Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I was in hell, but you were my saviour.

Chapter Four

by mcrsavedmylife44 2 reviews

Frank tells Gerard about his past.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-08 - Updated: 2011-05-08 - 1253 words

Hey guys! I love all your reviews and I am glad you are liking the story :) so enjoy!

Franks POV
“Well I...”
“C’mon Frank spit it out” Gerard said getting a bit impatient.
“Well, It all started when I was nineteen, me and my best friend bob, we got into drugs, first it was just weed, but then it got bigger, eventually, we started taking cocaine. So we were officially druggies, and our dealer, Brian, was really nice to us and we all became close friends, but then I lost my job, and I couldn’t afford to pay, but I needed it Gerard, I depended on it, I could not live without it. But since we were close friends with Brian, he just said to pay him back later, so I took the offer, but I just kept on taking and taking it without paying, and after a few months I was at home and Brian and his gang showed up, asking for the money I owed, or else. Obviously, I didn’t have the money. I said I didn’t so they said I had to work off my debt, so I became a drug mule, taking drugs to people and punishing people who wouldn’t pay their debt. But one day, I just had enough, I wanted out, I just wanted nothing to do with any of them anymore, so I told Brian, and he just laughed, saying that I would never get out, I said that I would go to the police. He said if I ever told anyone he would kill me. But to be honest Gerard, I wouldn’t have minded if I died, I was already self harming, I was so depressed and just wanted out, but Bob kept me going, he got off the drugs with help, I was so proud of him, so a week later we both went to Brian, and he told Brian enough was enough and Brian said fine. We were so surprised about it, that he just let it go. So I went home and then it was about two in the morning and a big gang of people with masks came in and took me, I woke up and I was in Brian’s warehouse, and there was bob lying on the floor, he was dead, they had killed him.”
At this point I was weeping and crying my eyes out
“Oh my god Frank I am so sorry” Gerard said
Gerard came over and hugged me, it felt so good, he was so warm and comforting he then sat beside me with his arm around me
“and then Brian came out, and has this huge speech about how he thought just because I had bob, he thought that it would be ok, but then he took the only thing that was important to me, the only person who protected me, so I was alone. Brian then said I had to keep being his mule otherwise he would set it up like it was my fault, that I killed Bob. So I had to, I was once again his mule, but one day the police raided my house, and obviously there was drugs there, for the people that I had to give it to, and my own, so I got six months in rehab and seven years in here. Bob was dead because of me, I was the one who found Brian, and I was the one in the shit, not him. And because they couldn’t find my family, they took Bob instead, my only friend.”
“Fucker.” Gerard spat.
“I know.”
“So why did the police just randomly raid your house?”
“I don’t know I think Brian or one of his followers must have had enough of me and tipped me off to the police, and they get off scot free, I have seen them do it before.”
“So they aren’t caught?”
“That’s shit Frank, you should have told the police when they were questioning you”
“I couldn’t Gerard, they would find some other way to hurt me, and I knew that I would be going to prison, and if I tipped them off about Brian, he would be here too, and then he has people on the outside, so when I got out, they would kill me.”
“Well, Frank, you are ok now, you are in here, they are out there, I am here, you’re the first friend I have had in a long time, so I would not let anyone hurt you, you understand?”
“Yeah, thanks Gerard, no one has said that but Bob.”
After that he embraced me in a tight hug, he smelt of coffee and cigarettes, it was mind blowing, but there was a hint of something sweet also, I couldn’t help but take in his scent.
“So Gerard, why, erm are you in here?”

Gerard’s POV
Well he told me his story, maybe I should tell him mine, he could be scared of me, I mean I killed someone, it was an accident, but what if he didn’t see it like that, if I lost the only friend I have had in a long time and the person I am starting to love...
“Well, my ex girlfriend, found out I was cheating on her with her best friend, who was a guy...”
“Oh” Frank said looking surprised
“yeah, well she came round one night, she was drunk, she was fuming, I mean I loved her, but not in that way anymore, it just wasn’t right, I had wanted to break up with her, but she loved me too much. “
“Yeah I understand”
“anyway, she starting hitting me and she had a knife, she was waving it about, saying that she hated me and wanted to kill me, and then she would go to Joe next and kill him too, I tried to talk her out of it, to keep her calm, but she ran for me, I got her arm and twisted it and it went into her side. I had stabbed her there was blood everywhere, and she wouldn’t stop screaming and as just as I was about to call an ambulance, she stopped screaming and I went over, but she was dying, the ambulance came but she was already dead, she had died in my arms.”
“Oh I’m so sorry Gerard.”
“I didn’t mean to kill her, but I was just defending myself, I just meant to get the knife out of her hands but it didn’t work out like that... and after Joe found out, he dumped me, called me a murdering bastard.”
“Did he not realise it was a mistake?”
“No, he didn’t believe me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, well at least we have each other now”
“You, still want to be friend?” I said confused
“Yeah, coarse I do, I always had a feeling that you shouldn’t be here, I guess I was right” frank smiled, I couldn’t help but smile back, his smile was adorable, his eyes sparkled, he looked genuinely happy, and I was too, I had Frank now, my Frankie.

Well, the secrets out! the next chapter is going to get a bit more fredrady,anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, it was a bit longer than the other ones, and i shall update soon :) and don't think that its going to be all happy... ;)
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