Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Black Parade: The Musical

Act 1 Scene 5

by dancer126 6 reviews

Short but lots of blood

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-22 - Updated: 2011-06-22 - 807 words

Act 1 Scene 5

[The lights go up and Ray, Frank, and Bob are standing at the edge of the float’s lower level comforting Gean]

It is ok Gean, he really didn’t intend to scare you.

The man is freaken fucked up, I am glad he is fuckin dead, I wouldn’t want to see him go crazy in the real world.

We all know Gerard seams fucked up but he is a really nice guy we swear, he just hasn’t had the best luck during his years of living.


Yea, that he is

But he is not as nutty as Frank

Guilty as charged

oh gosh now Frank’s gonna scare the poor girl

Hey I was born on Halloween. The doctors and the nurses got fuckin scared when I popped out. I was born to scare the shit outta people

You guys are sick, seriously

No were are just dead guys trying to make the best of our fucked up after-life

Frank you are probably the most fucked up person ever. The nurses even said you were a freaken awful fuck


They said that because they only got it once in the ER

Umm I think you all belong in a mental institution. Your all fucked up!

No Gean we are not fucked up we just watched allot horror movies when we were kids...

That is really fucked up

We lived in New Jersey so everything is really fucked up there

Good point

I was actually the first one to die

Here we go again

[the lights go down and Frank goes to the front of the stage and there is a spotlight on him.]

So when I was living I was the your neighborhood Jackass. You know the adrenaline junkie. Always doing stupid shit that could get me killed. I was still able to cheat death once got in the hospital. They all knew me at the hospital. They all knew I would come in covered in blood all the time. Hey I am the kind of human wreckage that they loved

[Frank begins to take off his Black Parade uniform and under it is a white button down shirt with blood stains and a red tie. He also has suspenders and black slacks and white shoes. Then the song Blood begins to play. Frank grabs a Fedora and a show cane someone tosses at him. He puts on The Fedora and leans on the cane. Then the lights go up and reveal female dancers in silky white lingerie and nurses hats and blood stains all over them.]

Well they encourage your complete cooperation

[Him and they dancers start to dance. He has a twisted smile on his face.]

Send you roses when they they think you need to smile. I can’t control myself because I don’t know how and they love me for it honestly, I’ll be here for a while so give them

Frank and The Bloody Nurses
blood, blood

[The Nurses begin slapping blood on Frank as he dances around them]

Gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough. So give them

Frank and The Bloody Nurses
Blood, Blood, bloooooood

Grab your glass because there’s going to be a flood. A celebrated man amongst the gurneys.

[The Bloody Nurses pull out a gurney and pull Frank on to it. And they all lean on the sides of it nod their heads at Frank]

They can fix me proper with a bit of luck. The doctors and the nurses they adore me so but it’s really quite alarming cause I’m

Frank and The Bloody Nurses
Such an awful FUUUUUUCKKKKK!!

Why Thank you!

[The Nurses scream awful fuck in Franks face. Then Frank tips his hat off to them then jumps of the gurney when he says thank you. Then him and the Nurses continue to dance again]

I gave you

Frank and The Bloody Nurses

Gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough. I gave you

Frank and The Bloody Nurses
Blood, Blood, bloooooood

[The Nurses pull him back on the gurney]

I’m the

Frank and The Bloody Nurses
Kind of human wreckage that you love!

[The music ends and Frank gives a crooked smile and the lights go out ending a very bloody Scene 5...]

Sorry this short I 've been going through a writers block for the next 2 scenes, but I will get to it, Ray might be the next one to sing lol. Someone spark me with ideas and creativity!
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