Categories > Games > BloodRayne > Bloodrayne Season one

Episode 2: Zerenski warriors

by vega123 0 reviews

Zerenski sends his three warriors to fight against Rayne, will Rayne have a chance?

Category: BloodRayne - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-05-26 - Updated: 2006-05-26 - 1122 words

(Two months has past. Rayne has gotten stronger and wiser. She learned new abilities and has new weapons. She is ready to take on Kagan.)
Master: you have come a long way Rayne.
(She smiles)
Rayne: all thanks to Brimstone. Especially Severin.
(Severin walks in on them.)
Severin: I couldn't help but hear that you thank me. Your attitude has change over the past months.
Rayne: don't get too happy, I still can be a bitch if you fuck with me.
Severin: I know Rayne.
(The master interrupts.)
Master: now Rayne your mission is not only to kill Kagan. You have to recover items that Kagan wants. Also I want you to destroy his offspring's. You got that.
Rayne: a little demanding are we. Fine I'll do all these missions because I want to kill my father so bad.
Master: one more thing, Severin will be accompanying you on your journey.
Rayne: alright then, but I'm not responsible for his safety.
Severin: I can defend myself. Don't worry about me.
(Rayne with a smirk.)
Rayne: who said I was worried.
Severin: very funny. Let's go.
(Master pulls out a paper and hands it to Severin.)
Master: here is your list of items and their location. Be careful. You two are our last hope.
Rayne: don't worry. I'll bring Kagan's head to you.
(They exit)

(Rayne and Severin head to their first location which it is a museum. The museum has the Dhampir guns. Rayne can use this, but so can Kagan. Meanwhile Zerenski has sent his three warriors to find Rayne. Their names are Valon, Raphael, and Allister. They are strong vampires. Valon wears goggles on his head and has an Australian accent. Allister has red hair and wears a muscle shirt. Raphael is the leader and he is well built and wears sun glasses. Zerenski holds a meeting with them.)
Zerenski: my loyal men. I want you to find this Dhampir and kill her.
Valon: where do we find her?
Zerenski: she is on her way to the museum, where the Dhampir guns are at.
Allister: We'll get her, not to worry master.
Zerenski: also kill her little friend. He works for Brimstone. Brimstone is a major pain to us. I want him out of the picture.
Raphael: we'll make them suffer and bring back the Dhampir guns for you. Let's go boys.
(Valon happy.)
Valon: I can't wait to fight them.
(They exit)
Zerenski: she is good as dead. My warriors will defeat that Dhampir.
(He laughs, but gets interrupted by Ephemera)
Zerenski: what do you want?
Ephemera: you look so happy brother, but those three will fail. Think about it, why is the Dhampir hanging out with a Brimstone guy. She must have trained with them, they recruited her.
Zerenski: so what.
Ephemera: that means she is stronger than before. Those three fools are dead.
Zerenski: I'm not worried, but I want you to get out of my sight.
(He swings his fist at her, but misses because she disappears. Her voice are heard in the shadows.)
Ephemera: you don't listen. This Dhampir will kill you. Wait and see dear brother.
(her voice dies down and there is nothing but silence in the room.)
Zerenski: don't worry sister, I'll show you what I can do.

(Meanwhile Rayne and Severin gets closer to their location.)
Rayne: are we almost there Severin.
Severin: stop complaining. I taught you better than that.
Rayne: yeah, yeah. Always nagging.
(They start walking, but in front of them Valon, Allister, and Raphael appear.)
Raphael: So you're the Dhampir who wants to kill Kagan. Nothing special here.
Valon: this Dhampir is a looker. Hey baby lets not fight and join lord Kagan. Then we can be together forever.
Rayne: sorry, but I hate accents. I rather fight you.
Valon: ah, playing hard to get...
(Allister interrupts Valon.)
Allister: enough talk. I will fight these two by myself guys.
Raphael: do what you want. They're both weak any way. Come on Valon.
Valon: I can't wait to watch her fight.
Severin: you got this one Rayne.
Rayne: of course. This guy is a chump
(Allister shows anger and yells out.)
Allister: say that to my face!!
(Rayne turns around.)
Rayne: I'm too hot for you to handle.
(She punches him in the face. Allister never saw it. He goes flying and hit's a tree. He gives a cry of pain.)
Valon: she can pack a wallop.
(Raphael looks on. Allister gets up and laughs.)
Allister: she caught me off guard. That's all. Now I'll show you an attack that you can't beat.
(He disappears and reappears over and over. Rayne looks confused. Allister closes in and goes for the punch, but Rayne blocks it.)
Allister: what!?
(Rayne smiles)
Rayne: sorry, but your not that strong.
(She stabs him in the stomach. And then she kicks him away.)
Rayne: what's the matter. Too much for you.
(Allister gets up slowly.)
Allister: enough playing around with my prey. I have let you have too much fun.
(He takes out his sword. It is very shining like it has never been used.)
Allister: I do give you credit. No one has made me take out this blade, but you're the first. I say give yourself a pat on the back.
Rayne: your making me cry, but I think your anger blinds you to the truth. You can't beat me.
(Severin interrupts.)
Severin: Rayne don't get cocky, finish him off.
(Rayne unhappy)
Rayne: you always ruin my fun.
(Allister interrupts)
Allister: lets get this show on the road.
(Valon and Raphael look on. Valon looks at Raphael.)
Valon: she is strong. Think she can beat Allister.
Raphael: I think Allister may have a challenge.
Valon: hey Allister watch it. She can surprise you.
Allister: shut up Valon. I will kill her.
(Rayne laughs)
Rayne: you kill me. That's a good one.
Allister: this is the end for you!!!!
(Allister charges and Rayne blocks the sword. They engage in a sword fight. Rayne slices away with her blades, but Allister blocks. Then Allister swings his sword with fury. She jumps out of the way and slices his back. He screams in pain.)
Allister: you bitch.
Rayne: no need for names.
(Allister charges again and disappears. Then he appears.)
Rayne: I got you.
(She slices Allister, but it was an illusion.)
Rayne: What the fuck!
(Allister appears behind her.)
Severin: Rayne, look out!
(But it is too late he stabs Rayne and falls.)
Allister: how you like that Dhampir.
Severin: Rayne!
Allister: (Points to Severin.) Your next!
Valon: it is about time. Too bad, she was cute.
(Allister looks over Rayne and then looks at Severin.)
Severin: looks like I'm on my own.

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