Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Taken from History

Taken by Crouch sr.

by tridentwatch 1 review

Harry Potter, instead of being sent to the dursleys is taken in by none other than Bartemius Crouch while everyone believes Harry Potter to be dead. He gets trained and travels the world. Read and ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-04-29 - Updated: 2006-04-29 - 2605 words

Author's Notes: Hi people, I have just started this story. It was a plot bunny I had one day and decided to try it out. Tell me what you guys think. It is an AU.

The pairings in this story are Harry/Many. This is the first chapter but the rest of the chapters are going to be first person from Harry's viewpoint.

As for the Disclaimer, I, Tridentwatch, own nothing written in this fiction. All of this is copyrighted and owned by J.K. Rowling.

This story has Goblet of Fire spoilers. Just remember that because I am going to be using a bit of that plot. I will try to be original and I will try to not make Harry another Gary Stu. It is just too cliché and unrealistic. Also remember that this story has swear words, cursing and mature scenes. (Usually violent ones)

If you have any question or comments, please post it in a review, or you may email me at

Enjoy the story!

Chapter One: Taken

The man smirked as he apparated with a crack to Godric's Hollow. It appeared his informant was right. There had recently been an attack here, on the Potter family. He wanted to check for survivors, though he doubted it. No, what he came here to do was to salvage whatever he could before the aurors found out. He still could not believe the bet he lost to Bludgenous Garson, a mean and extremely shrewd auror.


Bartemius Crouch and Bludgenous Garson laughed at the joke Crouch told as they smoked cigars in Crouch's new office. They were old friends and were celebrating the new promotion Barty got. He was the new head of magical law enforcement.

As they were drunk on firewhiskey and high on their Cuban cigars they were in joyous moods. They told jokes and stories and marveled at Crouch's new office. It was spacious, filled with luxurious furniture and exotic decorations. An elegant fireplace lay in the middle of the left wall and they sat on two conjured arm chairs in front of it. It was cold outside, as it was winter. That was when they made the bet.

"Hey Barty, what do you think about me being minister of magic?"

"Ha! That will happen when Dumbledore shaves his beard!"

"Pffft! I betcha that I will be minister of magic someday."

"Ha! Dream on." Bartemius scoffed at him and had an incredulous look on his face.

"No I am serious. Hell I will bet you a hundred thousand galleons that I will become Minister of Magic by the end of Halloween!" Garson was drunk and swayed a bit as he said this.

Crouch, who was not as drunk as his friend, smirked. He would take advantage of this situation for sure.

"Alright, fine. I will accept your wager if you agree to swear by your magic that you will uphold it. I will do the same of course." Bartemius Crouch said, smirking and looking like a wolf circling his prey.

Garson, still drunk and high was not thinking right. He agreed, something he would not normally do.

"I, Bludgenous Stree Garson, swear by my magic that I will uphold this bet and pay the victor, Bartemius Crouch, 100 000 galleons if he wins the bet if he agrees to pay me 100 000 galleons if I win this bet." Garson babbled slowly, stuttering along the way. His body did not take kindly to alcohol and he had a low tolerance level to it.
"I Bartemius Crouch, swear by my magic to uphold the terms of this bet which was made on this very night. The bet being that if Garson becomes Minister of Magic by Halloween the next year I will pay him one hundred thousand galleons and if he doesn't than he has to pay me the agreed sum of one hundred thousand galleons." Crouch said gleefully in a hurry.

The next morning, when they were sober albeit with hangovers (though a simple charm got rid of it) they remembered the bet. Garson groaned with frustration. He was shocked at his stupidity as he was only a low level auror. How could he be the minister of magic?!

But he did it. He contacted lots of people and showed confidence and good humor thus impressing them. He traveled all over Britain in his spare time using the floo and talking to important people. He made himself known in the high-class social circles and thus it was with great effort he became the minister of magic.

