Categories > Original > Fantasy > My Amalie

The Thirteen Rules Of Vampirism

by SweetSarmoti 0 reviews

A vampire tells the story of how he failed to save both his sister and a mortal girl named Amalie. m/m

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-05-25 - Updated: 2006-05-26 - 261 words - Complete

Title: My Amalie: Chapter One: The Thirteen Rules Of Vampirism
Author: Lia
Rating: PG, this chapter.
Summary: Exactly what the title says.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to ME.
Notes: It DOES get better...


1) Every coven shall have a single leader. When that leader is absent, the second in command shall lead.

2) Only a coven master may choose if or when to give a mortal the blood.

3) The blood must never be given to children, the insane, or anyone sick or crippled in any way.

4) The blood must never be given to a mortal on the brink of death.

5) The blood shall never be given to anyone of exceptional beauty.

6) A vampire whose age exceeds 100 years shall never give a mortal the blood.

7) Only the coven master may ever destroy another vampire.

8) No vampire shall ever form an acquaintance with a mortal.

9) No vampire shall ever reveal his or her true nature to a mortal and allow that mortal to live.

10) No vampire shall reveal the history of our kind to a mortal and allow that mortal to live.

11) No vampire shall ever commit to writing any information about vampires.

12) No vampires resting place shall be known to mortals.

13) These rules shall be followed by all vampires. Any vampire who breaks a rule shall be held accountable and punished by the coven master.

There are thirteen rules all vampires must follow. Of these thirteen, I, Lucien, have broken nearly every one. It was a single mortal girl who caused me to break these rules, a mortal girl I like to call my Amalie
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