Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Reacue Me... Please


by Cassie-ZombieGirl 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-05 - Updated: 2011-04-06 - 730 words

I woke up to someone blowing into my ear. I tried to hit it away but it wouldn’t go away. I grond and pulled the blanket over my head. I heard a chuckle and knew excatlly who it was.

‘Gerard, go away’ i whinned. He laughed again.

‘Come on baby, you have to get up, where home, where the last stop and Brian wants to go home, soooo you have to get up’ He pulled me up and i whinned again. ‘God Frankie your still like a little kid, did you change at all’ He joked.
I glared at him and put on my shoes. Then it hit me. Where back in New Jesery and i have no where to live, no money, no clothes, no nothing. I’m fucked. I could feel myself tear up, i didn’t want to cry infront of Gerard but the tears wouldn;t listen to me and spilled other my eyes and ran down my cheek, i put my head down so Gerard wouldn’t notice. But He did.
He pulled my into his chest and wraped his arms around me .

‘Whats the matter baby? Why are you crying? Shh frankie, it’s okay, i’m here’ He voice was so soothing, I wanted to stay like this forever.

‘i-i’ i tried to chock out the words but all that came was more tears. Gerard held me tighter to his chest , rocking me back and forth.

‘Come on baby, lets get you into the house, we can talk there okay?’ i nodded and let him walk me off the bus and into his house. He sat me doiwn on the couch and sat beside me.

‘Whats the matter Frankie?’ He put his hand on my cheek softly and moved his thumb against my cheek.

‘i- i don’t.. i can’t tell you?’ i sobs trying to stop crying. I wiped my eyes and looked at my feet.

‘Yes you can baby, i’m here for you, please tell me what has you so upset, i’m worried’ e kisses my forhead and pulled me down on the couch, my head was on his chest and my arm around his waist, his hands where wraped around me. It felt so right. I love this man.

‘Gee.. where am i gonna live? How am i gonna eat? I have no home, no money, no nothing’ i sobed into his chest, he held me tighter and chuckled.

‘Baby, is this what this is all about? Because you don;t know where your gonna live?’ i nodded my head and felt his fingers under my chin, lifting my head up so i could look at him. ‘Baby, you are going to live with me, eat our food, sleep in our bed, watch our telly. This is your home now, our home baby’ he smiled and leaned down and kissed me. Fresh tears sprung from my eyes, but not sad tears, happy tears.

‘I love you Gee’

‘I love you too Frankie baby, always have, always will’ he kissed me again, this time it was full of passion, love.

I finally felt i belonged somewhere, i belonged to Gerard Auther Way. And i wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hey guys. sorry its so short, i promise i'll upload something longer soon!
And i'm sorry it's been so long since i last updated. I've just been so busy, i was moving house and stuff!
and i've got some good new's last week. I'm gonna be a big sissy xD My mum;s pregnant. She's been seeing this guy for awhile. and wll things happen. He's a real nice guy and we get along really well. He had a son himself, so its not like he's knew to this haha. but anyway i just wanted to tell you guys my good news. My mum said when the baby is born i can name him/her xD i'm so excited xD so while your doing your thing and reviewing my chapter, maybe you could through a name or to in there too, just to give me an idea xD i know its gonne be like 6months till the baby is born but still xD
so guys help me out. I love you all so much.
And once again. THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU XD
-Cassie T. xxxx
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