Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe You Don't Deserve This

He was our friend

by AxBxE 0 reviews

This is supper short but I'm kinda busy >.< At least it's something...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-06-14 - Updated: 2011-06-15 - 422 words

The taxi dropped us off and we all walked in the building. "I need to make a quick call." I told them, "Need to make sure someone knows where I'm at. Just in case you guys are phsycos who like to kidnap people and torture them." They laughed. That was odd. Since I first met Mikey this was the first time he changed his facial expression. I walked outside and forced my phone out of my pocket, "Hello? Dr.D I'm with the job right now. I-I. Yeah I know. I thought this would be a chance to gather more information. Dr.D, I don't have time for you to lecture me. I know what I did and I know this will help. Thanks. Yeah I'll get back when i'm done. Yeah. Yes I know. Okay, I got to go." I turned and saw Gerard standing there. "Since when have you been out here?" I questioned. "I followed you outside. You can't be out by yourself dressed like that. Especially since you're on this side of the city." He grabbed my arm and forced me inside. "So who was that?" I sighed, "Calm down, will ya? You ain't my babysitter." He sighed madly and left to a room. "What's his problem?" I told myself. "It's hard to talk about." Okay, I wasn't expecting anyone to answer that. It wasn't meant to be answered anyways. "Y'know, we had a friend. He was also our drummer. Most of all, he was our friend." I could hear the sadness in his voice. "One day he never made it over here. That day, he went missing." I stared at him. This guy must've ment something to these guys. "What was his name?" I asked. He hesitated for a second, "B-bob. It wasn't his real name but he loved being called that name. It fitted him well. Bob." He smiled with tears in his eyes, "He's been gone for a couple of weeks. I've missed him since the day he didn't show up. I miss his hate for being filmed. Most of all, I miss him." I didn't know how to confort anyone. I actually felt bad for him. "And Gerard took it the badest. Didn't come out of his room for about two weeks. He takes things very serious. Like our grandmother's-" He stopped for a minute. "Her death." I patted him in the back. "We gotta go back inside." He said with sniffles.I followed him as he walked inside, almost bumping onto the door.
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