Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
MIkey at the paramour
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Mikeys POV
From the first time I set foot in that place I knew something was wrong. The place just felt cold and empty even though I knew my friends were there. I knew Gee was really excited about us staying there; it made me smile to see him so enthusiastic. I however was not I hadn’t been feeling particularly happy lately even though I had Alicia and Gerard was the best he’d ever been. But I didn’t complain, because that’s me, I’m Mikey I never complain. Now looking back I really should have told someone before we went into that place.
I hated the room I was staying in, there was this blue light bulb that gave the room an eerie glow. From the first night I had trouble sleeping the room was full of shadows and the house creaked and groaned. Everything started to go downhill from then on. Every night I started to have nightmares, I could never remember them but that scared me more than anything but I knew they must have been bad because gee said that he could hear me screaming in my sleep. I didn’t want to hurt my friends so I started not to sleep at all, I drunk even more coffe than usual. But the thing was Ihad a whole extra 12 hours when I would have been sleeping and trust me that much free time is not a good thing.
In those waking hours I started to think, I let my thoughts swirl around my head until they filled it completely and all my thoughts added up to one thing. Depression. I hadn’t been happy before but now my thoughts and feeling had been amplified by the house. Before when I was feeling down I could go and be with Alicia or Gee but in here everyone was too wrapped up in their own little worlds to be there for eachother. The house was effecting them in their own special ways, Gerard was having night terrors, Bob had started to see things in his bathroom, Frank was edgy which made him even more bouncy and unpredictable. The only one who seemed unaffected was Ray, but he has always kept his feelings on the inside.
I started to spiral deeper down. I didn’t sleep and I didn’t eat which made me weak and apathetic. I couldn’t be bothered to leave my room most days. My isolation just made my thoughts worse and my feelings amplified. Eventually the guys got bored of me staying in my room all day and forced me to practice with them. But even then It didn’t feel real, I was so weak my mind had started playing tricks on me. Shadows turned into horrible monsters and when I was so exhausted I couldn’t help but fall asleep my nightmares were terrible. I had preferred it when I couldn’t remember. I barely noticed the others when I was with them. I started to feel like there was nothing worth living for, I didn’t want to live anymore. When I look back I see that it wasn’t that I didn’t want to live it was that I didn’t want to live in that house.
It all came to point when one night I wasn’t sleeping and I had gone outside to the pool and I was looking down into its depths. Right then and there I probably would have done it, jumped in and drowned myself. But gee turned up, he had noticed me getting up in the night and followed me to the pool. He almost dragged me back into the house. He sat me down in the kitchen and made me tell him everything. It turns out that they had noticed that I had been acting strange and that I hadn’t eating. They were all so worried about me. So I told him everything, it felt so good just to tell somebody. He didn’t cry and he wasn’t angry he just hugged me and told me that it was all going to be okay. The next morning I left the house, I went to go stay with a friend who lived near by and I was going to get help. I can tell you now that the moment I stepped out of those gates its felt like the sun had just come up. Now I don’t know about ghosts but I know that that house does things to people and I will never ever go into that house again.
From the first time I set foot in that place I knew something was wrong. The place just felt cold and empty even though I knew my friends were there. I knew Gee was really excited about us staying there; it made me smile to see him so enthusiastic. I however was not I hadn’t been feeling particularly happy lately even though I had Alicia and Gerard was the best he’d ever been. But I didn’t complain, because that’s me, I’m Mikey I never complain. Now looking back I really should have told someone before we went into that place.
I hated the room I was staying in, there was this blue light bulb that gave the room an eerie glow. From the first night I had trouble sleeping the room was full of shadows and the house creaked and groaned. Everything started to go downhill from then on. Every night I started to have nightmares, I could never remember them but that scared me more than anything but I knew they must have been bad because gee said that he could hear me screaming in my sleep. I didn’t want to hurt my friends so I started not to sleep at all, I drunk even more coffe than usual. But the thing was Ihad a whole extra 12 hours when I would have been sleeping and trust me that much free time is not a good thing.
In those waking hours I started to think, I let my thoughts swirl around my head until they filled it completely and all my thoughts added up to one thing. Depression. I hadn’t been happy before but now my thoughts and feeling had been amplified by the house. Before when I was feeling down I could go and be with Alicia or Gee but in here everyone was too wrapped up in their own little worlds to be there for eachother. The house was effecting them in their own special ways, Gerard was having night terrors, Bob had started to see things in his bathroom, Frank was edgy which made him even more bouncy and unpredictable. The only one who seemed unaffected was Ray, but he has always kept his feelings on the inside.
I started to spiral deeper down. I didn’t sleep and I didn’t eat which made me weak and apathetic. I couldn’t be bothered to leave my room most days. My isolation just made my thoughts worse and my feelings amplified. Eventually the guys got bored of me staying in my room all day and forced me to practice with them. But even then It didn’t feel real, I was so weak my mind had started playing tricks on me. Shadows turned into horrible monsters and when I was so exhausted I couldn’t help but fall asleep my nightmares were terrible. I had preferred it when I couldn’t remember. I barely noticed the others when I was with them. I started to feel like there was nothing worth living for, I didn’t want to live anymore. When I look back I see that it wasn’t that I didn’t want to live it was that I didn’t want to live in that house.
It all came to point when one night I wasn’t sleeping and I had gone outside to the pool and I was looking down into its depths. Right then and there I probably would have done it, jumped in and drowned myself. But gee turned up, he had noticed me getting up in the night and followed me to the pool. He almost dragged me back into the house. He sat me down in the kitchen and made me tell him everything. It turns out that they had noticed that I had been acting strange and that I hadn’t eating. They were all so worried about me. So I told him everything, it felt so good just to tell somebody. He didn’t cry and he wasn’t angry he just hugged me and told me that it was all going to be okay. The next morning I left the house, I went to go stay with a friend who lived near by and I was going to get help. I can tell you now that the moment I stepped out of those gates its felt like the sun had just come up. Now I don’t know about ghosts but I know that that house does things to people and I will never ever go into that house again.
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