Categories > Original > Drama > Diary Of A Young Girl

Diary Of A Young Girl

by jadesohma 1 review

To all who will listen, this is my real Diary. Not a made up charaters. Mine. Jadesohma. I just want to know someone cares.. please no bad reviews or ratings. I couldn't handle it.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-25 - Updated: 2011-05-26 - 455 words


I just told my BEST friend that I wasn't in the mood to write. Something HAS to be wrong with me. She "gasped" then went on about her problems.

Just once I wish some would pay attention to me. Yes, I have friends who love me and talk to me but they don't see behind my walls. They don't see past those fake smiles and laughs that really hurt.

First, as a holeless romantic, I want a boyfriend. I've only had one. I know that's more than some but it was three almost four years ago and NOTHING happend. Not even a hug. I mean, ALL my friends are so pretty and gorgeous and they're so amazing. I swear, all of them have someone who likes them. Me, oh poor, loney, plain me is all alone. ALL alone.

So today, I went to the pool with my best friend, which, with all my insecurities wasn't a good idea but I went anyway. My best friend is tall skinny, blonde, blue eyes, and just pretty without make up that she doesn't need. So compare her to short, not so thin, brown hair, brown eyes me.

There was this amazingly cute guy there. Brown hair and stunning blue eyes. Now, not just because shes a year older, who do you think will have a better chance? Yeah..I know...

Then, we got out. Just sitting on chairs by the water, I look down and remeber that I have the grossest chest in the world. Yes, it's HUGE! But it is covered with acne. I cover myself with a towel... Hiding my best feture, my legs..

But of course, my best friend is texting, like she always does, and I swear all she texts is boys and three girls. SWEAR it.

Anyway, she got a text from this guy up the street. Lets call him...Dug? Something other than his real name. And my best friend, Annie It went like this:



Dug- sooo whats up???

Annie- at the pool, wanna come XD

Dug- no way of getting up there.

Annie- haha fine!!!

Dug- sooo

Annie- sooo

Dug- do you like anyone?:) < 3

Now, Annie freaks when she gets a sign like this. I just felt my heart sink. Yet ANOTHER guy falling all over her.

Shall we tally? (Not real names)

Dug a boy whos been in love with her before.

Ray a guy who wants to do nothing but have sex with her.

Jake a guy whos been her friend all year.

If anyone in my family or any of my friends knew I'd get a pitty part I don't want.

HA! I'm talking to Dug. Even HE knew something was wrong. What do ya know?
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