Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book I: The Origins of the Warrior

Chapter 01: Altered Course of Destiny

by madnesspersonified 1 review

Ninja Turtles 2003/Harry Potter AU Crossover. Extensive summary in profile.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, Quirinus Quirrell, Snape, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-05-22 - Updated: 2006-05-22 - 2654 words

Chapter 01: Altered Course of Destiny:

Some people are born to achieve great feats. Some are destined to change the world for the other. Others are merely players in the grand scheme of the world to even out the numbers. The cruel fate is, sometimes the human life seems to be one big chess game. Rarely did the pawns become anything other than they are destined to be. The cruel fate was pure and simple. The plans, which were laid in place by fate, were rarely tampered with and rarely changed.

Of course, it did happened. When fate is altered, the course of many lives is greatly affected. Just one minor ripple in the facts of life left many lives changed.

Harry Potter was not your normal boy, never has been and never was destined to be a normal boy. The role he was destined to play was very simple. Forces beyond his control decreed him to be the ultimate hero, able to save the day against all odds. The heart was supposed to be pure, able to come to his wise old mentor when he need of help. A person like Harry was not supposed to have a dark side and only was to know enough to make him survive to see the next day.

Perhaps in another universe that fact was meant to be but the slightest alteration in the course of events. Harry Potter would become one for the history books, that much to be certain. Still, when Albus Dumbledore sat down many years ago and made plans to prepare young Harry for his destiny, he could not be prepared for the change, which Harry would inspire. No one could even dream all the preconceived notions of the hidden Wizarding World would be shattered. All the lies crafted carefully many years ago would be uncovered and the truth would be revealed. Yet, it would all come of a price and would greatly affect the course of lives of many. Including the four heroes and their unique ninja master in which we are about to meet.

The time is ninety eight six, New York City. A rather hectic place to be sure. Many strange things happened in this town but nothing more strange than what was beneath the streets. Directly into the heart of sewers, laid an intriguing sight

"Come on, Leo it will fun..."

"But Master Splinter said..."

"Bro, you need to think for yourself for once. Come on, we can just go up for a quick peak on the surface."

Clad in a blue headband, the one known as Leo, which was short for Leonardo, felt it was useless to attempt to talk his hotheaded brother Raph, short for Raphael, out of anything. The headband defiantly matched the personality as Raph adjusted his red headband as Leo hastened to keep up.

"Come on Raph," said Leo. "Master Splinter said we would be in big trouble if we went to the surface."

Raphael, not listening to his brother, was already climbing up the manhole. Always one with a sense of adventure was Raphael. Leonardo sighed as he followed his hotheaded brother up. Raphael had struggled to get the manhole up but Leonardo sighed and helped his brother.

"If we go up, will you come straight back down," said Leonardo with an agitated voice.

"Yes, I promised," stated Raphael. "Jeez, don't get your shell in a knot."

They had managed to get the manhole off, although barely. Scrambling up to the surface and out of the manhole they went. Raphael stopped short. Leo bumped into Raph. He fell back, looking agitated.

"Now what, Raphael?" snapped Leonardo? He had only used one of his brothers' full names when he was angry and Raphael had pushed him just a little too far right at the moment.

Raphael pointed to a young boy who looked about maybe five or six. He looked upset about something. He had an unruly mop of jet-black hair and wore ragged clothes. He seemed to have been crying but straightened up in an instant. Leonardo winced mentally. This little boy appeared to have heard them.

"Who's there," said the black haired boy who appeared to be suppressing tears but failing.

Raphael and Leonardo appeared to look at each other. Raphael threw his hands up in the air.

"What are you doing here?" asked Raphael a little too sharply for his only good. "Where are your parents, kid?"

The boy started crying frantically as Leonardo smacked himself in the head as if to ask himself: "Why do I let you do the talking?"

"They are d-d-dead," stammered the boy. "They were killed, in a car accident when I was one. I now live or I lived with my Aunt and Uncle. Please don't send me back there mister. My Uncle hit me because I was a freak. He said I should have not been born and I should have died with my parents."

