Categories > Original > Drama > Diary Of A Young Girl

I'm not larger than life

by jadesohma 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-22 - Updated: 2011-06-22 - 543 words


I know I know I haven't writen in a while. AND A SHOUT OUT TO ASHLYN! She's amazing and she gets a shout out! WHOOP!

Haha, so, anyways, can I tell you something that really brought down my self esteem? Now... I'd get in huge trouble if any of this got out but the girl doesn't even know I'm on the web so I don't care.

I don't care any way, but still. So, my friend A YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME!!! Mind you, has already had sex. Yup. Let that sink in. Oh and I'm not that old either. Fresh out of middle school.

Now think of that, and know that I haven't had my first kiss yet.

I don't know what it is, but I'm so awkward with guys, maybe thats it? Hell I don't know. But look at me bothering you guys with my romance problems.

Happy pappy Daddy time. Yay.

It's been a week since I've done anything. He wont take me anywhere So I sit on my bed all day. Not a joke. Just sitting here. ALL day. Sigh.

Even doesn't work!

And since I can't drive, I don't get to do anything. I should have asked my sister to take me to work with her because this house is closing in on me. Texting the world doesn't help. Just because he can sit on his ass all day doesn't mean I can.

And every time I try to talk to him, he yells at me for no reason. I hate it. He thinks hes always right and that he never does anything wrong. No I'm not talking about a little boy. I'm talking about a 52 year old man who doesn't know when to shut up.

I miss my friends. I miss seeing the outside world!

OOOO! Yesterday! I wanted to hanf out with Annie and the girls she baby sits because they wanted to meet me because Annie has spoken foundly of me.

See, they're house is right down the street but I still wanted to be driven. I had to be picked up at 3:30 so the girls mom didn't think Annie was having friends over. I told him that AND HE YELLED AT ME. He said that-


He just came in here and I told what I wrote above and he actually promised to take me some where! Gasp! And before he has promised to take me places and hasn't. I asked him if he was acutally going to take me. Then he yelled.

"When have I done that?!" And he got all mad for no reason!

And I was little so how was I suppose to remeber? I just remeber the sense of disapointment.

So we started fighting, he took my iPod. Now there are manythings you can take but the iPod is not one of them. I fought for my iPod and told him to get out. He got out after I pushed him out and he gave me a nice black and blue on my arm.

My iPod is now blasting while I am typing to you kind people.

But I don't know where to go. Any ideas? Please share? Comment. Please. I live for them. Thanks so much. ~JS~
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