Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cemetery Drive, Jersey

Bullet For Your Heart?

by jadesohma 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-05 - Updated: 2011-05-06 - 1711 words

"Gee Gee! I don't trust you with Bullets! Used or not!" Frank said, watching the Way brothers work on soomething, their backs turned to us and the rest of the gang in Mikey's room.

"Don't worry Frankie! It wont hurt any one!" Gerard asures him. "Hey, Mikes, you done with that one yet?"

"Yup, here you go." Mikey passed a small bullet to Gerard.

"Perfect!" He said, slumping over it.

"Are you going to be done any time soon?" Bob asked. "I mean we've been here for three hours."

"I don't know about you but I've got home work done!" Ray said with a pad of paper in his hand. Bob threw the popcorn he was eatting at him.

"Don't be a Mikey!" Frank tells Ray.

"I'm not that much of a nerd! Am I..?" Mikey asked, spinning in his chair to face us.

I go over and pat him on the head. "Yes, you are. But I love you anyway!" I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him close.

"DONE!" Gerard yelled holding a bullet up. He picks up 6 others and scrambles to pass them out. He hands me mine right after Frank then Bob and Ray. I look at the small deadly thing. It had a picture on it.

The small girl on the bullet had my brown/ black hair and my big blue eyes. She was looking up and had a mouth that looked like a three. She was holding her knees up to her chest, which was covered by black jeans, and she was in a slight blush. She had little converse and she had a little heart by her. I flip it to the back and my name going down the bullet side in a line.

"Aw it's so cute!" I say, turning it round, noticing theres a small chain through it.

"Yup! I drew the pictures and Mikey made the whole-"

"That's what she said."

Gerard glares at Ray who snickered. "It worked out well 'cause I'm afraid of needles and Miket can't draw worth a shit."

"Thanks Gee." Mikey says flatly.

"Welcome little brother."

As he was talking, I went arounf looking at the others bullets. Bob's had a symbol over his head. Ray had a guitar pic stuck in his fro. Now Franks, his was one of the cutest things ever. His eyes were shut peacfully. His hands were at the edge of the bullet side, as if pressed against. He had a slight smile and it looked like his head should be leaning on something. His hair was messed up as if it was. Then a small heart was above his head. Well, more of a half heart.

"Aw Frankie! This ones so cute!" I say, gussing over his bullet.

"I like your myself." He chirps. I nod and go on to Mikey's. He had a crazy look on his face, like screaming, and a fork in his hand, raised above his head, and a toaster in his lap. My eyes grew wide. "Mikey?!"

He laughs, taking it from me. "Don't worry! Geez! It's just....I'm the one most likely to do it is all..."

I roll my eyes, taking Gerards bullet from him. It was sorta deja vu. His hands were pressed against something, hair ruffled, head leaning, heart above his head, and look of peace. I look up to the blushing Gerard who was avoiding my eyes.

"Geeee!" I groan.

"Daviiiiiiiin!" Gerard answered.

"I swear it if I get gray hairs they are your fault!" I hiss. I drop my voice down to a whisper. "You make to too obvious!"

"Maybe.....maybe I want him to know!" Gerard said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"If you want him to know I'll tell him!" I snap, turning around towards Franks. These two will be the death of me.

"No!" He yells grabing my arm.

Everyone else looked at us. "That was a bit loud wasn't it Gee?" I hiss at him. He nods slowly. I sigh, I have to do this. They might hate me, but I don't give a shit. "Mikey, Ray, Bob, get out into the hall. Now." I point with my free hand to the door. At first they don't listen. "NOW!"

They all shuffle out one by one. I turn back to those to. "Both of you sit!" I whip my hand toward the bed. Gerard lets go of my arm and sits next to Frank on the bed.

"Don't do this Devin. Please. I beg you. I'll do whatever you want!" Gerard pleeded.

"Shut up! That's what I want!" I throw my sharp eyes over to Frank. "Frank do me a favor and put yours and Gerards bullets together."

Franks P.O.V.

I take the other bullet from Gerards hand and put them together. The picture of the tiny Gerard and I pressing our hands and heads together makes me smile brightly. I tingle inside and look at Gerard.

"Do you both get it now?!" Devin yells. "YOU. ARE. IN. LOVE. WITH. EACH OTHER!"