~End Flashback~

When Crouch heard the news he was horrified. What a twist of irony for Crouch. He lost his large mansion, his bank account at Gringotts, the wizarding bank run by goblins, and all his possessions. When he foolishly refused withdrawing the bet when Garson requested numerous times made them enemies. And so it was no surprise that he was fired from his job. Thus disgraced and humiliated, his wife left him for some young pureblood with money and his son got arrested for being a death eater.

That was the breaking point for poor Bartemius Crouch's morals and principles. He did anything for money to feed himself while he lived in a small apartment near Hogsmaede. But soon he learned and with a couple of contacts within the death eaters he could learn when and attack had taken place.

He usually apparated there instantly and scavenged whatever he could, putting valuable objects into a bag charmed to hold as many things as possible and charmed to be weightless. It made him quite a bit of fortune. For some reason death eaters never stole from their victims. Especially muggle ones.

"Strange. Maybe they haven't thought of it yet?" Crouch asked himself as he moved to Godric's Hollow, the village in which a death eater attack had taken place. He quickly reached the burning house and recognized it to be the Potter's place of residence. James Potter was a fantastic auror, who used transfiguration mainly in battle and wielded it brilliantly. "Too bad he is dead now." Crouch said to himself.

The house was quite brilliant. It was big and looked fantastic, even now when it was burning. The garden of flowers that used to be on the front lawn were trampled over, the door broken, and the house on fire. Bartemius knew he would have to work fast and finish stealing the valuables before the aurors came.

He whispered a spell that conjured lots of water. It took a couple of minutes but soon the dreaded fire was out. He entered the house, walking swiftly and quietly like a panther. He was a very logical person, and thus always made sure to plan out his crimes on his feet, quick fast and extremely profitable crimes. He had a plan for looting houses. It was quite simple. All he did was go into a house, scream: "ACCIO VALUABLES" and point his wand at his brown bag. All the valuables, and the items that would fetch lots of money would swiftly flew in the bag. That was when he would apparated out, just as the aurors started to come in. But this was not to happen this time.

As Crouch walked into the house he noticed the destruction straight away; portraits were cracked and destroyed; the furniture was broken; and the walls reeked of dark magic.

"What the fuck happened here?" He thought.

He sighed, as he did the same thing he did to all houses. He knew there wasn't going to be many goods here.

"ACCIO VALUABLES!" He screamed, expecting lots of jewelry and exotic items to enter the bag.

It did not work. Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. He thought he did the spell wrong, but that thought was quickly shot down. He had done this lots of times. "What happened?" He thought in apprehension. He was no expert but something looked wrong...

He could sense the dark magic in the walls grow stronger, and thus concluded that the dark magic reeking from the walls absorbed his spell. He decided to just get out of here before the aurors came. One thing he did not want was to get caught and sent to Azkaban for being a death eater or something utterly ridiculous like that.

As he was just about to apparate, with the bag in his hand, something happened. A baby flew at him; he gasped in surprise.

"What the fu-" Bartemius Crouch stopped mid sentence as the baby flew into the bag. Then he heard something that he dreaded. Aurors!

"Who ever is there inside the house come out with your wand down!" Someone from outside shouted like a banshee. It was a female voice. Bartemius decided to just book it. He apparated. Or tried to, before he discovered the anti-apparation wards just put up on the house.

He cursed, muttering filthy swear words. "What will I do now?" He thought, trying to stay calm. He had to calm his nerves. No use panicking in this situation. He could not let the aurors catch him, for he was sure he would be locked up. He dreaded that. He would not be able to stand the humiliation, as he would probably be in a trial in front of the minister himself. Crouch shuddered.

He thought hard, trying to find someway to escape. That was when he suddenly thought of an idea. He screamed: "REDUCTO!"

It was a destruction spell, meant to blow things up. He had pointed it at the sidewall. When the spell hit the wall nothing happened. Bartemius cursed. He had forgotten about the dark magic on the walls. He was in a tight spot, and he was panicking.

Thoughts were racing in his head. "What to do! What the hell am I going to do?!" He was thinking in his head.

There were five aurors outside, two women and three men. They looked at each other in confusion; who put out the fire that was surely there? The tensed aurors could still smell the smoke in the air. Looking at each other they came to an agreement using sign language. A must learned skill for all aurors.

