Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Trying Hard

It Ain't Over Yet

by sparkle_monster 0 reviews

I'm just gonna update all the chapters I have written so far. I'm sick so yeah.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-05-16 - Updated: 2011-05-16 - 1081 words


A/N: Yesterday I just completed my tenth year of dance. Happiest moment of my life. I'm doing SING as my solo next year and I get to put a saying in the program and I'm putting "Never let them take you alive". Hip Hop For Hope. Please enjoy. 

/"Bandit..." my father said laying in his own pool of blood. 
"Don't leave me daddy. Please don't leave me." I whispered to him holding his hands with mine both.
"I promise I won't sweetheart. But I just wanted to let you know this honey, I love you. I always did and I always will. No matter what happens, I love you Bandit Lee Way." he smiled a weak smile. 
 "I love you too daddy." at this point I was holding back tears. 
Slowly, his eyes began to flutter close, his breathing slowed down, and that last smile fell from his face. My father had fell into deaths convincing arms. Over the years death has been trying to capture my father. But at his last attempt, death had won. 
 "Daddy?" I asked tears falling rapidly knowing, he will not answer. 
 "Daddy isn't home anymore little girl" the voice scared me. I turned around to see my mother standing in the door way. Her fingers embracing a shiny little .45./

I woke up violently shaking and sweating. 
I never have nightmares. 
I noticed that my dad was gone. I slowly got off the bed and slid my feet into my slippers. I dragged my feet out to the kitchen to see my dad making breakfast… oh boy. 
 "Should I call Mikey to tell him my last goodbyes cause I'm about to eat Gerard's cooking?" I joked to him. 
He never cooked. 
Cereal and Ramen Noodles is about all he can. 
He burns Easy Mac. 
 "Ha ha funny. But your gonna love this." he said as he pulled me to the counter. 
I felt my mouth water up as I laid my eyes upon all my favorite breakfast foods. 
Hazelnut coffee, blubbery muffins, fried eggs, and orange juice. And the bacon. The great tasty artery clogging bacon. My guilty pleasure. 
"Well, don't just stand there! Eat!" he said to me. 
And I so did. I grabbed everything I could and sat down across from him. 
I was stuffing my face with bacon when he brought something up about last night. 
"B, did you have a nightmare or something last nigh?" he asked setting his coffee down. 
"Erm, no. No not at all! Why do you ask?" I'm the worlds worst liar. 
"Just cause after you fell asleep and started yelling and crying." he raised his eyebrows at me. 
 "Don't know what your talking about!" I said as I stood up. "Look at the time! I gotta get ready! Hanging with some friends today!" I lied. I got no friends. 
"Bandit Lee" 
"Look at me and tell me you didn't have a nightmare last night." he stood up and crossed his arms. 
"Why the hell is it a big deal whether I had it or not?" I raised my voice a tad. 
"Do not get pissy with me!" he slammed his fist on the table. 
 "I will if I have too! ITS. NO. BIG. DEAL!" I was screaming at this point. 
"Goddamn. Your just like your mother" he laughed and shook his head. 
"No. I'm nothing like that psycho." I said. 
"Your a terrible liar like she is. You, deny everything that's true. And you think this world revolves around you. Wake up doll face, it's you versus the world."
Who the fuck pissed in his Cheerios this morning?
"So I guess I'm an ignorant selfish ungrateful self centered bitch?" 
If he was gonna play this game, I could play it twice as hard. 
"No, I... I didn't mean it like that" he said. 
"Mhm. Well," I lifted my arms and let them fall to my sides. "The bitch will be gone for the day" without letting him respond, I walked out the front door in my pajamas to my only friends house. John. 
He's been through it all with me and I knew I could trust him. 

I didn't actually realize what I was wearing until John answered his door. 
His blue eyes widened, then he burst out in that contagious laugh. 
"Come in come in" he said holding the door for me. 
"MOM!" he screamed. "Bandits here!" 
Being two years older than me he sure acted a lot younger. 
"What bring you here Bunny?" 
Bunny was the nickname he gave me a long time ago. 
I told him everything that happened last night. 
"Oh fucking god" he said embracing me in a tight hug. 
"I'm here for you. Never doubt that!" he said to me. 
"I won't. But I just don't know what to do!" I said to him. 
He thought for a moment then said,
"Ian is having a party at his house tonight. I'll take you! It'll be fun!" he said. 
I really never been to a party before. 
"Alright! But I need a change of clothes." I looked down at my horrible attire. 
He went to his bedroom and came back with basketball shorts, a Nirvana tee and a beanie that said PEACE on it. 
We were the same size. I'm not fat, he's just REALLY skinny. 
 I smiled at him and went to the bath room to change. When I was done he gave me eyeliner and my Vans slide ons I left here a while ago. 
 I came out and met him at the front door. 
"Ready?" he asked grabbing a hoodie for him and me. 
"Of course!" I said. 
 At that moment, he reached for my hand and smiled. I took it and smiled back. 
It felt amazing holding hands with the one you love. 

Here's another chapter. 
R&R please!
Little saying from the next chapter:
One little joint won't hurt....
I'm so queer. 
k well guess who gets to miss half the school day to take a test to see how stupid she really is?
They tell us it's just a "random selection" but they pick the kids with the worst math grades to take it. 
Well I gotta go shave my turtle. 
Bye! Oh! And sorry, this is a shorty! They will get longer and better!
Tacos and babies: Sarah

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