Gerard is the hottest.(how fan-girly do I sound?)
Verdict on Danger Days:
Don’t like it.Too pop-ish,too annoying,too synth-y.They should go back to their heavier stuff.Vampire Money is good enough.
Seen ‘em live?
Projekt Revolution 2007,in Belfast,Northern Ireland.Frank and Gerard made out ;) My Frerard-obsessed friend nearly exploded XD.
And the hair?
Ray.That man inspires me whenever I pick up a hairbrush.

And guys,let’s not forget Gerard’s birthday on April 9th!:D can’t believe he’s 34.
Ah well.Sexiest 34-year-old I ever saw.LynZ is one lucky mofo :) is Frank.pervy smile.Oh yes.
Christ,I need psychiatric help.Pronto.
NB:came up with title after once blue jeans now look like gone-off cappuccinos.FML.
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