Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > HELP! Please :D


by Abbyl 1 review

Here's the story :/

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2011-06-23 - Updated: 2011-06-23 - 3327 words


They don't tell you when you're growing up, what it's like being on your own. That's what I am, an outcast in a city of strangers. The grey skyscrapers overshadow me as I run in some sort of hope of recognition from anyone. After all there has to be someone who knows me out there, or am I truly all alone?

This once alive and colourful city is now a mind-numbing grey, covered in skyscrapers which shadow the entire place. I can feel their eyes on me, The Watchmen, looking at your every move, making sure you don't step out of line. You have to live by their rules, their methods, even their thoughts. It's dangerous for me to even think this.

There is no sound of the cars as they pass me, the whole city put under silence. The Watchmen surgically attached a device to everyone's ears blocking out any noise, music, city sounds, even talking which slowly turned into total life control.

A street light flickered above me; this was the first sign of light I had seen in years as a result of the endless amount of power cuts. That was another of the Watchmen's rules. No light, because it would prove a disadvantage to their camera systems and interfere with their plans.
I walk through the streets for what seems like hours on end. A window nearby catches my eye. In the dimly lit room, there are rows of desks with children sat at them looking in complete focus at the board at the front of the room. Another sign of control by an outside source, normal children would be bored, distracted, definitely not focussed on the work going on. I turned my attention to the board, it read:

THE REBELS: How to stop them.

They're educating them into how to stop us, how nice. I wish I could save them, but I need to keep low otherwise I'll be killed. This is wrong, brainwashing children, not yet grown adults practically turning them into robots. I continued to walk down the alleyways, thinking about the new life.

Some people accepted the changes to the city, most did it just to stay out of harm. After all they were told that it would be a life of perfection. With no feelings nothing could go wrong, but that's what made people human, their feelings, their emotions. Few people were supportive of their schemes, till the leader of the town became affected. That was their first step, getting the people in authority to achieve 'perfection' then the rest would follow, like sheep to a shepherd. I'm one of the rebels, living my life on the run from them seeking revenge for what they did and are still doing.

I run through the endless amount of streets, not wanting to find out what the night will bring. The shadows dance around me, constantly taunting my actions, hoping to scare me into submission. I can hear a voice calling for help from a building nearby. I walk over to the building cautiously, it could be one of the Watchmen's tricks, trying to get me on their side. As if I would join them. The scene in front of me is horrifying, window glass broken and parts of wood debris scattered across the floor. Something clicked inside my head; I know where I am now.


The restaurant is as busy as ever. It's the height of summer, the service at its peak time. The waiters and waitresses frantically dash across the room, trying to get to everyone in time. I sit at one of the tables as a little girl, staring absent-mindedly at the colours on the wall. How pretty they are, how they make the place come to life. The redness of the walls, the red and white check tablecloths on every table. I look around in wonder and excitement.

End of flashback

My eyes switch back to the scene in front of me, how grey the walls are now, compared to the splash of colour before. What was once a happy and exciting place, is now a place where you don't want to be.
I continue to walk towards the voice, still calling for rescue. I feel around for my gun in my pocket, and started to hold it tightly, anything that decided to attack me would be dead in seconds.
A figure started to emerge from the darkness; I'm ready, gun in hand.

"Hello, Is there anyone there?" I stand, shocked that the figure can speak.

"Can anyone help me, I know someone's there"

"Who are you?" I call back. "Friend or Foe?" The voice took a while to respond.

"Friend, at least I am if you're also trying to escape this place". I continue to stand, amazed at how not only can this person talk, but they can also hear me.

I hear a noise from the front of the building, the remains of the door creaking open. I crouch down, hiding the figure in the shadows behind me. I listen to the strange whirring noise that has just entered the room. It's got to be one of the Watchmen guards who are out looking for any rebels to change them. It started to turn, looking me directly in the eye. It started to look me up and down, as if it was scanning me.

"TARGET SCANNED" So it was scanning me. "REBEL CONFIRMED, COME WITH YOUR ARMS RAISED HIGH" As if I would take orders from a robot.

"And what makes you think I'm going to do that?" The machine pulls out its own weapon, a gun similar to my own. It fires a shot, missing me and hitting the back wall.

"I'm over here, you know" I wave at the robot, just to signal my whereabouts. It fired even more shots at me, still missing me. Now would be a good time for a gunfight. I proceed to shoot back at the robot, knowing already that I have a better aim.

"You'll never catch me, I'm like a bullet through a flock of doves" I say, jumping through the broken window to the side of me as the robot breaks into smoke and flame. I feel a presence behind me, it's the figure from earlier, I can see her clearly now.

She has deep red hair swaying in the wind, face hidden behind a green masquerade style mask. Her outfit of choice is a red tank top, faded denim jacket, grey skinny jeans and a pair of black combat boots to finish the look off. She stands anxiously in the street, looking at me expectantly.

"Who are you?" I ask, in some hope of finding out some more information on her.

