Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never for Best, Never for Worst

Cafeteria Wasn't the Best Place to Be

by atomiclithium 0 reviews

Frank is missing, and Joss is the prime suspect.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-12 - Updated: 2011-06-13 - 349 words - Complete

"Gerard," Ray said when I entered the cafeteria, "what's wrong?"
"Uh... nothing." I lied and anxiously sat down at the table.
Mikey put down his french fry and suspiciously eyed me.
"Where's Frank?" I asked everyone.
"He didn't show up today." Mikey murmured.

I looked around at everyone.
"What?" I said breathlessly, more to myself than to anyone else.
"No one has seen him today." Bob said slowly.
"Where's Jesse?" Ray asked.
Without reply, I got up and fiercely stormed to Joss's table.

"What did you do?" I pounded at the front of the table with my fist.
Joss stopped talking to Zach and glanced at me. He removed his arm from around his girlfriend, Luna, and faced me.
"What are you talking about?" He smiled. Joss definitely knew something about Franks absence.
"Frank is missing." I said with barred teeth. I pulled out my phone and dialed Frank's number.

Joss bit his lower lip and reached for something in his pocket. Whatever it was, it rang when I put my phone to my ear.
"What!?" I yelled, disbelievingly. Heads turned toward us.
I slammed my phone on the table and grabbed what Joss was reaching for.
It was Frank's phone. The interface said; 'Gerard Calling'.

"Motherfucker!" I yelled, turning even more heads. I grabbed my phone off the table and shoved both phones in my pocket. I turned around to start looking for Frank when I stopped and faced Joss.

I put my face close to his and clenched my fist.
"This is for what I know you did to Frank."
I cocked my fist back and went for the punch.

My fist landed on Joss's nose, sending an audible crunch echoing through the cafeteria. The blow forced Joss to fall off the connected seat of the lunch table. I walked away before I could seize Joss's reaction, while rubbing my now bleeding knuckles.
I heard a jolted shriek come from Joss, and a whimper from Luna. I walked out of the cafeteria like nothing happened, and not a word said to the gaping mouths of my friends.

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