Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Necromancer

PE and a lil bit of Bikey

by dying_halo9 0 reviews

title says it all folks

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-12 - Updated: 2011-06-12 - 667 words

Get's kinda interesting in the Bikey parts, I'm Aya in the story, Natalie and Amelia r my friends in school and my coughrapecough buddies... My last two chapters sucked I know..

Frank's POV
We all had the same timetable (this is how my school works) so the teacher made us show them around, not that I'm complaining. We all had PE after form time which kinda sucked and the girls here were really slutty. Except for Aya, Amelia and Natalie, they were cool and hung out with us. The class was mixed and we had trampolining, nice. Us guys went into the changing room while Gee and Mikey grabbed their kits... hmm I'm starting to like the nickname I gave him, it was cute.

Gerard's POV
I grabbed my PE kit along with Mikey and walked over to were Frank and the others were, when he pulled of his shirt my mouth popped open. He had beautiful olive skin which had a healthy glow around it, his body had kickass tattoos that I want to trace with my fingers. I snapped my jaws back shut and hastily changed into my kit.

Mikey's POV
Our PE kit was tight white polo shirt and navy shorts, they clung on to my slightly built frame. When I looked over at Bob my eyes must've popped out. His shirt defined his muscles which is so not helping the little problem down there and he looked over at me and I looked away. Then we all walked up to an area known as the 'trampolining room' and waited for the teacher to arrive. Then three girls came over and one of them hugged Bob which made my heart crush a little. "Guys I want you to meet Aya, Natalie and Amelia." Frank said. Aya had dark skin, big dark brown eyes that looked black and a pretty face. Her black hair was in a fringe like the girl Hinata from Naruto and she pinned her hair in a high ponytail. Natalie had brown and strawberry blonde hair in two pigtails, defined eyebrows and a Mediterranean look, Amelia looked like Aya except she was taller, her hair was in a low ponytail. Though Amelia's eyes were narrower like a Japanese would, maybe they were Asian. "Are those two?" Gerard asked, he knew I had a crush on Bob... damn his ability to know everything about me. "Naah, Bobbert and I are gay. Ray is straight and he's dating Amelia." Frank explained. "Guys this is Gerard and Mikey, bros and they're new." Ray said, wrapping his arms around Amelia. "Hi, I'm Aya. These are my best friends Natalie and Amelia" she said with a big grin on her face.

Aya's POV
He he he looks like the new kid with the pokerface has a crush on Bob and the vampire has a crush on Frank, I better get busy. "Aya I know that face, what's with that face?" Natalie asked. I whispered what I discovered in her ear while she grinned, then I made my way behind Bob. Natalie behind Mikey. Then we gave both of them a shove and Bob landed on top of Mikey. Natalie and I gave a high-five. Then I walked over and gave Bob's head a little push with my foot and his lips brushed Mikey's lips. The they both blushed a brilliant red, it was amusing since Bob only blushes when he's really embarrassed and that takes quite a lot.

Bob's POV
I blushed and saw Mikey blush as well, I scrambled off him and offered him a hand up. When he was up I turned to Aya and Natalie who were smiling innocently behind me. "You guys are dead," I growled through gritted teeth.

Natalie's POV
"Look out Natalie! Bryar the Bear is coming to get us! RAWR!!!!" Aya shouted in mock fear. I laughed at her, it was so much fun messing with Bryar.

Ok so there you have it, it kinda sucks in my opinion.
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