"My alias is Chemical Rainbow, after the explosion that The Watchmen set off at my hometown. I've got some relatives although I don't know where they are, and I've been on the run for around a week now. What about you, what's your story?" I wasn't expecting her to ask back, I have to think of a reply and quickly.

"Well, I haven't got an alias yet, but I'm Abby. I left home because The Watchmen turned my friends and family against me. I've got a younger brother, he's being taught in the schools about the rules and how to stop people like me, so he's a lost cause. I've been running for around a week too, it's surprising we didn't meet each other before." She laughs, at least one person's happy for a moment at least. It turns from laughter into silence, the deafening silence, the one I am so familiar with. I have to break it.

"Well, would you like to come along with me? I'm planning to go against The Watchmen once I've got some more people for the same side and fight back." She looks surprised at me. Before she can reply, two pairs of hands are clasped firmly over our mouths. This is it, we're done for. They've found us.

Suddenly we are spun around and see two unfamiliar faces looking us over. One is a boy with black hair reaching his chin; he has pale skin, his pale red lips following along. His eyes are a bright blue, intimidating and ones that could stare into your soul. The other is a girl with choppy, jet black hair reaching her shoulders. Similar to the boy, her skin is as pale as a ghost. Her eyes are darker than the boy's; a glimmer of green in them, mostly hidden by the thick mascara surrounding her eyes. He is wearing a red jacket with scratch marks scattered around, dark purple jeans with what I think is blood stains across them and combats. Her current outfit is a faded band t-shirt, grey, tattered skinny jeans which have several tears in the fabric and Doc Martins to finish the look off. They set us free, releasing their grip on us, allowing us to speak.

"Wh-who are you?" I decide to ask, Chemical looks unsure of the situation at hand. They don't look like robots but I have to be sure. I can hear the nervousness in my voice. The boy responds first.

"I'm Detonator DangerHeart, although most people call me Danger for short" He smiles and continues. "This is my sister..." she cuts him off.

"...Neon Nightmare. Nice to meet you." She gives a smile matching her brothers. "We couldn't help but overhear your conversation about revolting against The Watchmen. Just to let you know, we're on your side and want to help." She displays a determined look, showing her fearlessness. "I'm good at break-ins. Weapons, money, supplies, you name it, and I'll get it. I'm also a talented liar which could come in handy in sticky situations and bozo over here..."

"Hey! I'm older than you. Anyway, I can hack into computers in a flash, and I'm pretty good in a fight, if I do say so myself". He takes his gun from his pocket, displaying it proudly. It has lightning bolts along the sides 'Liberation Missile' written alongside it in italic. At that moment, Neon takes out her gun which is a black ray gun with a blue stripe running from tip to the handle.

"Looks like you're both fully equipped, with you two and Chemical that brings the total to four of us. We're going to need a few more people if we're hoping to get anywhere" Chemical speaks up.

"I, erm, haven't been totally honest with you" I look at her intensely. "Go on," I say.

"Well, I'm actually in charge of an army of rebels" Neon cuts in.

"This is brand new information, why didn't you say before?" Neon now has the impatient look on her face.

"First of all, I didn't know whether or not I could trust you, but you all seem safe. Also even though I've got the army, I don't actually know where any of them are, that's of course if they're still alive or not" She broke down into a sea of tears. I run up to her, going to comfort her as she's clearly distressed. I give her a tight, reassuring hug to let her know I'm there for her.

"Where were you last with them?" I ask, once she's calm again. I give her my bandana to dry her eyes.

"The last time I saw them was at Watchmen's Tower." Everyone looks around in shock, as that's where we're going.

"Calm down, we're still going, no arguments," I say. "After all, maybe we could find some of Chemical's soldiers on the way there." We start to head towards the tower, wandering through the streets which all look the same when Chemical suddenly stops. Someone runs up to her, nearly knocking her over. Chemical screams at first, then once she realizes who the arms around her belong to, she laughs. Both Chemical and the other girl get to their feet followed by another 40 people at least.

Chemical speaks up:
"I know this seems really strange, but here's some of my army." She points to the girl stood next to her. "This is Louise, my right-hand woman. She's the second in command, Louise, this is Abby" She points at me, so I wave. "Danger" Danger gives a small smile. "and Neon" Neon being the most hyper, waves frantically. There is a chorus of 'Hi's' and everyone starts to laugh. I can't remember the last time I heard so many people laughing, it's a good feeling. Chemical carries on with her speech.

"Abby's plan is to infiltrate the towers; we're going to revolt against them. We're getting things back to the way they were before, but we need more help, so would you all be willing to help and risk your lives to get back at The Watchmen?" I nod in agreement.

