Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
Are You Ready,FicWad?
(#) FlyingSmoke 2011-05-26
I think it's cool that you're doing this. I say you put XxlovefrankieroxX down for the nomination. They're totally awesome and the stuff they write... It's pure amazing.Are You Ready,FicWad?
(#) andreajp 2011-05-26
Whoah-that for most original stories. Anything MCArmyWife writes is golden. XxlovefrankieroxX is my go to gal for amazing writing and amazing smut as well. theescapist99 for having the most amazing ability to write beautiful and twisted stories that make me laugh my ass off, freak out, and then cry. God this is hard it's like having to chose the cutest puppy!Are You Ready,FicWad?
(#) Jamia 2011-05-28
I'd say Bad_Romance, as I am currently in love with her stories :) xAre You Ready,FicWad?
(#) CosmicZombie 2011-05-30
this is a great idea...i'd like to nominate cup-full-of-blood, as her stories are just awesome, and also scarlet_fitch2027, cause i think her writing is amazing :)
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