Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out


by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Gerard has to make some big desicions about the tattooed man.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-03 - Updated: 2011-06-03 - 436 words - Complete

The sight meeting him made him freeze. On the floor right next to the stairs leading to Gerard's place a man laid curled up to the wall in a small puddle of his own blood.

Who is he? Are the people who hurt him still around? Are they going to kill me? Is that tattoos on his body? Will he survive?
All of those questions swirled inside Gerard's head like racing horses.

Gerard could have just ignored the man and continued up the stairs, locking the door, and hoping that the man would be gone in the morning. He could have done just that but he didn't.

Instead Gerard walked forward to the body, who laid curled up in a ball with his face turned towards a wall, and crouched down next to it. Gerard reached his hand out until it vibrated right next to the body.

He was afraid to touch it. Like something would jump him if he did.

Gerard swallowed his fears and touched the man's shoulder lightly. Nothing happened. Not a single reaction.

The body was breathing slightly which was a good sign. At least he isn't dead, Gerard figured. He turned the tattooed man so he was lying on his back, facing the ceiling.

Gerard was surprised to see the face of the man lying down. He had a piercing in his lip and one in his nose. His hair was also quite extreme. The sides were shorter and bleached blond while the mid section was quite long and black.

Gerard also found the source of the pierced man's loss of blood. It was a big and utterly nasty wound on his thigh. It was deep and stretched from the man's hip and almost down to his knee.

The wound wasn't new since the blood had stopped gushing out. Gerard wondered how long the man had been lying there. Most of all he wondered what caused the wound.

Now Gerard had to make another decision. Should he leave the man or not? Gerard figured that he was possibly putting himself in danger by helping the bleeding man.

Gerard clenched his hands into fists and whimpered.

Then he decided to do something unselfish, for practically the first time in his life, and he grabbed the collar of the unconscious man's T-shirt and started dragging him up the stairs.

Gerard who wasn't the most athletic man in the world found the journey exhausting. He clenched his jaw and sweat dripped from his forehead.

The man's leg bobbled when they hit every step, leaving small trails of blood wherever Gerard would drag him.
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