The boy slumped to the ground, rolling up, obviously the memory of his parents being too much.

Raphael looked a bit sickened and a bit ashamed about being so sharp with the little boy.

"Sorry, kid," muttered Raphael before turning to his brother.

"I...we are going to take him with us," stated Leo in a matter of a fact way.

"Wait a minute, take him with us," said Raph.

"Yes, Raphael, take him with us," said Leo. "He cannot be left out here and he has nowhere else to go. His parents are dead and his uncle hit him. I am afraid we have no other choice."

Raphael looked down at the kid. He was hot headed and as hard shelled as they came but he could not help but feel sorry for the kid. Raphael could not imagine if his Master Splinter died or if one of his brothers had...he could not bare to think about it. He kneeled down by the kid who had sobbed himself to sleep or had passed out. It was hard to tell.

"Come on, Raph," stated Leo. "We better go. I am sure Master Splinter will know what to do. He raised us after all."

Splinter was pacing around his home. Raphael and Leonardo had been missing for a couple of hours by now. He had hoped they had not gone to the surface, against his wishes. He fingered his walking stick before turning to his other two sons. One had an orange headband on. His name was Michelangelo, he had a bit of a hyperactive streak out of his four sons but make no mistake about it, he was creative in his fighting methods, if a bit attention deficient. The other was clad in a purple headband. His name was Donatello. He had to be the most scientifically minded of his four sons."

"Donatello, Michelangelo," said Master Splinter. "Do you have any idea where Leonardo and Raphael are?"

The two shook their heads.

"No Master Splinter," stated Donatello.

"Have not gotten the slightest idea, Sensei," said Mikey.

As if on cue, the sounds of footsteps were outside the lair. Splinter looked ready to admonish his two sons for wandering off but of all the things he would have expected them to bring back, this was perhaps the strangest.

His sons had brought back many pets in the past. Some dangerous, some not so, but Splinter had never expected them to bring back a human. Splinter looked at this human, who appeared to weakened and appeared to have bruises on his face. Splinter wondered how they had gotten there and who would do such a thing to a small child. Splinter had looked at his two sons who flinched, expecting to be raged out.

"Explain" stated Splinter in a calm voice, which he had practiced so well over the years.

Leonardo and Raphael looked as if they would rather have had their Sensei shouting at them but Raphael, feeling a bit too brave for his own good turned to his Sensei, although he felt a bit nervous at trying to explain what happened.

"Well, you see," started Raphael. "We uh, went up to the surface, even through you have told us ten billion times not to."

Splinter remained without a bit of emotion on his face. He just put his fingers on his cane. Raphael knew he would never seriously use the cane on him unless it was during training but yet the dramatic effect was there. After what seemed like an eternity but it was only a couple of moments, Splinter spoke.

"Very well," stated Splinter calmly. "That does not explain why you have this young boy with you."

"Well..." stated Raphael but Leo cut him off.

"Master, this boy, well we found him crying," stated Leo. "His parents died when he was one, he was apparently abandoned by his Uncle. His uncle hit him several times and he begged us not to send him back. He then passed out. We did not know what else to do." A look of anger crossed Splinter's face. The origin of the bruises on the young boy's face was apparently the wizened rat right now. Leo, mistaking the reason for his Sensei's anger, backed off but Splinter raised his hand.

"I am not angry with you, Leonardo," said Splinter. "You did the right thing, although I must discourage you from going up to the surface. I am afraid, there is only one thing we must do now. The boy must remain here but he will be given the home he should have had when his parents died. I doubt it was his parent's wishes to send him to live with his uncle."

"How do you know, Master?" asked Donatello.

"Just something I sense," stated Splinter. "Get some blankets and something light for the boy to eat when he awakens. I need to meditate on a very important matter."

Splinter walked out as his four sons looked dumbstruck. They apparently had a new addition to there family. They need to make their new little brother comfortable. Little did they or anyone else know their new addition would change the course, which they were on as well.