The two women sneaked around the house, as they were going to go threw the back door. The three men looked at each other and silently pointed their wands at the door. In unison they screamed: "EXPLORODA!"

It was a dark spell for sure, but it was twice as effective as the reducto curse. The aurors in front of the door smirked expecting an enormous hole that could be used as an entrance. Nothing happened. Unbeknownst to them the dark magic in the walls just absorbed the spells and grew stronger.

The smirks fell; they were all thinking in confusion; what happened?

The two women had much better luck as they were many times more sensible than their male counterparts. As they reached the back door, instead of blasting it open like reckless drunkards, they simply opened it. It worked too, until they found out that it was a trap. That was when the bad luck started...

The trap was put by James and Lily; one was an auror and the other an unspeakable, both more paranoid than the infamous "Mad-Eye Moody". Anyone would be if they were being actively targeted by Lord Voldemort, the infamous self proclaimed Dark Lord and his band of cruel cult like followers that the public fearfully called death eaters.

It was ingenious. As soon as they entered the house they fell into a big hole. The hole was a tiger pit, used in the Amazon rainforest by hunters trying to catch jaguars. It was basically a big hole dug up and filled with pointy and extremely deadly spikes. The hole was about ten feet deep and five feet wide. It was ingenious because the back door of the house opened into a room. The room had two entrances: The locked door and another door that was always kept locked with a padlock completely immune to magic. It was quite an expensive object...

Bartemius Crouch was filled with terror; he did not know what was going on. Surely he was going to be arrested by the aurors with no way to escape.

Calm down Barty, you have to control yourself. Control. Think happy things, peaceful things.
Bartemius calmed himself with some difficulty and tried to think logically. It was already a couple of minutes since he heard the aurors' shouts. So they were probably either confused about the dark wall magic, whatever that was, or they were surrounding him trying to capture him. The next thing that Crouch thought of was his escape route. He could try the door, but that would be a very unwise solution as the aurors were waiting outside. He could try apparation again; maybe their wards were down? He snorted with undisguised disgust. That would never happen. But maybe I should try it? It can't hurt right?

For now, in his terror, he forgot about the baby in the bag he was holding. That would prove to be either a blessing or a mistake. Only time could tell.

Unknown to Barty Crouch the wards were put up by one of the women, who was probably dead in the tiger pit, and thus if he had tried to apparate he would have probably been successful. Unfortunately for him he did not. Instead he tried to make a portkey, even though he knew that the portkey would not take him directly to his destination.
He picked up a small object that looked like a cipher of wood from a table or something and said in a whisper with lots of concentration the words to make a portkey.

"Portus Crouch apartment." He said. The cipher of wood that looked like a rectangular box like thing glowed blue. "It must have worked!" Barty concluded with astonishment. He had always tried to make portkeys, but he was never successful. If the object glowed green then the portkey would malfunction and he would probably end up somewhere in space or inside a rock. If it turned blue than that showed that it worked.

Bartemius sighed in satisfaction and relief as he pointed his wand at the portkey and said activate. He felt the common pull on his navel as he was pulled across space and time to his apartment near Hogsmaede.

The three aurors in the meantime were looking at the door in confusion and were trying over and over again to explode it with dark spells and curses. Soon the wall absorbed too much magic and started to glow an eerie black. The aurors watched in apprehension as the house glowed brightly.

An explosion was made, taking out the aurors and making a huge crater in the village of Godric's Hollow, and thus the alarms set off in Dumbledore's office bringing it to his attention. He set off, as did Sirius Black who felt that something was wrong in his best friend's house, and so did a few dozen aurors who found out about the crater due to their dark magic detectors. Meanwhile Bartemius Crouch was worrying over the baby that he accidentally kidnapped. He could not leave him on the streets. He was not that heartless. Bartemius sighed as he pondered over his wild and extremely unprofitable night.

The only one who was not negatively affected was Harry Potter, the baby who just defeated the dark lord by rebounding the killing curse. Bartemius Crouch would definitely be better than the Dursleys. If he decided to keep him...
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