Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Smell of Pure Fear

Forgetting Fear

by LittleMissFae 5 reviews

Darcy puts fear behind her and gets in the line of trouble.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-04-10 - Updated: 2011-04-12 - 1086 words

“No!” How could I have been so stupid? I was absolutely not supposed to fall asleep. I had to get back home. I scrambled up off of the couch and my mind began to wonder, going a hundred miles. “I’ve got to get back home, Gerard.”

Gerard was in a daze, sleep still overcoming him. His eyes held question in them before he looked at his watch and realization finally hit him. His eyes bulged out, and he had begun to look like a mad Chihuahua. “How is it 3 a.m.?”

“I-I’ve got to leave. I should have been home hours ago so my dad wouldn’t have seen me come in through the window. What if he already knows I’m gone and he’s watching for me?” My lips were trembling as I thought of all the horrible possibilities. I was becoming very scared. “Gerard, I’m dead if he knows.”

“You’re going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll get you to your house and help you sneak back in. He won’t know you were ever gone.” Gerard knew though, he knew that my father could be awake and he very well may know that I’m gone. Gerard knew that I was no longer safe; that I was in great danger if his plan didn’t go exactly right.

It only took a few minutes for us to get to the car and then we were leaving. I fiddled with my thumbs and wished time could go by much slower. Gerard parked the car a few houses away from my own home. When he began to also get out of the car I shook my head at him, “No, you can't help me any further from here. There is nothing left for you to do. Besides, two people are a lot more difficult to get caught with than only one. I have to go alone.”

Gerard didn't look satisfied with the decision he was about to make. “I don't have a good feeling about this.”

“Welcome to my life every single day. I never have a good feeling about entering this house,” I mumbled.

“Then how about you simply not go?”

“I wish it was as simple as that but it isn't. I have no other choice but to go. I'm sorry.”

Gerard's hand was resting securely around mine, as if he didn't want to let go of it. “Darcy look at me,” My hand was let go and my chin was raised to Gerard's eyes. “If anything, absolutely anything happens tonight call me. I'll answer and be right on my way.”

“Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.” A lie; I had just told him a lie. I didn't know if I would be fine. And how could I tell someone to not worry about me when I can't even do that myself?

“Just be careful, please don't do anything to get yourself hurt.” Gerard was worried about me, about my own actions. I felt like I could weep, someone held compassion toward me.

“I'll try,” my voice was barely above a whisper and hardly even audible. I closed the door and watched as Gerard slowly drove away. He disappeared into the darkness, leaving my last hope of being safe.

I didn't see any lights on yet, a good sign. Then again, what was I expecting? My father wouldn't be sitting in my room waiting for me. Odds were, he wouldn't even bother waiting in the living room.

Climbing through the window, something I found that I was getting much better at every time I would sneak out, I had trouble holding the window screen open without making too much noise. And then I heard it, the dreaded noise I'd been hoping not to hear. My father.

Lights flickered from across the house and footsteps continued getting closer and closer to my door until I was sure he was about to open the door. I had to decide whether or not to jump through the window and onto my bed, seeming as if I were sleeping; or if I should jump right back out that window and run for it. Run where, I didn't know, but it seemed a thousand times better than any result from this place.

I was too late though. It wouldn't have mattered which decision I had made. My door was opened and I was revealed to my father for exactly what I was doing, sneaking out without permission.

“What do you think you're doing?” His hand wrapped around my throat and he pushed me to the wall. I couldn't breathe; my vision was beginning to become splotchy from not being able to intake a single good breath.

He finally loosened his grip on me, allowing me to speak. My voice was bitter toward him. “Speaking involves you taking your damn hand off of me!”

“You think you're so cute. We'll see how cute everyone thinks you are after tonight.” My father laughed and he sounded crazy. His fist made a collision with my right eye. I swayed from the impact but quickly regained myself. He raised his fist again but this time, I caught it before he could cause any more damage.

“Actually, I'm more than cute. I'm god damn adorable. Thanks for always being such a good father to me,” I snarled. I was shaking from fury and I couldn't stop myself from wanting to hurt him like he'd hurt me so many times before. So I did. I used all my strength to punch him in the nose, my fist was tiny but the strength I had conjured up left a mark on him.

My father was frozen from shock. “You just hit me.” His voice was full of disbelief. He was only still for a second though. He quickly tried to throw me into the wall again but I kicked him in the only place I knew could make a grown man cry. He knelt over from the excruciating pain but it didn't stop him. His hand was around my throat again, attempting to choke me out. I struggled for air, and I caught myself becoming dizzy. My stomach was becoming woozy and my knees were buckling under the weight of me. I would not go without a fight though. Before losing conscious I threw my last punch, I nailed him right between the eyes.
Then I fell to the ground, surrounding myself in darkness.
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