Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
Chapter 1
(Gerard POV)
Soon as i saw those eyes and that smile i was in love, this had never happened to me before. Sparks are flying, from my end at least, did he feel the same. Probably not he's way outta of my league besides he loves Pete not me. Id looked at his face so many times in years but nothing like this had happened. We are best friends, that's all we have ever been, nothing different, nothing else just friends. Oh no, he noticed me, walk away. I couldnt my feet wouldnt move, one flick o his hair made me crazy. What was happening to me, whatever it was it needed to stop. This would ruin our friendship for good, or he might feel the same. What should i do... I need to talk to someone, someone who understands me. I've got to see Mikey!
(Gerard POV)
Soon as i saw those eyes and that smile i was in love, this had never happened to me before. Sparks are flying, from my end at least, did he feel the same. Probably not he's way outta of my league besides he loves Pete not me. Id looked at his face so many times in years but nothing like this had happened. We are best friends, that's all we have ever been, nothing different, nothing else just friends. Oh no, he noticed me, walk away. I couldnt my feet wouldnt move, one flick o his hair made me crazy. What was happening to me, whatever it was it needed to stop. This would ruin our friendship for good, or he might feel the same. What should i do... I need to talk to someone, someone who understands me. I've got to see Mikey!
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