Categories > Original > Drama

I'm addicted to kill as much as I am to you.

by jessKILLJOYxo 0 reviews

Haley is an obsessive Robert Downey Jr fan and nothing can stop her from getting what she wants.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-05-21 - Updated: 2011-05-21 - 563 words

Her fingers worked away at the computer as she booked her train ticket to London she tapped the enter button 'Thank you for your purchase' popped up onto the screen and she smiled to herself and bit her lip. She got up from her seat and went up the stairs to her room where her stuff was already packed, everything she was going to need was there. She laid back on her bed and starred at the ceiling before turning her head to look at one of the many pictures of Robert Downey Jr. on her wall.
“Two more days” she said to herself running her hand slowly down the picture “two more days and I can have you all to myself”

“So are you packed for Wednesday?” a well spoken English accent came down the other end of the phone.
“No dude, I've still got a couple more things to do, Susan wont get off my case though” Robert laughed.
“Robert! Are you packed yet?!” Susan shouted from down the hall.
“No! Stop whining at me, I'll do it soon I'm talking to Jude” he heard her mumble something and walk off “See what I mean”
“Ah, but you'd be a mess without her”
“Yeah I know” He sighed “Dude I better go, I'll see you on Wednesday” He smile and felt his friend smile back at him
“Alright will do, bye!”
“bye Judsie” Robert hung up and walked into the kitchen where his wife was sitting at the table.
“Letter for you” she smiled and passed it to him he took it from her kissing her cheek before sitting down.
“Thank you beautiful” he opened the envelope and unfolded the obviously hand written letter and started to read it.

Dear Bobby,
I can't wait to meet you in on Wednesday, we're finally going to be together
and no one will be able to get in our way, I'll make sure of it. I'll kill
if I have too. Susan isn't any good for you, she's not even that pretty
we're meant to be together, not you and her, and we will be. I'll make sure
I find you. I promise.

I love you. Forever.

Robert slightly creeped out quickly screwed up the letter drawing Susan's attention towards him.
“Why are you screwing it up?”
“It's not important” he got up and ripped the letter into shreds before chucking it into the bin “I'm going to get something from Starbucks I'll be back in a little while” he kissed Susan’s forehead before grabbing his jacket and leaving the house.
He closed the door as he left and slipped his jacket on over his shoulders before getting into his car he checked to make sure no one was watching him, he got into his car and sighed. What the fuck?

Haley closed her eyes wondering what it'd feel like to feel his hot breath on her neck, to kiss him and to touch him and have him touch her. She knew she wouldn't have to wait long for it to happen though, she was going to make sure it'd happen. She looked towards her bed side table and directly at the photo frame she had a picture of Robert and her it originally had Susan but she'd ripped it apart. “This is the way it should be” she thought to herself.
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