Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Rebirth of Hope

Hope is Lost

by sailorchick321 0 reviews

what will the order do now that harry is dead? and how much help can he be for the other side? HBP compliant

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Lupin, Peter, Ron, Sirius, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-05-25 - Updated: 2006-05-26 - 391 words

I OWN NOTHING... now that that's over, on with the story

Hope is Lost

They sat in the living room of Grimmauld place in silence. Silence so thick it hurt. He was gone. The one with the power... their only hope... the Chosen One... the Boy-who-lived...dead.
When they'd found Harry lying there dead each person's reaction was different. Ginny couldn't breath, she couldn't think. How could this have happened? All she could see was him falling backward in slow motion.
Ron was still in shock. He hadn't spoken, eaten, or moved from that chair in over 8 hours. His mind was numb. His best friend couldn't be gone, it just wasn't possible. And yet he had seen him lying there...
Hermione couldn't stop crying, and in this pursuit she had other to keep her company: Molly, Fleur, and Tonks, and almost to their surprise professors McGonagall and Hagrid.
The older Weasley men were trying to console the others with little success as they too were all distraught as well. Neither Fred nor George had spoken since they had left the Burrow.
In the kitchen, gathered around the table sat the Order members still capable of cognitive thought; Remus, Shacklebolt, Arthur, Diggle, Aberforth, Dung, and Moody. Each understood the gravity of what had happened earlier that day, each knew that the war they fought was now doomed to failure. That part of this travesty had not yet sunk in for those grieving in the other room.
"What if we launched an all out attack against the bastard? Harry destroyed the last of those damned Horcruxes before he died. Maybe one of us can get lucky and kill him. We at least stand a chance now while he's mortal. If he finds out we knew about and destroyed his safety nets we lose what hope we still have." Moody reasoned.
They had been sitting around this table for hours trying to figure out where to go from here. "That hope is dead Mad-eye, 'the one who had the power' is gone. GONE, DAMN. How did we let this happen? How could they have gotten to him there? Merlin, we were so close. Too close to let that son of bitch..." he stopped as his face fell into his hands, a fresh flow of tears falling unchecked from his eyes. "I'm so sorry, James."
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