Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Reacue Me... Please

Reacue Me... Please

by Cassie-ZombieGirl 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-04-05 - Updated: 2011-04-05 - 890 words

OK i know i start a story, add a few chapter and the start a new story. but i just get idea's and i'm no good at writing things on paper, so i just write it here. And the reason i do it is, so i don't lose my idea. so i'm sorry if its annoying, but i will finish every story i promise.

I was high, totally high, from what exactly? Everything. And I mean everything. I was a user. A drug user. I’m 20 years old and I live in run down, one bedroom flat in the worst part of New York. Harlem. You haven’t heard of it? Well good, because you really don’t want to know about it. It’s all about drugs, gangs and well... yes sex. I wasn’t always like this. No I use to live in Belleville, New Jersey. That’s when my parent’s where happy, when they loved each other. Now, I haven’t seen my mom in about 4 years. My father, well my father is the reason I am who I am. You see my names Frank Iero. Most people call me Frankie, but not anymore. Nobody has called me Frankie since I left New Jersey almost 5 years ago. My Father hates me. The reason he took me from my mom? I have no idea. My Father has hated me since I came out when I was 15. Yes, you guessed it, I’m gay. A whole year went by without him talking to me, and then once my mom said she wanted him out, he took me with him. I have no idea why, I guess it was because he hated her. You see, my father never told my mom he was taking me, he just did. He told me he wanted to make up for the past year, I believed him, but that wasn’t the truth. He needed a reason so I would go with him. I thought we were just going out for the day. 4 years later and now look.

So the thing is right. I’m a punk at heart, but down here, you need to fit in. So I got a haircut, well my father made me. He said it was so I wouldn’t get the shit kicked out of me for being... different. I was sent to the worst school ever. I’ve seen people being shot nearly every week. I have hid my true identity for so long. I truly don’t know who I am anymore. I take so many drugs I don’t know what it’s like to function only on coffee like I use to. Music, coffee and Gerard Way. That was my life. The 3 in that order. Gerard Way, he was my best friend. And behind it all he was the love of my life. He still is. I can’t even remember what he looked like. But he was the type of guy that if you hadn’t seen him in years, the moment you came face to face with him, you would automatically know it was him. I miss him. As soon as I realised what was happening, That I wasn’t just going on some day trip with my father, I texted him. I told him how I felt. That I was gay, that I was madly in-love with him, that I would never forget him. I asked him to help me. That my father had tricked me into going with him. But Gerard never got the text, my father had caught me and took my cell phone of me and smashed it up.

So now I’m in some club with guys I don’t even know but are apparently are my friend and in the same gang as me. How I got into a gang I’ve know idea. I even have a gun. But I have never used it, and I don’t intend to. There was a fight going on outside and I was automatically Dragged outside to get involved. That’s what I do. Go to clubs, Get high on whatever is around and then once a fight breaks out, I get right in the middle of it and try not to get killed. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with him. I just jump right in there and go for it. Give it my all. I mostly blame the drugs and my father. That’s my outlet I guess.

So Jumped right in. I we were fighting at least 5 guys. Much bigger then me. Have i told you that I’m only 5’4 and weight about 9 stone? Yeah I’m tiny and I could be easily snapped in to. But I’ve never lost a fight and i don’t intend to know. Until I seen him, coming at me with all his might. I felt his fist collide with my face and knocked me right over, I felt his fist come in contact with my stomach, face, ribs, everywhere.

Gerard Way was beating the shit out of me.

So what do you think? Like? love? hate? please let me know. I'd really love to know what use think.
- Cass xx

btw i don't know MCR. this is 100% Fiction. yada yada yada
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