Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hunted

Chapter 2

by xblckhrtxx 3 reviews

Again I suck at summaries

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-05-20 - Updated: 2011-05-20 - 313 words - Complete

I did the only thing my head told me to do. And that was get my ass out of there.
“It’s really nice seeing you again Frank but I have to go” I said quickly and then bolted out. I was making my way down the stairs and of course with my luck I tripped on the last step and face planted on the floor.

“Fuck.” I cursed I probably have a bruise on my face now.
“Such a potty mouth.” Frank said. I wanted to punch that grin off of his face.

I sat up on the floor and stayed there. “What are you doing?” he asked. I smiled and said, “This.” I brought my leg out and kicked him ‘Where the sun don’t shine.’
“FUCK!! YOU BITCH!!!” he said while squirming on the floor while grabbing his erm… area.
“So what do you want Iero?” I asked after he composed himself.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he said with a smirk. It took a good 2 minutes to figure out what he meant.
“Oh shit.”

“Finally caught on princess?” he giggled.

“Fuck you.” I kicked him on the head and he grunted before giving me one of his annoying but dazzling smiles.

“But that’s you’s and Gee Gee’s things.” He said before I heard a scream from upstairs. I quickly got up and ran up to the third floor. But by the time I got there my best friends were gone.

“Brandy?! Brenda?!” I yelled but got no response. Those bastards.

“Until we meet again.” Frank said before jumping through the broken window.
I needed to call a special friend of mine and get some duct tape for the window.


Let me know what you think. Like I said before I will introduce you all soon. Sorry that this chapter was shitty. Rate and review please :)
Xoxo a
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