Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Beautiful nightmare

Beautiful nightmare

by xxFrerardxx 1 review

Bert/Mikey Frank/Gerard Whatever you want it to be.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-21 - Updated: 2011-03-15 - 588 words


'-dont miss The Used, play at Drew's house on Saturday. Anyone and everyone invited, show your support for the band!'
I stared in amazement, as I slowly put down the flyers that covered the school ground. Bert McCracken, was the lead singer of his band The Used, I, Mikey Way, was the boyfriend of the hottest guy at our school. What's the chance. I never thought that Bert's band would invite everyone, they don't know what they just got themselves into. As I was thinking this whole situation over, my phone rang off the hook, and I didn't bother picking it up.

"What the hell is the point of ever calling you when you never pick up your phone? I swear to god I call this thing all the time and you never pick up! Call me back-"
The backround noise was loud, and eventually his voice got cut off. I sighed and called him back.

"Hey baby, glad you got the message." He sounds annoyed, I thought right away.
"Hi, what would you like?" I said shyly.
"Where are you? It's Friday night, I thought you were going to come over." He sounded taken back a bit, like he didn't know what was going on.
"I told you I was going to be at Frank's. You're just going to be practicing with the band anyways." I said a bit more harshly than intended.
"Kay whatever, I'll call you later." He hung up with no reply, basic Bert behavior. Which made me feel like shit, all the time.

"Bert?" I sighed, looking at Frank and shook my head slowly.
"I don't know why you waste your time on him anyways, hes no good for you." Frank explained quickly as he shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth. Yeah that's what everyone says.
"Yeah, someone like you wouldn't understand." I shot back.
"What is that suppose to mean?!" He replied defensively.
"That you've never had a long lasting relationship, all you do is fuck and leave. I don't get how you can do that."
"Whats so hard to understand here? I don't like commitment. More like, I'm smart enough not to tell someone I love them, because 'love' is a bunch of bullshit. Take it from me, your my evidence."
"I am not. My love isn't bullshit, Karen and Jake's is, so go study them or something." Just thinking about it made tears come to my eyes, Bert's too good for me. One wrong thing I do, hes going to dump me as if I never meant anything in his life.

"MIKEY, YOUR PHONE IS RINGING!" Frank screamed from the living room.
"Than answer it, Dumbass."
"MIKEY, BERT'S ON THE OTHER LINE AND HE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK TO ME!" He yelled back, a small smile spread across my face as I stopped what I was doing and darted toward the living room. I snached the phone from Frank and pressed it to my ear quickly.

"Hello?" I breathed.
"Hey Gorgeous, I spent enough time away from you. You should come over." Bert's voice sounded calm, as if he never did anything wrong. Meanwhile, I'm at Frank's house worrying my ass off if he was mad at me or not.
"Okay, I'll be over in a second." I rushed the words right out of my mouth then hung up quickly.

"I've got to go Frankie, I'll call you later. Okay?"
"That it?! Your just going to leave?" He looked if I haven't done it before.
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