Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

I'll Miss You

by dollypin 2 reviews

Lauren xX

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Horror - Published: 2011-05-16 - Updated: 2011-05-16 - 165 words

I came back from a weekend without internet and the first thing I did was log onto FicWad to see if "Full Of Holes" had been updated. I scanned down threw the stories looking for the oh so familir green banner but I didn't see it.
I was so confused until i found "onetwentyone's" note on Lauren's death. I stared at the screen for what had to be at least an hour.
"This a joke" I told myself "Someone has to have hacked her account it's a sick joke" but no.

I just wanna' say that Lauren your's was one of the first story's I ever read. Your the reason I started an account. Even though I never spoken to you in person I felt I knew you. And k=now I just wanna tell you that I love your story, it was so epically random. I love you for fighting back when I got abusive reviews. Your a hero on this site xX

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