Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Show with Two Names

Yule Break, the Godfather and I Know You

by moon-pup 0 reviews

Yule break is about to start and it will bring changes to both the students and the workers of Hogwarts.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Published: 2011-04-10 - Updated: 2011-04-10 - 1676 words

This story takes place after Endless Watlz but before Hogwarts years. Female Harry not know to those in the wizarding world. Nice Petunia, some what nice Dudley, not so nice Vernon Nice Marge. 01x02, 03x04 05xSally MoonyxPadfoot, MargexColonel Fubster

Disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing

A Show with Two Names

Yule Break, the Godfather and I Know You

The last day of term had been taxing as the students and to some degree the Professor did not want to do school work as well. Even though they gave us small assignment due after break, the in class work had to do with the holidays. In transfiguration we made ornaments in charms we made those same ornaments sing song. The Professor made them unbreakable for us. While it took melting the snow to get to the green houses we learned to tend plants that feed faire lights used in most magical homes everyone got to take one home with them. Even potion class had a holiday assignment and that was to make snow cream in the elf provide bowls. I helped my room mate make hers, than helped her to the hospital wing after she ate it to fast. We had lessons on the northern lights and the North Star in astronomy. The only two classes that did not have holiday lessons where History and DADA; I think the reason the history class did not have them was the teacher was stuck in the year he died. He called his class by the roll from that year; I had already sent a letter off but planned to stop by the board meeting held over break. The Dada class that a joke within its self, I wanted to do something but did not know what I could due. As we where learning what was needed for first years but the teacher still sucked, I planned to talk it over with my family over break. "Thank you for helping me earlier today." Padma said as she closed her trunk.

"No need you would have done the same. What are your plans over break; I would like you to come over at some point if you can." I told her

"I am not sure if I could we are going back to India to see family there." she told me

"Oh, okay send me an owl if you can." I told her, she nodded that she would. We talked some more before getting ready for bed. I awoke earlier than normal the following morning I could not wait till I saw my family once more.

I only had to take my school bag and a small carry on that I had packed in my trunk at the start with me. I saw no reason to haul a heavy trunk home for two weeks only to have to haul it back once more; from the looks of it most of my house had the same thought. One perfect said common sense was a wise trait but even the smartest people needed to think out side the box. After a hearty breakfast talked my friends into exploring the grounds, it was then we truly meet the grounds keeper, sure we had seen him coming and going but he was a large man who did not look every nice. In fact he made me think about my childhood before it was really one. As it had been snowing on and off for sometime now the grounds where covered in a good lair of it. One night it had snowed so much the green houses had to be dug out. It was when I tripped over a hidden rock in the snow and knocked my head on another one when it happened. Before one of my friends could rush off to get help or send an elf I was picked up in a very large set of arms.

Jebs did nothing but I was still startled, "No need to worry that there cut don't look to bad. Don't even think you need to see Poppy, I'll take you and your friends to me hut and get you fixed up and something warm in ye." was said I only nodded the others followed. He did as he said he would even give us cups of coco.

"Thank you for helping me, you really did not need to I have taken worse hits from Seamus." I said as a joke only the have him start telling Seamus he should not be hitting on girls. I could not help myself I laughed mostly at myself. I was being silly with my fear of the man like the twins told me that sometime ago.

"What is so funny? A young man should never hit a lady." he told us

"I agree sir, but both Seamus and I practice marshal arts it's away to defend ones self with out magic or a weapon in some cases. We only hit each other than and an adult is with use at all times. I am laughing at myself more than anything, the Weasley twins invited me out to meet you ones but my fear kept me away." I said

"I would never hurt a fly" he said

"I can see that now, but when I was very young I was hurt a lot by a very tall and heavy sat man. You remind me of him in a way." Seamus and Dudley put a hand on my shoulder at that "While you look nothing alike, your appearance is somewhat off putting." I told him.

"Oh, thank you for telling me I had no idea, you lot best head back in you need to be getting ready to head for the train." he said

"Helen, you okay" Dudley asked as we walked back to the school

"Yeah, I am good and I will talk to someone about it over the break." I told them as Padma and I broke off to head to our common room.

"Where you really hurt as a child?" Padma asked once we were alone

"Yes and before you ask the ones that hurt me are dead I got a new family that cares for me." I told her she said nothing but gave me a hug. We meet up with our friends at the gate and took the carriages down. "I wonder what type of horse pulls this thing." I asked earning some looks.

"It's pulled by magic not horses" Hermione said as we came to a stop. I said nothing but as we all stepped down I pulled her over and placed her hand on the horse they could to see for some reason. "Guys there's something here." she said had the other rushed to touch it too. We all talked what type of animal that pulled the carriage could be and why I was the only one able to see them. I was greeted by Shin latching onto my legs and knocking me to the ground. "Missed you to little guy" I said as I got up, Shin only let go of one leg so that I could walk. After everyone had introduced family to friends, Padma found out her grandmother was coming in as she was going to a party held be a school mate. I asked her father then and there if his daughters could come over so that we could exchange gifts and work on a project. He said that is fine and to owl me when the best dates for them to come over. The others quickly asked if they could come over to after getting the okay form my father that is was in deed fine, we would send owls out to let them what days would be best.

Seamus and Dudley rode home with us as Seamus lived within walking distends and his mother did not like to drive and his father was working late. It turned out Dudley and his family was spending the holiday at my house. I did wonder where we were going to put everyone. I was shocked to learn that my birth godfather had bought the house next door and more than worried that he being so close the truth of who I was would come out. After dropping Seamus off as Dad said he did not need to walk, he said he would drop by later for a match. "So what is with the bandage kiddo?" my dad asked as he parked the car. I blushed before telling him how I tripped in the snow and the grounds keeper Hagrid had patched me up.

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Hagrid pov

I was somewhat shock at what that little first year had said, I looked frighten because I reminded her of a person that had abused her. How many more students where scared of my because of my looks. I sent them off so they would not miss the train and sat down to think. That was how I found myself knocking on McGonagall's office door, "Hello there professor" I said as she opened it.

"Hello Hagrid, what brings you by?" she asked

"I told her of what the first year named Maxwell-Yuy had said about my looks scaring her. It made me think just how many more felt the same and asked if she could help give me a new look. She smiled at me, "By the time the students return they will be asking who you are." she said

"Thank you Professor." I told her

"No need let me think, can I ask for some help on this some of the other teachers might want to help." she told me

"If that would make it easier on you." I told her before walking out of her office and back to my home.

Note this is un-beta and very short. I am sorry it has taken me so long to post the next chapter but my Grandmother past away and I have only now felt like writing again

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