Categories > Celebrities > Harry Potter > Heather Black

An Unexpected Prankster

by xemoxfobx 0 reviews

heather, fred, and george find that they actually aren't the suspects of a prank pulled on heather's sisters and Percy.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-05-26 - Updated: 2006-05-27 - 869 words

"Diane stopped by just a little while ago and we've decided that all of you children will be staying here for the rest of the summer," said Mrs. Weasley over desert.
"Yes! Now we don't have to help mum fix the house for muggle-uncle Timothy!" Simon exclaimed. There was a murmur of agreement through all the Black siblings at this comment.
"What about our things?" Pete asked, and Heather nodded in agreement, thinking of her sneakscope in her trunk.
"They are already here and waiting in the rooms you will be staying in," explained Mrs. Weasley through a mouthful of chocolate pudding.
That evening, before anyone else was upstairs, Heather, Fred, and George snuck ten, fake, spiders that were charmed to move their legs that they bought at the "junk" shop into Ron's (who was terrified of spiders) bed. That night, around ten o'clock there was a loud scream from Ron's attic bedroom.
"Success!" exclaimed George.
"Wicked success!" added Heather. They all high-fived each other before rushing up the stairs to Ron's room where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were helping a petrified Ron out of bed. The three culprits burst into hysterical laughter.
"And I suppose this would be your doings?" said an angry Mrs. Weasley, "No sweets for you three 'til you go on the train to Hogwarts!"
"But mum, look at his face!" said George.
"And he's shaking!" roared Fred.
"And his pajamas!" added Heather, who had noticed his footie pj's. They were all still shaking with laughter when they were sent back to Fred and George's room after a stern talk from Mrs. Weasley about not taking advantage of other people's fears. Heather showed the twins her sneakscope before they retired, exhausted from the exciting day. That night, at around midnight, Heather woke to the sound of screaming in the next room. Fred and George woke together in mid-snore.
"What the-" said Fred.
"Who in the world-" asked George.
"C'mon, guys, let's go check it out!" exclaimed Heather, who, by now was wide awake. The threesome sprinted out of the room and into Percy's bedroom where Jae and Sydney were standing on the foot of Percy's bed, hugging each other, and screaming.
"What's going on?" asked Heather, Fred, and George at the same time.
"Oh, like you three don't know!" Percy replied, rubbing his eyes.
"No we-" Heather started, but just then everyone else in the house came running into the room.
"What is going on here?" asked Mrs. Weasley Going over to the bed to help the girls down. "Ah, this looks like a Heather, Fred, and George." She turned to find the three looking at the scene in astonishment.
"We-"Heather said.
"We didn't do it," said Fred as though he couldn't believe the words coming out of his own mouth.
"Don't even try that one, guys," Taelor said in her "miss popular" voice. "We all know you did it, so face the facts, you're gonna get in trouble twice tonight and there's nothing' you can do about it."
"I don't know, I mean they're not laughing and they do look puzzled, so they may not have done it," said Charlie reasonably.
"I agree with him," replied Bill.
"Yeah, guys, think about it," reasoned Caleb, "they're not saying anything, but look who is."
"Listen up, children, we're gonna figure this out in the morning, right now, I just think that we should all just get back to bed," Said Mrs. Weasley.
"You guys aren't suggesting that I made all those weird noises in the vent just to get those three stooges in trouble, because that would be totally evil of me, and I'm totally not evil," Taelor retorted all in one breath.
"They weren't suggesting anything, until of course you admitted to the crime," replied Heather with a satisfied look on her face.
"What are you talking about?" Taelor asked, but her face told them that she knew exactly what they were talking about.
"We haven't even found out what had happened yet, and you're blabbering on about 'noises in the vent'," said George.
"Taelor, I believe you owe me an explanation and them an apology," Mrs. Weasley said, pointing, first to herself, and second at Jae and Sydney.
"It's rude to point, ya know," was Taelor's tart reply.
"Oh, that one just cost you double punishment, missy," Said a stern Mrs. Weasley with rising anger in her voice as Taelor gave her the "smart-allec" glare with a roll of her eyes. "No going to Diagon Alley at all 'til the train and no going to play or watch quidditch with the others at all. We'll see if I dare cease my punishment come 'round Christmas, now off to bed!"
"Ooh, Taelor got in trouble," Heather said.
"Watch it, you three or else I'm giving you the same punishment to add to the one you got earlier," Mrs. Weasley said.
"But, mum, we didn't say anything," retorted George.
"You were thinking it, though, and all three of you know that if I punish one of you, you'll consider it punishing all of you," Mrs. Weasley replied. "Now, off to bed, all of you and we'll deal with the rest of this in the morning."
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