Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Full Of Holes.

I Hope Queen Elizabeth II Reads FicWad...

by unitedsuck007 7 reviews

I bet she loves Full of Holes.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2011-04-24 - Updated: 2011-04-24 - 411 words

Is it just me,or has the world gone absolutely batfuck insane over the royal wedding.
I mean,yeah it's great that they love each other and all that,but seriously?
I was watching Sky News yesterday,following the stuff that's going on in Libya and Syria,and guess what they talked about instead?
Wow.That is real news right there.
Forget people being repressed and shot at;the fact that another woman has become a bit more of a feminist is truly amazing.
rolls eyesChrist.
I mean,I know I haven't really been raised in a very royalist environment-ha!-but I just find it ridiculous they're getting this much coverage.Two major revolutions-and another US invasion,which I will not get into-are currently taking place but no,let's focus on some Prince's buck-toothed kid who happens to be getting married.Holy crap,someone get me a bucket,I will actually throw up from the excitement.
I dunno.I'm a political student,an avid opposer of the monarchy,as well as being from the country she kinda owns-if you're Irish,face it,it's true-so this is probably just my fucked up,left wing weird opinion.
I don't actually have something against The Queen per se,because at the end of the day she's just an old lady with a big hat.I just don't like the fact that rebels fighting for freedom in the Middle East get over shadowed by Kate Middleton's vows.
Sorry.Catherine Middleton.
Did you know they invited 1900 guests?I'm sorry,but all political views aside,that's just obscene.
And Elton John is going...but I can't really say anything bad about him,he rocks.
Anyway,leave me your views.Even if you're a loyalist and fucking hate my common Catholic guts-a member of the royal family can't marry a Catholic,you know-leave a comment.It'll be interesting.
If you have no opinion whatsoever,leave a comment anyway.Talk about cake or summat.Cake is always good.
OH!And one other thing.I always wonder if someone famous was on FicWad,what username they'd have.I think Queen Elizabeth's would be:
(Liz from da hood.)
What about you guys?What do ye think?
god save the queen,the fascist regime,
xo l.

That is a Sex Pistols lyric,not my actual testament.
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