Hours later, the young boy known as Harry Potter looked groggy. What a strange dream he had just had! He appeared to in some kind of trouble, getting chased by his Uncle and then he passed out when his Uncle caught him and decided to make him pay for what he did. It was hours before he woke up. The strange part was about how he appeared to be rescued by two strange people. They looked like giant turtles. Well they had shells at least. Harry rubbed his eyes, waking up. The sight, which he saw, floored him. He could not believe his eyes. Four giant turtles. He had to still be dreaming but yet, he did not feel asleep so it had to be real. The Dursleys would not be happy if...wait, he was not at the Dursleys and this was not in his cupboard. He seemed to be in a different place. He did not care how because this place seemed a lot more like home then Number Four Privet Drive at ever been.

"Finally, he's awake," said Raphael. "How are doing kid?

Harry looked at the turtle; words nearly failing him but the obvious did not.

"You're a talking turtle," said Harry as if it was the most natural every day thing in the world.

"Wow, someone must have bought this kid a biology book," stated the turtle known as Michelangelo before Raphael smacked him across the back of the head.

"Knock it off, Mikey," snapped Raphael.

"You know it would be really annoying to keep calling you kid," said Donatello to Harry. "What is your name?"

"Harry, Harry Potter," said Harry Potter, feeling a bit more at ease with the strange turtle creatures then he had ever been with the Dursleys.

After a moment of silence, Harry did something which he had never done at the Dursleys. He asked a question.

"So where did you guys come from?" asked Harry. Before any of the Turtles could answer, a fifth voice was heard. It was Master Splinter and it was time to reveal the origin of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"It is a long story, young Harry," said the rat. "I have memories of a time long ago. Time what I could be considered what people would call normal. I was an ordinary rat. One day, as I was hunting for food, I observed a young boy crossing the street with four pet turtles. At the same time, an old blind man was crossing the street. A truck was coming down to the street, and had swerved at the last minute, barely missing the boy. A canister was launched out of the truck, with the initials T.C.R.I stamped upon it. The boy had accidentally dropped the turtles; they had gone into the sewers. Naturally, I had followed, investigating where they had gone."

The turtles had heard the story before but Harry seemed captivated, which in reality this was the first story of any kind he had been told since his parents, but he could hardly remember them.

"The baby turtles had been splashed in the mysterious green ooze from the canister, which had broken. I had gathered the turtles up in the coffee can, but in the process some of the ooze had splashed onto me. Needless to say, over the night, the turtles had doubled in size. I too, had grown. We had kept growing and he had the turtles follow me everywhere, with the exception of the surface. I had known the outside world would consider them freaks but just in case they ever needed to defend themselves, I trained them in the martial arts. Giving them all names I had fished out of a battered book on Renaissance arts which I fished out a storm drain, they then became..."

"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," said Michelangelo. "Or some really trendy commercial thing we all call ourselves."

"First rule, Harry, ignore Mikey," said Raphael. "Your life would be a whole lot easier."

The first smile they had seen flashed on Harry's face but he voiced something, which had been troubling him.

"If you were just an ordinary rat, how did you learn enough to teach the turtles how to defend themselves and can you please teach me?" Harry asked Splinter.

"As for the first question," began Splinter. "I believe that will be a story for later on. As for the second question, are you sure Harry?"

"Yes, I am sure," said Harry defiantly. "I don't want to be pushed around anymore. I want to be able to fight back. Please teach me. I'll be a good student; I will do everything you say. After my uncle...never again. Please I don't want to be weak"

Splinter looked at Harry with pride. Harry had reminded him of his master, Hamato Yoshi with his enthusiasm and pride to learning the combat arts. Splinter nodded at Harry.

"Very well, young Harry," said Splinter. "I will teach you everything I can, if you are willing to learn. Not today, however, we have all had a very long day."

Little did everyone involved know, that day would change the course for many lives. Harry would be turned into a free, independent thinker, the type of person, which would clash, with the manipulative nature of Albus Dumbledore. Well-laid plans would be shattered but by the time anyone had known as Harry's new residence, he had already been there for five years. Naturally, he would not be going back to the Dursleys, not now, not ever. A different path had been taken than the one expected, and it remains to be seen how everything would turn out in the end. Only time will tell.
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