Categories > Anime/Manga > Viewfinder > Collared Freedom

Collared Freedom

by ckrozaellys 3 reviews

It's been almost a year since Takaba lived with Asami. An incidet happened on their 'anniversary' that will decide how much Takaba is worth to Asami.

Category: Viewfinder - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance - Characters: Asami, Takaba - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2005-05-21 - Updated: 2005-05-22 - 477 words

Collared Freedom - Viewfinder
Prologue, This is how it all began

"Beautiful. Tilt your head to the right a little. Yes, perfect," instructed Takaba, showing off his professionalism. Camera flashing and snapping numerous shots, taken from random angles, the now-a-top-notch photographer capture only models in his studio. Both the change in field and expensive, custom-designed, 28,000 square foot, private studio courtesy of Asami.

After being caught in a crossfire between two triads, which sidetracked when both boss decided going after Takaba is more worth their time, during one of his playful, not to mention dangerous, mission, Asami had conveniently moved a protesting Takaba into another field of photography. That is, after he took care of the two lechers who tried to touch his Takaba.

The studio was located in a private 51-story-high building, belonging to none other than Asami himself. According to him, this arrangement has many advantages, from ensuring Takaba's safety to favorable 'private session' in between his business meetings. To limit freedom and decrease any potential danger threat, Asami had even arranged Takaba to live in the two-storey penthouse which was located in the last two level of the private building. What Takaba had just learnt after his sudden, midnight, forced-move was the fact that the penthouse housed Asami too.

So Takaba's life goes on. Breakfast in the morning, often alone, followed by work from eleven in the morning to five in the late afternoon, with a 2-hours break at one o'clock. Usually reserved for Asami, otherwise spent resting. Lunch comes in anywhere between working hours, a habit Asami was determined to change in one of the days. After work, he is required to remain in a branch of Club Sion located on the 2nd level of the infamous building until Asami comes down from his office, also located in the same building, and sweeps him along for dinner in some posh restaurants. The day usually ends with a mind-blowing night in bed that leaves him sore, yet energized the next day. And the whole cycle repeats itself, though each night meets different excitements.

"Young master, Asami-sama left this for you in the morning," announced one of the assistant-and or-bodyguard Asami assigned for his safety and convenience. After 11 months of the new change, Takaba had given up dissuading the guards to call him by his surname.

Takaba took the golden envelope held out by the assistant, Rowe, and opened it with a puzzled though.

This little package will help
You get ready for tonight's activity.
It is best not to resist.

'Not to resist?' Takaba shuddered at the thought.
"Where's the package?" he asked Rowe.
"Well, it's a little to big to bring inside the building," explained Rowe, leading Takaba out into the car park area. There, he found a gigantic trailer tied with a red bow.
"This... is little?" exclaimed Takaba in bewilderment.
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