Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never for Best, Never for Worst

Never for Best, Never for Worst

by atomiclithium 1 review

Gerard decided to visit Frank's house but instead runs into someone unexpected...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-11 - Updated: 2011-06-13 - 608 words - Complete

"Yo, look at this kid!" I heard a voice echo behind me. I clenched my teeth and reluctantly turned around. It was Joss Winter and his crew. I spun back around and started walking faster while shoving my right hand into my slipknot hoodie. I fished out my dying phone and glanced at the time before putting it back in my pocket. It was three in the morning.

It was a bad idea to go to Frank's house anyway. He made it perfectly clear that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

Joss and his gang were getting inevitably closer, and my house was still seven blocks away. I wasn't going to make it.

"I know you saw us!" Dominic Wheaten shouted in the best menacing tone he could manage. He used to be a nerd, until he got beat up everyday by the vacant Senior Parking lot. Something snapped inside of him, other than a few broken ribs, and he converted to one of Joss's goons.

"Gerard! Don't worry, we wont hurt you." Scattered laughs dispersed among the small group. I guessed that the voice came from Zachary Moore. He was the muscles of the group and frankly, the one I was most scared of. Zach was an extreme homophobe, which was probably why he was with Joss in the first place.

I quickly glanced back at the group and saw that there were four dark shadows, one of which was shorter than the rest. He had his hood over his head, and he was looking down at the ground.

I was still only 5 blocks away from my house. They were less than a block away. I made the quick and horrible choice of stopping and facing the people who were going to beat me tonight.

Following through to my decision, I stopped walking and turned around. Joss was already a few steps away. My breath caught in my throat when Joss smiled satanically.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"
"Seems to be gay bait." Dominic convincingly spat at me. I looked at him pitifully.
"You used to be a nice kid."
"Lets just say that I faced reality." More laughs.

I glanced over at the short one to the left of the group, taking notice that he hadn't said a word, nevertheless looked up.

"How about this," Joss said, taking my attention away from the other kid, "we won't fuck you up tonight if you come with us and fuck that other gay kid up. How about that?"

I flinched at the severity of his wording. Joss couldn't have been talking about Frank. No one knew that he was gay. Hell, he couldn't even admit it to himself.

"Fuck you." I squeezed out, bracing myself for whatever was going to happen next. Zach chuckled.
"Wrong choice, kid."

Zach hockey punched me, forcing my body to hunch over my stomach. Seizing the opportunity, he kneed me to the face. The force made me topple backwards, tripping over the crack between sidewalks. I attempted to catch myself, but I only sprained my wrist. I was laying on the sidewalk, half conscious, with Joss's face overlooking mine.

"Call me when you're straight. Maybe we can work things out." Laughs came from the three of them as they walked away. The outcast kid started to follow them as I got a glimpse of his shoes. I had just enough time to think this over before I went unconscious.

They were black, All Star Converse. The guy was short. He had all black on, with a disturbingly familiar hairstyle sticking out of his hood.

It was Frank Iero.

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