Danger and Neon both speak "We're in"

Then the army speaks. "We'll do it"

"Thank you all so much for this, I am honoured to be fighting alongside all of you. You are all incredible, brave and fearless people who deserve to live, the right way!" I say, amazed at how many people are willing to risk their lives just to help society.
There are around 50 people now; maybe we stand a chance against them. We set ourselves up into V formation and head for the towers, armed with our guns and weaponry we can win this. Louise and Chemical are stood on one side of me, while Danger and Neon are stood on the other. No-one is afraid of dying, if one dies the rest carry on in their honour, not letting their death be in vain.
We make it to the tower gates. The tower stands, tall and intimidating made from deep blue rock, which adds to the eeriness of the building. The gate is wooden, covered in locks, scanners, and other security measures, and there I am thinking we could walk right in. Guards surrounded the tower, armed with guns which glisten in the moonlight shining through the dome above the city. One of the guards turn, locking their eyes with mine.

"Let's party!" I say, giving Louise, Chemical, Danger and Neon a sly smile, stating I am ready for battle.

"1.....2....3....CHARGE!" Louise yells. The rush of people spring forward, guns in hand, ready to kill. There is no rational answer to this; the only thing that's going to make a difference is to fight. A guard advances on me with his gun, I jump over him, making him run into a tree, you would have thought he would have noticed that. I can see Danger struggling against 3 guards. That's a bit unfair, I'll go and help. I wander over, aiming my gun at several guards on the way there and shooting some.
I stand back to back with Danger, shooting everything in sight. I aim at one of the guards heading towards Danger, managing to hit him in the chest. Danger gives me a high five, and we both rejoin with the group. Neon looks suggestively at me and Danger; I shake my head. Neon just rolls her eyes and shrugs. We all rejoin everyone still alive. We are down to 35 people now, still a decent amount; we've got to carry on for the ones that died.

We stay in the V formation, entering the tower; our destination, the head of the tower, where the master Watchman lives, the one controlling the entire operation. The stairs run in a spiral pattern, each one higher than the next until they come to a stop. This is it, the one moment we've been fighting for, the finale. A cloaked figure stands at the window of the tower.
"I've been expecting you" Well that was original. It turns, revealing its true identity - a super powered robot, his red, fiery eyes hidden behind his metal frame. The robot starts to power up the laser in his arm, deciding on which target to pick first. Neon doesn't notice, charging towards the monster. He picks her up, spinning her around the room before throwing her out of the window. Danger looks on in horror, before looking to me and charging against the beast next. He also meets the same fate, finding the floor fast. Chemical and Louise are next to run, there's more of them although they prove no match to the metal monstrosity, leaving me against the metal.

"Looks like it's you and me now" He laughs darkly, this is my chance. I shoot at him, wounding him temporarily. I shoot at him again and again, hitting him at his weak point. He continues to fight on, injury proving no problem for him. He starts to charge his laser again, firing it around the room; it catches me on the shoulder setting fire to my jacket. I throw my jacket on the ground jumping on it to put the flame out. I bring my gun out, the monster looking out of the window at his victims. I aim at his head, my target locking on to him. I relax my mind and focus on hitting him. I freeze my thoughts and fired, closing my eyes and hoping for the best, after all hope is all I've got now. I hear a loud thud, and open my eyes to reveal that the monster is dead (HOORAY!) I race down the stairs to see how my friends are. They are all lying on the ground weak and injured. I hear a cough and splutter coming from Louise.

"Abby...Abby...did you kill it?" She asks, barely able to breathe.

"Yeah, I did" I reply pointing to the remains of the robot scattered across the field surrounding the tower "But I couldn't have done it without you. Are you strong enough to get up, or do you need a hand?"

"I'm fine, just a bit weak is all." She starts to get up, legs first followed by body followed by head, she is surprisingly strong.

"Shall we see if the others are still alive?" I suggest, wanting to know if they are all okay.

We walk to Chemical first, Louise shaking her to try and wake her up. She slowly starts to open her eyes.

"Abby, Louise you're still alive" She says happily to us.

"So are you!" I go over and give her a hug, helping her to her feet. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, my leg really hurts though"

"I'm not surprised after that, at least you're okay now" I say, smiling to her, glad that she's still alive. We all walk to Danger, Chemical clinging to Louise's and my shoulders. I shake Danger, but he doesn't respond.

"Come on Danger, wake up!" I yell at him, he can't be dead. I carry on shaking him, vigorously but he still doesn't answer. I can feel the tears slipping down my cheeks, he can't be dead, he's one of the strongest people I know. I shake him once more, slowly giving up the hope that he's alive before he bursts up suddenly.

"Got you!" He says, smirking. I just start walking over to Neon, hoping he'll follow behind. We all walk over, shaking her when we get there. She blinks briefly, before slowly opening her eyes looking towards the sky.

"Danger, Chemical, Abby, you're all alive!" she says, smiling happily.

"You survived it too, you're okay aren't you?"

"I'm fine, my arm hurts a lot though" Her arm is twisted sideways, with her other arm clutching it tightly. With Chemical clutching on Louise's and my shoulders and Neon leaning on Danger's back, we head back to the city where the colour is slowly returning once again. Trees are turning green, the buildings are becoming all multicoloured, the cars colour as they race noisily down the road, and the wind is rustling the leaves. Everything is perfect; it's just like utopia.

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