Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Azianeth Soul
Chapter 6
I reached 4th period Algebra and I liked this class for some reason. I really don’t have a reason, but I still liked that class. Stefenie, Klaude, and Quentin had the same class, too. I remembered that it was the class where I met Klaude. Good old memories. When I was getting out my stuff, Quentin came by and gave me a look. It wasn’t like any other mysterious look that he ever gave me. It was more like I did something wrong kind of look.
Today seemed to go really fast. The bell rang and for most of us it was lunch. Everybody rushed to pack all of their stuff into their backpacks. Everybody ran straight out the door. I took my time, like any other day. Stefenie waited patiently for me to get all my things. I finally got everything in my backpack and we both left the class room.
We walked out of the school building and Quentin was behind us, just following us. We entered the cafeteria and sat down, at our regular table I grabbed out my lunch and the left over donuts, from 1st period. “Steff, you want a donut? I have some extras from this morning,” I said to Stefenie. “Yeah,” she said. I opened the bag and gave her a donut. She was like a kid getting candy. I smiled with joy. Then I saw Quentin sitting there, waiting for me to give him a part of a sandwich, like every day. I gave him a piece and he ate quietly. He ate quickly and left the table, without a word. “What’s up with him?” I asked. “IDK,” replied Stefenie. I looked at Quentin one more time and I saw a shadow following him. Then a shadow went into his body! “I have him, Katalin. Give up now,” said a very deep voice. I turned around and I didn’t see anyone. “Stefenie, did you see that? Or did you hear that deep voice?” I said. “That shadow it went….” “What are you talking about? What shadow and what voice? I didn’t hear anything. Are you ok, Katalin?” Stefenie asked. I looked back and Quentin was gone. “I really don’t know Steff, I really don’t know,” I said.
Stefenie gave me a homemade cupcake that made she made for my birthday. The janitor came over by our table and asked “Whose birthday is it?” The whole group pointed at me. The janitor said, “Ok, ready 1, 2, 3 ….” They all sang happy birthday to me. I put my head on the table, feeling embarrassed. “Dejiavue,” I thought. “You now know how I felt,” said Gwyneth. I smiled and ate a donut. I tried to finish my lunch, but I was so full from everything else. “Ok, guys I’m head to the band room and then I’ll stay w/ Angus and them,” I told the group. They said, “Okay.”
I went out of the cafeteria and I walked through the hallway. I was alone walking through the hallway and that feeling was coming back to me. Then I heard a voice. The voice I heard in the cafeteria when I saw the shadow. I heard it again. It kept saying my name. I turned around and there wasn’t anyone. It was like a voice of a demon from a movie. I couldn’t take it any longer and I yelled, “STOP!” The voice was gone. It was silent. Not a single sound was heard. I looked around and there was nobody. “I hope nobody heard that,” I thought. Then I continued walking to the band room.
I finally reached the Band room, I walk in and I see Kenneth and the rest of the Asian group. I walk up to him and said, “Kenneth, you ate lunch yet? If not here.” I gave him my lunch. “No I’ll let you eat. It’s your birthday,” he replied. I looked at his face and somehow I thought he looked sad. “I want you to take it. It’s my birthday, like you said. Plus I ate a whole bunch of food, already.” He smiled and took the bag. After that I left the Band room.
I went outside and I saw Klaude, Melanie, and Quentin w/ my friend Angus and the “weird group”, what I like to call them. Klaude was eating peacefully, Melanie and Quentin was arguing about something, and Angus was dancing weirdly. “How normal?!” I thought. I laughed and joined the group. While we were having a blast, Kenneth came up to me and gave me back my little container, which I had my lunch in. “Was it good?” I asked. He put two thumbs up and he looked back. I saw Stefenie and Kenneth waved at her like he was waving her to come over. Kenneth walked over to Klaude and Stefenie followed. Then Klaude called Melanie over to them. She went over to them, and the seemed to be talking about something. It was weird how they didn’t include me in it, but I guess it was a surprise for me or something. Then I noticed that my hands were sticky. So I left the table and went to the bathroom.
The girl’s bathroom was empty. I washed my hands and I looked up into the mirror. I saw the beautiful women from my dream. She was behind me. I turned around and there she was. She was taller than I dreamt her. She even looked older, but she was still beautiful. “Oh, my dear, you look better awake then in your dreams! “ She said. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I finally blinked and I tried to say something, but I just couldn’t make the words come out. “It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything.” She said she laid her soft hands on my shoulders. They were really soft and smooth. “You must have a lot of questions, but I only came here to warn you. Your friends are in trouble,” she said. She let go and opened a portal. She smiled and went into the portal. It disappeared, out of sight.
I blinked and blinked again. “What was that?” I thought. Then remembered what I was doing. I dried my hands and ran out the door. I turned the corner and she was right.
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