Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Never Let Go

The End

by GreenDaySavedMyLife 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-06 - Updated: 2011-06-06 - 1070 words

Now come one, come all to this tragic affair. Wipe of that makeup what’s in is despair, so through on the black dress mixed in with the lot, you might wake up and notice you’re someone you’re not…
I blinked my eyes open to a cold and lonely bed. The side Gerard usually sleeps on was vacant, and had been for a few days now. It was raining again, perfect for today’s events I guess.

I slowly climbed out of bed, my feet touching the soft carpet Gerard and I had installed just weeks before. Hell, we had bought this house just weeks before and he’ll never get to see it all furnished and perfect. Then again, he was never one for that kind of thing. Walking into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. Dark circles were around my eyes, my cheeks looked shallow and thin and my eyes were dull.

If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you can find out first hand what its like to be me…

Gerard’s side of the sink was untouched and perfect, just how he liked it. His toothbrush and toothpaste were in the right hand corner and his eyeliner was next to it. I couldn’t help but giggle at the memory of him putting it on every morning. He would apply it, decide it didn’t look good, take it off, apply it again, decide that didn’t look good, get frustrated, and have me do it.

Tears came to my eyes as I glanced at the note now taped to the mirror, my eyes scanning over his final last words to me. I lightly touched the paper, as if it held the answers to all of life’s mysteries. Swallowing, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth.

So gather round piggies and kiss this goodbye, I’d encourage your smiles, I’ll expect you won’t cry!

I hated wearing tuxedos. They’re so uncomfortable and itchy. It was for Gerard, though, so I am going to deal with it. I sat on the bed as I tied my shoe, my eyes wandering to the wedding photo on my side table. I reached over and picked it up, wishing I was getting dressed for that day, not this one.

Gerard was kissing me, his arms wrapped around my waist. Both our eyes were closed, too caught up in the perfect moment. We didn’t even know Mikey was taking the picture at the time until he showed us later. That day was perfect, laughter, smiles, and Gerard officially being mine.

“Till death do us part…” My voice caught as I repeated those words, setting the picture back on the table. My doorbell rang and I slowly walked downstairs, not wanting to even go to this.
I answered the door to see Mikey’s sympathetic face looking down at me. I closed the door behind me and unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I couldn’t help but break down in tears.

“I can’t believe he’s gone, Mikes… it’s not fair…why couldn’t it have been me?” He pulled away to look me in the eyes.

“Because you’re still needed here, Frankie, we still need you here.” Mikey cooed gently. I sniffed and nodded, following him to the black car in front of us. Ray was in the passenger’s seat and Mikey was driving, leaving me to the back seat.

As we drove to the cemetery, my tears matched those lightly hitting the car window from the rain. I didn’t make any noise, neither did Mikey or Ray, the only sound in the car was that of the static from the radio.

The cemetery was cold and damp, exactly how I expected it to be. We wove our way through the headstones, making our way to the funeral party. I stopped a little ways from the group of people, my heart getting stuck in my throat. Mikey noticed my absence by his side and walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I…I c-can’t Mikes…I can’t do this…” I dropped to my knees, not caring about the stupid fucking tux.

“You got to man, for you, for us…for Gerard.” I sobbed harder at the mention of his name and Mikey wrapped his arms around me. “Come on, Buddy…just get through today.” I nodded and stood up, following Mikey to the ceremony.

It was hard to imagine that Gerard’s body lay in that casket, ready to be lowered into the frozen Jersey ground. Then again, he always said he’d end up in a coffin, my little vampire. I glanced around at the people here to say their final goodbyes. Gerard’s parents, Bob, Mikey, Ray, our tour manager… shit! The fans, I haven’t even thought about them! Mikey must have sensed my thoughts because he whispered in my ear.

“Don’t worry…Gerard took care of it before he…left.” Mikey hesitates on the last word and I nod, another tear falling down my cheek. The Reverend leading the service nods to me.

“Would you like to say some words?” I swallow and nod, walking up to the mic.

“Gerard…” My voice is shakey and quiet with tears but Mikey’s reassuring gaze helps me continue. “You were my best friend and my lover, the man I was in love with, and the person I could tell everything too. You were there for me when no one else was, and I didn’t believe I had someone as amazing as you. We wrote together, sung together, and kept each other warm…You were my shelter when the rest of life was a storm. I’m g-going to miss you so much…I love you more than you could ever imagine.” I let out a shakey breath, “Rest in peace, where ever you are. My little vampire…” I walked back to my place as they lowered his casket in the ground. Mikey hugged me tightly as the ivory casket vanished into the earth.

“I’ll never let go, Gee, ever…”

End Notes: So there's two options here:
1) End it here and be done with it...OR
2) Make it longer...and more...Supernatural?
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