"Is..Is that true Gee Gee? Do you looooove me?" I ask with a small smile. Even if he doesn't, he'll get a good laugh out of it.

He looked at me with those big hazel eyes before cupping my face and pulling my lips to his. He meshed them together desperately. My chest exploded with joy as I kiss back, slipping my hands around his waist.

He licks my bottom, sucking on my lip ring. I gladly open my mouth for him tongue to enter. I moan as he explores my mouth freely. I could feel myself getting hard as his hands move to the small of my back and the back of my neck in order to deepen the kiss even further. My mind was somewhere else. Some where awesome.

Devin's P.O.V.

UGH! FINALLY! "So hey, guys, can I tell the others or is this between us?" I ask.

They had to rip apart from each other for one of them to answer. "Yeah, yeah. What ever you want." Gerard breathed, never taking his eyes off of Frank. Unable to keep the distance anylonger, Frank took Gerard for his own, moving on top of his and stradling him.

I laugh and move to the door. I open it slowly then squeeze through the small opening. I Shut the door tightly. I snicker to myself.

"Okay what the hell was that?" Bob asked from the ground.

"Well. This may come as a shock to you but Frank and Gerard are together now!" I say happily. They all look at eachother.

"Finally!" They say all together. "I don't know what it is about you but you got Frank and Gerard to come out of the closet! Your sure are something!" Mikey said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you thank you! I work on tusedays and every other wenesdays!" I take a bow, making sure not to lose Mikey's arm. I look at him. Another perfect chance, if only I could do it. "Hey, let me see your bullet again?" I ask. He reaches into his shirt and pulls out the small golden bullet with his picture and toster on it. "Would you really stick a fork into the toster?"

He smiles and chuckles, not denying it. I laugh and hug him tightly.

I yawn, placing my head on Mikey's chest for a pillow. "Nighty night Mikeykinz." I mumble into his shirt, smelling his faint sent.

Mikey's P.O.V.

'Mikeykinz?' Ray mouthed, with a small silent snicker. I glare at him which only makes him laugh even more.

"Why do you hate me Ray? Just answer me that." I tell Ray.

"I dunno."


"Whos phone is that?" Bob asked.

"I think it's Devin's." I mumble. "Wakey wakey." I shake her gently, and she snores. "Great.." I look around for her phone.

"It's in her back pocket Mikes." Bob laughed.

I blushed. "I hate it here." I say before reaching into her back pocket and drawing it out slowly, I have to enjoy thing while I can.

The ring tone blasted in my ear until I hit the green phone botton. "H-Hello?"

"Devin?! Wait, who are you?! WHERE'S DEVIN?!"

I check the name that read Dad. "Sir! Sir, this is Devin's friend Mikey! Shes over at my house, I believe shes told you that I live on the next street over? She fell asleep and I thought I'd answer the phone for her. And, uh, she wont wake up."

The man sighs. Young man, bring her over here, please.

"Uh, yes sir! I'll be over in a minute!"

Alright. Good bye.

"By-" He hung up. I look at Ray and Bob.

"Sir yes sir!" They said at once.

I flick them off before picking Devin up like a baby. For a full size girl shes pretty light. I walk carefully down the stairs and out the door so I wouldn't wake or hurt her. I go between mine and Matt's house to Devin's. Going 'round front, I step up on the porch and rang the door bell.

A man answered. He has short black hair and thick framed glasses. He looks at Devin and shakes his head. "Put her on the couch please." I akwardly obeyed the order. I placed her on the couch. I pushed hair from here face and smile.

"What was your name again?" Devin's father asked me.

"I, uh, I'm Michael. B-But My brother and friends call me M-Mikey!" I studder. He's judging me. I know he is.

"Ah, Well, Michael," He looks over to Devin. "What are your intentions with my daughter?" My stomach went up in knots. My intentions?! Does he think I'll rape her or something?!

"N-Nothing sir! I wouldn't do anything to her!" Unless she wanted me to

He hummed and looked me up and down. "I like you Michael." He smiles and sticks out his hand. I gladly take it. "I like you alot.
XD Mikey meets the parent! HEY GUYS:D how'd you like the chapter??? I love this chapter. One of my favorites:D PLEASE COMMENT! I LIVE FOR THEM!

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